Abbasi, Ebrahim
The Role of the Auditor's Ethical Decision to Disclose Financial and Non-Financial Secrets [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2020, Pages 149-172]
Abbaszadeh, Mohammad Reza
The Implications of Correlation between Measurement Error in the Discretionary Accruals Proxy and Partitioning Variable in Earnings Management Detection Test [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2018, Pages 159-188]
Abbaszadeh, Mohammad Reza
Political Connections, Related Party Transactions and Earnings Management In Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 129-155]
Abbaszadeh, Mohammad Reza
The tone in the auditor's report and the audit fee with emphasis on the moderating role of the requirements of Auditing Standard No. 700 [Volume 19, Issue 76, 2023, Pages 131-161]
Abdi, Hadis
Comparing the Expectations of Financial Reporting Preparers and Users of Integrated Financial Reporting [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2023, Pages 191-220]
Abdi, Mostafa
Audit Committee Characteristics and the Free Cash Flow: Testing the Agency and the Transactions Cost Theories [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2021, Pages 121-143]
Abdi, Rasoul
Evaluation of Effective Criteria for the Desirability of Financial Stability Integration Based on the Comparison of Metaheuristic Algorithms: A Case Study of Banks Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 179-225]
Abdipoor, Farazandeh
The Relationship between Audit Rotation and Conservative Earnings Reporting in Companies Listed in TSE [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 157-173]
Abdoli, Mohammadreza
The Effect of Tournament Incentives on Financial Restatements: Stimulus-Response Theory Test [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2019, Pages 125-156]
Abdoli, Mohammadreza
Financial Reporting L language Bad on Aggressive Financial Reporting Investor Protection [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2020, Pages 109-138]
Abdoli, Mohammadreza
Recognize the Approaches of Critical Thinking of Auditors and Its Representation in the form of Link Analysis(IQA) [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2021, Pages 185-210]
Abdoli, Mohammadreza
Evaluation Matrix of Perspective on the Driving Forces of Legacy Accounting [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 165-213]
Abdoli, Mohammadreza
The Accounting Development Procedures Framework for Implementing Financial Startups in Capital Market Companies [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2024, Pages 213-266]
Abdollahi, Ali
Feasibility of using Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) in Iranian National Tax Admission Organization [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2018, Pages 107-133]
Abdzadeh Kanafi, Mohammad
Analysis of Earnings Quality in the Board Relations Network [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2022, Pages 151-175]
Abednazari, Mona
Relationship between Investment Opportunities and Earnings in according to Companies Life Cycle [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2013, Pages 147-166]
Aboohamzeh, Mina
The Effect of the Quality of Corporate Disclosure on Stock Liquidity by Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) listed Companies [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 73-102]
Abouhamzeh, Mina
Feasibility of using Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) in Iranian National Tax Admission Organization [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2018, Pages 107-133]
Adibi, Azadeh
Investigation of Important Factors on Risk of Financial
Bankruptcy [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 35-54]
Adlzadeh, Morteza
Investigation the association between conservatism
and investment efficiency with respect to firm’s
financing status and ultimate ownership in
Tehran Stock Exchange Market [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2015, Pages 97-116]
Adlzadeh, Morteza
Information Uncertainty, Information Asymmetry and Growth Options [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2013, Pages 125-145]
Adlzadeh, Morteza
Policymaking in Corporate Reporting in Iran: A Scenario Analysis and Robust Planning Approach [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2024, Pages 77-120]
Aflatooni, Abas
COVID-19 and Earnings Management through Classification Shifting [(Articles in Press)]
Aflatooni, Abbas
The Role of Earnings Quality in Adopting a Persistent Dividend Policy: The System Generalized Method of Moments [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2020, Pages 153-175]
Aflatooni, Abbas
The Firm’s Business Strategy, Cash Holdings and its Speed of Adjustment [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2022, Pages 57-84]
Aflatooni, Abbas
COVID-19, Accruals Quality and Cost of Debt [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 131-164]
Aflatooni, Abbas i
The Effect of Earnings Management on the Performance
of Accounting Earnings-Based on Valuation Models [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2016, Pages 185-203]
Afsay, Akram
The Effect of Financial Expertise and Experience of the Audit Committee Chair on Auditor Selection, Audit Fees, and Audit Quality [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 273-306]
Afshar Jahanshahi, Mojtaba
Necessity of Establishing a Client Audit Committee [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2006, Pages 65-86]
Aghaee, M. A.
The Study of Relationship between Changes in the Leading Indicators and the Accounting Profit of the Firms accepted at the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2004, Pages 25-46]
Aghaei, Leila
Dividend Policy and Fraudulent Financial Reporting [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2015, Pages 97-114]
Aghaei, M. A.
The Impact of Earnings Management, Profitability Ratios and Firm Size on Capital Structure [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2009, Pages 87-103]
Aghaei, Mohamad ali
Prioritizing the Accounting Information Qualitative Characteristics based on producers, Auditors and Users of Financial Reports: Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 1-27]
Aghaei, Mohammad Ali
Information Content of a Comprehensive Income Statement items Investigation of Companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 23-47]
Aghaei, Mohammad Ali
The Impact of CEO’s Overconfidence on the Relationship between Cash Holdings and Excess [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2022, Pages 57-77]
Aghaei , Mohammad Ali
The Role of Managerial Ability in Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2018, Pages 24-47]
Aghazarian, Narbeh
Empirical Examination of the Explanatory Power of Stock Returns by Fama and French Model ill Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2007, Pages 115-134]
Aghdam Mazraeh, Yaqoub
Presentation of Challenges Detail Model Quality of Financial eporting in the Public Sector: Based on Grounded Theory Approach [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 27-51]
Ahadi Serkani, Seyed Yousef
Presenting a Pathological Framework of Teamwork in Auditing: Matrix Ranking Process [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2024, Pages 257-306]
Ahmadi, Farzad
An Examination of Relationship between Labor and Capital Indexes with Profitability Indexes in Public Companies [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2003, Pages 95-125]
Ahmadi, Hossein
Effect of Tools of Evolution Steps of Management Accounting on Operating Profit of Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2015, Pages 63-86]
Ahmadi, Hossein
Effect of Tools of Evolution Steps of Management Accounting On Operating Profit of Companies Listed In Tehran Stock Exchange Exchanged: An Empirical Examination [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2015]
Ahmadi, Morteza
Relationship between corporate governance mechanisms and Conservatism [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 29-52]
Ahmadian, vahid
Prioritizing the Accounting Information Qualitative Characteristics based on producers, Auditors and Users of Financial Reports: Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 1-27]
Ahmadian, Vahid
Life cycle Theory Test in the Dividend Policies of Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 59-81]
Ahmadi Zad, Saeed
The Auditors' Knowledge of Accounting Standards Issued by Audit Organization [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2006, Pages 43-63]
Ahmadpoor, Ahmad
Earnings Management and the Effect of Earnings Quality on Future Profitability of the Tehran Stock Exchange Bankrupt Firms [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 37-58]
Ahmadpour, Ahmad
Investigation of Important Factors on Risk of Financial
Bankruptcy [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 9-34]
Ahmadvand, Maysam
The Impact of Corporate Governance on Momentum Strategies Profitability Considering Market Pressure and Management Entrenchment Hypotheses [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2019, Pages 97-125]
Akbari, M.
Investigation of the Firm Book-To-Price Operating and Leverage Components Effect in Stock Returns in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 39-64]
Akbari, Morteza
Evaluation of Effecting Variables on the Credibility of Management Earning Forecast [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2007, Pages 21-49]
Akbarlou, Elnaz
Investigating the Relationship between Managers' Narcissism and the Optimistic Tone of Financial Reporting: The Adjusting Role of Earnings Management [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2022, Pages 169-192]
Akhgar, Mohamad Omid
Cost of Capital, CEO Turnover and Investment Opportunities [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2020, Pages 125-152]
Akhoundi, Omid
Corporate Life Cycle and Cost of Equity Capital [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2017, Pages 37-60]
Akhtarshenas, Darioush
Developing of Effective Factors Model on Corporate Sustainability in Iran [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2020, Pages 175-201]
Alam Baigi, Amir
Investigating the Relation between Privatization, Use
of Management Accounting Tools (MAT) and the
Performance of Financial Companies Accepted on
(TSM) Tehran’s Stock Market [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 55-86]
Alavi, , Seyed Enayatallah
Modeling the Detection of Firms Financial Fraud under The Implementation of Artificial Neural Network's Evaluation Algorithms [(Articles in Press)]
Alavi Tabari, S.H.
The Performance of IPO in Iran: Empirical Test of Some Related Factors [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2008, Pages 73-96]
Alavi Tabari, S. H.
The Relationship between the Expenditures on Internal Audit Resources and the Expenditures on External Audit Services [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2004, Pages 71-96]
Alborzi, M.
The Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Prediction of TSE Dividend and Price Index (TEDPIX) [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2008, Pages 119-137]
Ali, Bahraminasab
The Study Of The Effect Of The Modified Auditor’s Opinion On The Debt Structure And Excess Stock Returns Of The Companies Admitted To the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2019, Pages 157-183]
Aliahmadi, Saeid
The Impact Of the Economic Crisis on the Relationship between the CEO Power on Firm Value and the Financial Performance; The Role of Company’s Financial Reporting Characteristics [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2021, Pages 1-31]
Ali Ahmadi, Saeid
The Relation between Residual Income and Stock Price in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2006, Pages 1-14]
Aliakbarlou, Alireza
Investigating the Effect of Financial Distress and Growth Opportunities on Accounting Conservatism with the Role of Adjusting Management Overconfidence [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2022, Pages 177-208]
Alifamian, Mojtaba
A Bibliometric Analysis of Financial Distress Research: Current Status, Emerging Trends [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 35-79]
Aligiglo, Majid
Audit Committee Characteristics and the Free Cash Flow: Testing the Agency and the Transactions Cost Theories [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2021, Pages 121-143]
Alimohammadi, A-M
The Association Between Dividend Paying Status And the Quality of Earnings [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2012, Pages 129-149]
Alipour, Okhtharoon
Level of the External Auditor’s Reliance Decision on the Internal Auditors Function as a Management Training Ground [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2021, Pages 85-113]
Alizadeh, Javad
The investigation of relationship between the herd behavior of investors and idiosyncratic risk: evidence from the Tehran stock exchange [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2021, Pages 33-56]
Allah Bakhshi, Saeed
The Effects of Ownership Structure (Governmental and private) on Relationship between Disclosure Quality and Cost of Capital at Tehran Stock Exchange Listed Companies [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2019, Pages 21-43]
Allahgholi, Sasan
The Relation between Return of Bollinger Band with Relative Strength Index Indicators and stock Market Index [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2008, Pages 83-107]
Allahyari, A.
The Feasibility of Balanced Scorecard Implementation in Performance Measurement of Shiraz Hospitals [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 151-177]
Alsharef, Seyed Mohammad
Outcome of Financial Distress on Accruals Influencing Future Returns [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 93-123]
Altafi, Alireza
The Motivational Contexts of The Governance Hegemony of Family Ownership: Reflecting on Cadillo's Governance Theory [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2025]
A. Mazar Yazdi, Mohammad
Excess Return of Active Management in Investment Companies [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2004, Pages 1-24]
Amini, Hossein
The Moderating Role of Competitive Strength in the Relationship between Social and Environmental Performance and Financial Performance [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2024, Pages 99-136]
Amir Bakhtiarvand, Amin
The Impact of Audit Quality on forecasting Accurate of future operating cash flows [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017]
Amiri, Elham
The Adequacy of Disclosure of Related Party Transactions
S [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2011, Pages 39-57]
Amiri, Fatemeh sadat
Recognition of Efficient Factors Affecting in companies’ bankruptcy using TOPSIS_AHP [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 69-90]
Amiri, hadi
Analyzing the Relationship between Earnings Attributes, Earnings Beta, Earnings Volatility and Return Downside Risk measures with Earnings Downside Risk [Volume 16, Issue 64, 2020, Pages 161-193]
Amiri, Hadi
The Effects of Cost of Capital on the Relationship
Between Earnings and Stock Returns [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 91-117]
Amiri, Hadi
Outcome of Financial Distress on Accruals Influencing Future Returns [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 93-123]
Amiri, Hadi
Investigating the Role of Accounting Information Uncertainty on Investors’ Reaction to Earnings Announcement [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2018, Pages 147-170]
Amiri, Hadi
Evaluating the Effect of Accounting Conservatism on the Correction Process of Accruals Anomaly [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2019, Pages 69-95]
Amiri, Maghsoud
The Effect of Perceived past Returns on Investor’s Financial Behavior and Psychological Biases as Mediate [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 33-53]
Amiri, Maghsoud
Measuring of Financial Flexibility [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2018, Pages 35-57]
Amiri, Maghsoud
Stability Analysis of Assessing Financial Contagion due to Overlapping Portfolios Risk Model based on Mont Carlo Simiulation [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 1-25]
Amiri, Maghsoud
A Pattern for Measuring Quality of Financial Statements [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2022, Pages 1-25]
Amiri, Maghsoud
Presenting a Framework for Earnings Forecasts Reporting in the Iranian Capital Market [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2023, Pages 73-106]
Amiri, Meysam
Ranking Variables Affecting Efficiency of Insurance Companies by Using Fuzzy ANP [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 53-81]
Amiri, Mohammad
The Role of Managerial Compensation in Changing the Relationship between Business Strategies and Over (under) Investment [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2020, Pages 177-201]
Amirnia, Narjes
CEO Power, Family Ownership and Audit Fees: Analysis of Alignment and Entrenchment Theories [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2021, Pages 167-193]
Amouzad, Shahram
The Factors Affecting the Professional Judgment (ethics) of Auditors and the Pressures on Them [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2020, Pages 1-26]
Amri Asrami, Mohammad
The Impact of CEO’s Overconfidence on the Relationship between Cash Holdings and Excess [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2022, Pages 57-77]
Amri Asrami, Mohammad
The Moderating Role of Competitive Strength in the Relationship between Social and Environmental Performance and Financial Performance [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2024, Pages 99-136]
Ansari, Abdol Mehdi
Functional Fixation on the Valuation of the Firm [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2006, Pages 99-132]
Anvari rostami, Ali Asghar
Life cycle Theory Test in the Dividend Policies of Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 59-81]
Anvari Rostami, Ali asghar
Prioritizing the Accounting Information Qualitative Characteristics based on producers, Auditors and Users of Financial Reports: Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 1-27]
Araab Mazar Yazdi, M.
Assessing the Effect of Board composition on the performance of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 97-113]
Arab, Roohollah
CEO Power, Family Ownership and Audit Fees: Analysis of Alignment and Entrenchment Theories [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2021, Pages 167-193]
Arab Ahmadi, Ali Asghar
Effective Factors in Client Acceptance Decision in Audit Firms [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2007, Pages 93-114]
Arabi, M
The Relationship Between Firm Performance and Timing of Financial Reporting in the Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2012, Pages 151-172]
Arab mazar yazdi, Mohamad
An Empirical Investigation of Herd Behavior:
Evidence from TSE [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2013, Pages 1-27]
Arabmazar Yazdi, Mohamad
The Impact of Earnings Management on the Value-Relevance of Earnings and Book Value: A Comparison of Short-term and Long-term Discretionary Accruals [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2008, Pages 1-18]
Arabmazar Yazdi, Mohammad
Idiosyncratic risk Pricing: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2016, Pages 23-46]
Arabmazar Yazdi, Mohammad
Further Evidence on Empirical Relationships between Earnings and Cash Flows [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2006, Pages 1-20]
Arabmazar Yazdi, Mohammad
Financial Reporting Quality, Information Risk and Cost of Capital [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2008, Pages 1-30]
Arabmazar Yazdi, Mohammad
Financial statement comparability and corporate debt maturity [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2022, Pages 95-123]
Arabmazar Yazdi, Mohammad
Investigating the Effect of Change in Loan Loss Provisioning Method on Financial Reporting Quality of Banks [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2023, Pages 85-123]
Arabmazar Yazdi, Mohammad
Twenty-Five Years of Design Science Methodology in Accounting Research: A Bibliometric Analysis [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 97-137]
Arab Mazaryazdi, Mohammad
Internet Financial Reporting and its Situation in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2005, Pages 127-156]
Arab Mazar Yazdy, M.
Perception of Accounting Information Judgment on them and Investments Decision [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2004, Pages 95-130]
Arabsalehi, Mehdi
Investigating the Role of Accounting Information Uncertainty on Investors’ Reaction to Earnings Announcement [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2018, Pages 147-170]
Arabsalehi, Mehdi
Modeling for CEO Human Capital Measurement by Shannon Entropy Index and It’s Effect on Earnings Forecasts Quality [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2021, Pages 55-84]
Arbabian, Ali Akbar
The Incremental Information Content of Capital Expenditures [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2006, Pages 113-138]
Arefmanesh, Zohreh
Information Asymmetry: Evidences about the Relationship between Auditor Tenure and Auditor Specialization [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2011, Pages 149-176]
Arefmanesh, Zohreh
Financial Distress and Restatement of Financial statements: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2020, Pages 203-227]
Asadi, Gholamhossein
The Impact of Intellectual Capital on Financial Performance of Companies Listed in TSE [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 83-103]
Asadi, Gholamhossein
A Survey of Stock Price Bubbles in Tehran Stock Exchange on The Basis of Size & Type of Industries [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2006, Pages 39-71]
Asadi, Gholamhossein
Surveying the Relation between Financing Methods and Future Stock Return [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 139-153]
Asadi, Gholamhossein
Cost Stickiness and Anti-Cost Stickiness of Non-
Manufacturing Costs in Iranian Firms [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 71-90]
Asgari, Mohammad Reza
Explaining the Effective Factors on Short Term Abnormal Rate of Return of New Companies' Stock: In Case of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2007, Pages 129-150]
Asghari, Iraj
Modeling the long-term performance of IPOs [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2023, Pages 107-139]
Asgharpour, Hossein
Investigating the Impact of Accounting and Financial Variables on Company Systematic Risk: Applying the Bayesian Model Averaging Method [(Articles in Press)]
Ashari, Elham
Factors Affecting the Profitability of Banks [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 119-140]
Asnad, Fatemeh
Drivers of Corporate Water Reporting [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 139-178]
Assadi, Gholam Hossein Assadi
New Managerial Overconfidence Assessment Model and Earnings Forecasts: Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2019, Pages 1-20]
Azad, M.
The Information Content of Earning Forecasts of Companies [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2004, Pages 33-54]
Azar, Adel
Factors and Drivers of the Reforms in Iran's Public Sector Financial and Operational Accountability System [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2011, Pages 1-37]
Azar, Adel
Modeling of Minimizing Uncertainty Based on
Accounting Data Quality Proxies [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2016, Pages 89-136]
Azimi, Sedigheh
Information Uncertainty, Information Asymmetry and Growth Options [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2013, Pages 125-145]
Azimi Bidgoli, M
Determination of the Balanced Scorecard Measures and their Ranking Via Analytic Hierarchy Process for the Firms Listed In Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2012, Pages 1-21]
Azimi yancheshmeh, Majid
The Comparison of the Economic Value in Hazard Models with Accounting Approach for Bankruptcy Prediction [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2018, Pages 107-135]
Azimi Yancheshmeh, M.
The Study & Explanation of Earnings Quality with Balance Sheet Approach [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 99-126]
Azizi, Pedram
Investigating the Moderating Effect of Auditing Quality on the Relationship between Financial Reporting Quality and Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) Underpricing [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2021, Pages 115-144]
Azizi, Sedighe
Provide a Comprehensive Model of the Relative Importance of Environmental Accounting Indicators Using Modeling (SEM). [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2020, Pages 173-203]
Azizian, AFSHIN
An Empirical Investigation of Herd Behavior:
Evidence from TSE [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2013, Pages 1-27]
Azizkhani, M.
Examining the Relation between Advertising Expenditures and Firm's Intangible Value in the TSE Listed Companies [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2009, Pages 53-78]
AzizzadehMoghadam, Kayvan
Company Characteristics and Capital Structure [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 111-133]
Babaee Khalili, Javad
Evaluating the Emerging Fields of Human Rights Accounting Development in Iran's Capital Market [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2024, Pages 205-255]
Babaei, Gader
The Effect of Comparability of Financial Information on the Financial Reporting Timeliness with emphasis on the moderating role of stock price ambiguity [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2022, Pages 209-237]
Babajani, G
Capability Assessment of Enterprises Accounting System Accountability to Social Responsibility [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2003, Pages 39-60]
Babajani, J
On the Accountability - Based Conceptual Framework of Accounting [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2003, Pages 155-171]
Babajani, jafar
Audit Committee Performance Evaluation Model: Indicators and Importance of Each [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 1-51]
Babajani, Jafar
A Performance Budgeting Implementation Model for
Islamic Republic of Iran's Government [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 1-36]
Babajani, Jafar
Factors and Drivers of the Reforms in Iran's Public Sector Financial and Operational Accountability System [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2011, Pages 1-37]
Babajani, Jafar
Herding behaviour in mutual fund industry, evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2016, Pages 47-71]
Babajani, Jafar
Evaluation of Accountability of Accounting and Financial Reporting System in Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 2, Issue 6, 2004, Pages 27-54]
Babajani, Jafar
Independence of Universities; Opportunity or Threat? [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2005, Pages 29-53]
Babajani, Jafar
New State Tax Accounting Model - Basic Development in the Tax Information System [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2005, Pages 29-72]
Babajani, Jafar
The Role of Accounting and Financial Reporting in Fulfilling and Assessing Accountability in View of Accountors and Accountees [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2006, Pages 1-26]
Babajani, Jafar
Examination of the Function of the Enforcement 272 Claus of the Direct Taxes Law [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2007, Pages 105-128]
Babajani, Jafar
Rating Iranian Banks According to their Financial Strength [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 25-50]
Babajani, Jafar
Financial Strength Rating of the Iranian Banks [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017]
Babajani, Jafar
Public Finance Bill Proposed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance: At a Glance [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2020, Pages 1-26]
Babajani, Jafar
Validating Three-dimensional Model of Ethical Competencies’ Education in Accounting Program [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2021, Pages 1-25]
Babajani, Jafar
Status of Establishment of Internal Control System in Iranian Banks [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2022, Pages 41-83]
Babajani, Jafar
The Design of the Internal Audit implementation Model in the Iranian Public Sector Institutions [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2023, Pages 1-35]
Badavar Nahandi, Y.
The Relationship between Refined Economic Value Added (REVA) and Risk - Adjusted Stock Return [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2004, Pages 77-96]
Badavar Nahandi, younes
The Effect of Comparability of Financial Information on the Financial Reporting Timeliness with emphasis on the moderating role of stock price ambiguity [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2022, Pages 209-237]
Badpa, Behrooz
Role of Management of Working Capital Items in Explaining the Operational Efficiency of Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 255-287]
Badri, A
Income Smoothing and Cost of Equity: Evidence From Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2012, Pages 23-47]
Badri, A.
A Decompositional Analysis of Capital Structure and Its Determinants: Evidences from Tehran Securities Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 37-58]
Badri, Ahmad
Testing representative bias using fundamental accounting measures: Evidence from TSE [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 57-88]
Badri, Ahmad
An Empirical Investigation of Herd Behavior:
Evidence from TSE [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2013, Pages 1-27]
Badri, Ahmad
Idiosyncratic risk Pricing: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2016, Pages 23-46]
Badri, Ahmad
Earnings Management and Risk Valuation in the Banking Industry: Evidence from Loan Loss Provisions [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2019, Pages 1-32]
Badri Gamchi, Hassan
The Valuable Consequences of Financial Reporting Convergence towards Integrated Reporting [Volume 19, Issue 76, 2023, Pages 97-130]
Bagheri, Hassan
The Role of Managerial Ability in Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2018, Pages 24-47]
Bagheri, M
Examine the Effects of Financial and Non-Financial Variables on Tax Evasion Using of Data Mining Techniques: Automotive and Parts Manufacturing Industry [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2012, Pages 103-128]
Bagherpour, M-B
Examine the Effects of Financial and Non-Financial Variables on Tax Evasion Using of Data Mining Techniques: Automotive and Parts Manufacturing Industry [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2012, Pages 103-128]
Bagherpour Valashani, Mohammad Ali
Examination of the Accounting Education Expectation Gap as a Result of the Current Legal Requirements [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 95-118]
Bagherpour Velashani, Mohammad Ali
Corporate Governance and Accounting Restatements [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2015, Pages 87-110]
Baghomian, R.
Value Relevance of Accounting Information: Measurement and Behavioral Aspects [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2009, Pages 1-52]
Baghomian, Rafik
Internet Financial Reporting and its Situation in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2005, Pages 127-156]
Baghoomian, R
The Barriers of Accounting Education Development in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2012, Pages 69-91]
Baghoomian, Rafik
Company Characteristics and Capital Structure [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 111-133]
Baghoomian, Rafik
The Barriers of Accounting Education Development in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 49-72]
Baghoomian, Rafik
Macroeconomic Variables Fluctuations and Management Earnings Forecast [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2016, Pages 65-88]
Baghoomian, Rafik
Studying the Relationship of Personality Factors and Learning in Accounting Students [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 125-143]
Baghoomian, Rafik
The Effect of Audit Committee Member's Financial Expertise on the Relationship between Environmental Risks and Audit Fee [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2020, Pages 57-87]
Baghoomian, Rafik
Relationship between Financial Report Readability and Stock Return Synchronicity with the Moderating role of Institutional Ownership and Information Asymmetry [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2021, Pages 57-86]
Bahar Moghadam, Mahdi
Relationship between Accounting Depreciation and Economic Depreciation and The Role of Conservative Reporting of Depreciation on Inside Information [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2011, Pages 59-80]
Baharmoghaddam, Mehdi
The Effect of Moderating Audit Quality on Investor Sentiment in Stock Pricing [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2018, Pages 123-146]
Bahar Moghaddam, Mahdi
Investigating the Impact of Time Budget Pressure on the Relationship between Dimensions of Philosophical mindset And Auditor Professional Judgment: A Structural Equation Approach [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2021, Pages 1-28]
Bahiraei, Afsaneh
The Impact of Political Connections and Voluntary Disclosure in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2019, Pages 151-175]
Bahrami, Ahmad
An Investigation the Information Content of Asset Turnover/Profit Margin Model in Determining of Earnings Management [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 89-110]
Bahrami, Aso
Forecasting the Financial Statements Fraud Detection of Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2020, Pages 35-59]
Bahramian, Mahmood
In Accuracy of Management Earning Forecast in IPO Prospectuses [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2005, Pages 1-28]
Bahraminasab, Ali
Product Market Competition, Free Cash
Flow, Over Investment and Low Investment [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2016, Pages 137-156]
Bahraminasab, Ali
product market competition, Free Cash Flow, over investment and low investment [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2016]
Bahri Sales, J
Evaluating the Power of TOC- Based Criteria in Measuring None Performing Loans Consequences [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2012, Pages 107-136]
Bahrololoum, Mohammad Mahdi
Studying the effect of intellectual capital disclosure quality on equity cost of capital of companies listed on Tehran stock exchange [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2019, Pages 79-100]
Bakhteyari, Mehri
Audit Engagement Quality Control Review Process [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 81-130]
Bakhtiarvand, Amin Amir
The Impact of Audit Quality on forecasting Accurate of
future operating cash flows [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 173-198]
Balarastaghi, Alieh
Factors affecting the quality of corporate governance in listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2016, Pages 93-112]
Banafi, Mohammad
A study of the effects of Related Parties Transactions
on the Agency costs [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2015, Pages 115-134]
Banimahd, Bahman
Accruals Quality and Auditor Selection [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2011, Pages 81-98]
Banimahd, Bahman
The Right of Auditor's Choice and Accrual-based Earnings Management Based on Glaser's Choice Theory (Empirical Evidence: Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2019, Pages 103-123]
Banitalebi Dehkordi, Bahareh
Evaluating The Consequences of The Dominant Hegemonic Powerism Promotion in Auditing Institutions: Testing The Effectiveness of Auditors' Working Life Quality [(Articles in Press)]
Baradaran Shoraka, H.R
A Study of the Relationship between Significant Macro Economical Variables and Important Accounting Variables [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2008, Pages 1-35]
Barari Nokashti, Soghra
The Effect of Firm Size on Information Content of Earning Announcement [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2007, Pages 1-18]
Barari Nokashti, Soghra
Identifying and Prioritizing the Factors Related to Agency Theory, Government shortcomings and the Consequences of Critical Theory Maturity in Accounting and the Quality of Social Benefits [(Articles in Press)]
Barzegar, Ghodratolla
Financial Report Readability and Stock Price Synchronicity: The Moderator Role of CEO Media Exposure [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2023, Pages 117-153]
Barzegar, Morteza
Investigating the Relation between Privatization, Use
of Management Accounting Tools (MAT) and the
Performance of Financial Companies Accepted on
(TSM) Tehran’s Stock Market [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 55-86]
Barzegari Khanagha, Jamal
Predicting the Financial Status of Companies Using Content Analysis the Reports of the Board of Directors [Volume 16, Issue 64, 2020, Pages 135-160]
Barzideh, F
Test of Functional Fixation Hypothesis; Case of Net Operating Assets (Bloated Balance Sheet) [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2012, Pages 55-75]
Barzideh, Farokh
Portfolio Selection by DEMATEL and Analytic Network Process [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2013, Pages 105-124]
Barzideh, Farokh
Relation among Different Approaches of Financial Measurement of Firms [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2003, Pages 83-106]
Barzideh, Farokh
The Role of Modern and Conventional Ratios in Financial Decisions [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2005, Pages 157-175]
Barzideh, Farokh
The Effective Factors on Timeliness of Audit Report: Evidence from Iran [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2007, Pages 43-69]
Barzideh, Farokh
Auditor's Assessment of Inherent and Control Risk [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2007, Pages 81-104]
Barzideh, Farokh
Dividends Informativeness about Future Earnings [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2008, Pages 67-88]
Barzideh, Farokh
Audit Quality: Providing a Model and Investigating the Gap between the Current Situation and the Desired Level [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2023, Pages 45-84]
Barzideh, Farokh
An analysis of Earnings Persistence, Cash Flow and Accruals on a Scale of Industries and Companies [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2018, Pages 49-72]
Barzideh, Farrokh
Comparison of panel data and cross-sectional regression results; case of functional fixation hypothesis [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 25-55]
Barzideh, Farrokh
The Relationship between Net Operating Assets and Accounting Conservatism [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2016, Pages 73-92]
Barzideh, Farrokh
The Auditors' Knowledge of Accounting Standards Issued by Audit Organization [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2006, Pages 43-63]
Barzideh, Farrokh
The Relation between Return of Bollinger Band with Relative Strength Index Indicators and stock Market Index [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2008, Pages 83-107]
Barzideh, Farrokh
The Design of the Internal Audit implementation Model in the Iranian Public Sector Institutions [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2023, Pages 1-35]
Bashirimanesh, Nazanin
Earnings Management and Investment Behavior of fimes [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 77-99]
Bashirimanesh, Nazanin
Determinants of Voluntary Disclosure in Iran Capital Marke [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 1-32]
Bayati, Mostafa
Relationship between inflation with TEPIX and TEDPIX [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2006, Pages 139-154]
Bayati, Z.
Evaluation of Pension Plan Reporting Uniformity in Entities' Financial Statements [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 59-77]
Bazaz Zadeh, HamidReza
Relationship between Disclosure Quality and Earnings Management [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2007, Pages 173-212]
Bazrafshan, Ameneh
Information Asymmetry: Evidences about the Relationship between Auditor Tenure and Auditor Specialization [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2011, Pages 149-176]
Behshoor, Eshagh
Real Earning Management, Corporate Governance
and Cash Holding [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2015, Pages 145-161]
Behshour, Isaac
The Role of Independent Auditors and Audit Committees in Mitigating the Fraud Risks with Emphasis on the Reduction of In Consistencies between Financial and Non-Financial Measures [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2021, Pages 29-54]
Behzadian, Fatah
Presenting a Model of Auditors' Psychological Well-being and Evaluating Identified Themes in the Auditing Profession [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2023, Pages 221-272]
Beig Panah, Behzad Beig Panah
Cost Stickiness and Anti-Cost Stickiness of Non-
Manufacturing Costs in Iranian Firms [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 71-90]
Bidari, Mohammad Ali
Contextualizing the Auditors' Bricolage Strategic Thinking Functions In Controlling The Occurrence of Auditing Profession Pressure Spillover Disorders [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2025]
Biglar, kumars
Audit Engagement Quality Control Review Process [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 81-130]
Biglar, . Kumars
Identifying Challenges to the Public Financial Management System [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2023, Pages 141-182]
Bikzadeh Abbasi, F.
Application of Momentum and Contrarian Strategies in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 121-141]
Blue, Ghasem
The comparison of the value relevance
of operating cash flows, current
accruals, and non-current accruals with
the value relevance of total amount of
operating income؛ Evidence from
Tehran Stock [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2015, Pages 1-35]
Blue, Ghasem
The Relationship of Conservatism and Short Term Abnormal Returns of Initial Public Offerings with Emphasis on the Role of Information Asymmetry Models [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2013, Pages 57-82]
Blue, Ghasem
An Empirical Evaluation of Value Relevance and
Information Content of Capital-Based Human Capital
Financial Reporting (HCFR) Model [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 9-44]
Blue, Ghasem
Conceptual framework for asset back securities rating in Iran Capital Market [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2019, Pages 61-76]
Blue, Ghasem
Stability Analysis of Assessing Financial Contagion due to Overlapping Portfolios Risk Model based on Mont Carlo Simiulation [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 1-25]
Blue, Ghasem
An Empirical Evaluation of Relevance and Information Content of Capital-Based Human Capital Financial Reporting Model [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017]
Blue, Ghasem
The Effect of Accounting Information Quality on the Companies' Cost of Equity, Considering the Role of Information Symmetry and Comparability of Financial Statements [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2021, Pages 33-65]
Blue, Ghasem
A Pattern for Measuring Quality of Financial Statements [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2022, Pages 1-25]
Blue, Ghasem
An Accruals Quality Model: A Group Method of Data Handling Approa [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2022, Pages 1-40]
Blue, Ghasem
Audit Committee Performance Evaluation Model: Indicators and Importance of Each [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 1-51]
Blue, Ghasem
The Role of Litigation Risk, Information Asymmetry and Economic Uncertainty in Explaining Audit Fee [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 1-33]
Bodaghi, Hamid
Relationship between Disclosure Quality and Earnings Management [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2007, Pages 173-212]
Bolu, Ghasem
TheImpact of Higher Moments and Nonsystematic Volatility on Future Stock Return using Fama-MacBeth Model [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 109-133]
Bonabi ghadim, Rahim
The Effect of Investment and Credit Ratings on Relationship between Internal Control Weakness and Firm Value [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2021, Pages 145-173]
Bonabi Ghadim, Rahim
Evaluation of Effective Criteria for the Desirability of Financial Stability Integration Based on the Comparison of Metaheuristic Algorithms: A Case Study of Banks Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 179-225]
Borhani, S.M.
Dividends Informativeness about Future Earnings [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2008, Pages 67-88]
Borzouzadeh Zavareh, Mohsen
Evaluating Employee Performance Using the Balanced Scorecard Approach Following the Deployment of the Electronic Fund Request System: A Case Study of the General Treasury Department [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2024, Pages 167-204]
Bostanian, Javad
Professional Judgment in Auditing [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2007, Pages 25-57]
Botshekan, M.H.
An Introduction to Price Indices in Stock Exchanges and Developing a New Price Index (Bindex) in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2004, Pages 97-128]
Botshekan, M.H.
Corporate Governance: The Extent of Observance of Shareholder's Rights in Tehran Stock Exchange Listed Companies [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2008, Pages 1-21]
Boulou, G.
Trend study of Earnings Quality over time in Tehran Stock Exchange listed companies [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 65-95]
Boulou, Ghasem
An Examination of the Factors that Influence an Auditor's Decision to Use a Decision Aid in Their Assessments of' Management Fraud [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2008, Pages 47-72]
Bozorgasl, Moussa
Investigation of Important Factors on Risk of Financial
Bankruptcy [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 35-54]
Bozorgasl, Musa
Managerial Ability and Investment Inefficiency in Tehran Stock Exchange Listed Companies [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2018, Pages 73-94]
Bozorg Asl, M.
The Relationship between Return of Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchanges and Some Macro Economic Variables [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2008, Pages 97-117]
Bozorg Asl, M.
The Relationship between Stable Dividend Policy and Stock Yields [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2009, Pages 105-125]
Bozorg Asl, Mosa
The Effect of Financial Reporting Tone on Audit Fees of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2022, Pages 79-107]
Bozorg Asl, Mousa
The effect of political connections on corporate investment and investment efficiency [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2022, Pages 69-94]
Bozorge Asl, mousa
Prediction of abnormal return according profit and industry momentum model in Tehran stock exchange [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 53-67]
Burhani, Seyed Abbas
Providing a Framework for Facilitating Tokenization Implementation Processes in The Cloud Accounting Platform [(Articles in Press)]
Chavoshi, Kazem
Dynamic Measurement of Iran Interbank Network Stability [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2021, Pages 167-197]
Chinekesh, Sajjad
The Effect of Investment and Credit Ratings on Relationship between Internal Control Weakness and Firm Value [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2021, Pages 145-173]
Choopani, Mohsen
Effect of information asymmetry and company life cycle on future stocks return:
Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 143-167]
Dadashi, Iman
The Effect of Marginal Value of Cash on the Dividends Adjustment Speed Considering the Role of Liquidity Shock Moderation [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 157-187]
Dadashi, Iman
Identification of Non-Fragile Variables Affecting Tax Audit Quality [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2023, Pages 165-203]
Dana, Mohammad Mehdi
A study of the effects of Related Parties Transactions
on the Agency costs [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2015, Pages 115-134]
Daneshyar, Fatemeh
Political Hypotheses (Political Costs) and Financial
Reporting Quality: Empirical Evidence from Tehran
Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 113-142]
Darvish-Hoseini, Fatemeh
Role of Management of Working Capital Items in Explaining the Operational Efficiency of Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 255-287]
Darvishtabar Ahmad Chali, Mahtab
Losses Firm's Related Party Transaction and Unexpected Auditing Fees; Testing the Adjustment Effect of Corporate Ownership Structure [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2022, Pages 177-205]
Dashtbayaz, Mahmoud Lari
Examining Real Earnings Management to Avoid Losses [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 155-181]
Dastgir, M.
Relationship between Internal Measures of Value Creation and External Measures of Operation Evaluation [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2004, Pages 131-155]
Dastgir, Mohsen
An Investigation the Information Content of Asset Turnover/Profit Margin Model in Determining of Earnings Management [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 89-110]
Dastgir, Mohsen
Evaluation of Different Security Valuation Models at Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2003, Pages 60-94]
Dastgir, Mohsen
Necessity of Establishing a Client Audit Committee [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2006, Pages 65-86]
Dastgir, Mohsen
The Effect of Variables on Qualified Audit Report [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2007, Pages 123-146]
Dastgir, Mohsen
The Role of the Earnings Quality on Improving the Stock Liquidity of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 1-22]
Dastgir, Mohsen
The Impact Of the Economic Crisis on the Relationship between the CEO Power on Firm Value and the Financial Performance; The Role of Company’s Financial Reporting Characteristics [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2021, Pages 1-31]
Dasti, Mehdi
Evaluating the Reduction of Government Financial Burden through the Typology of Drivers Affecting Generational Accounting in the Capital Market [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 227-272]
Davallou, Maryam
Idiosyncratic risk Pricing: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2016, Pages 23-46]
Davanipour, Iraj
A Pattern for Measuring Quality of Financial Statements [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2022, Pages 1-25]
Davarinejad, A.
Investigation of the Relation between Real Earnings Management and Accounting Earnings Management in the Tehran Stock Exchange: Income Smoothing Perspective [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 61-77]
Davarpanah, E.
The Effects of Compliance Accounting Standard No 22 (Interim financial Report) on Users' Decisions in Comparison Interim Reports in Accordance to the Previous Requirements of the Stock Exchange [Volume 2, Issue 6, 2004, Pages 1-26]
Dehdari, Elias
The Effect of Mental Accounting on Audit Quality [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2024, Pages 1-42]
Dehghan, Hossain
The Role of Accounting and Financial Reporting in Fulfilling and Assessing Accountability in View of Accountors and Accountees [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2006, Pages 1-26]
Dehghanfar, Delshad
The Effect of Variables on Qualified Audit Report [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2007, Pages 123-146]
Deldar, Mostafa
Effect of information asymmetry and company life cycle on future stocks return:
Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 143-167]
Dianati, Zahra
The Neglect of Accounting Theory: Comparative Study of Accounting Articles in the Authentic Journals in Iran and Abroad [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 119-141]
Dianati Deilami, Zahra
Presentation of Challenges Detail Model Quality of Financial eporting in the Public Sector: Based on Grounded Theory Approach [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 27-51]
Dianati Deilami, Zahra
Effect of Tools of Evolution Steps of Management Accounting On Operating Profit of Companies Listed In Tehran Stock Exchange Exchanged: An Empirical Examination [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2015]
Dianati Deylami, Zahra
Effect of Tools of Evolution Steps of Management Accounting on Operating Profit of Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2015, Pages 63-86]
Dianati Deylami, Zahra
Investigating the Relation between Privatization, Use
of Management Accounting Tools (MAT) and the
Performance of Financial Companies Accepted on
(TSM) Tehran’s Stock Market [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 55-86]
Didar, Hamzeh
The Empirical Investigation of Relationship between Political Costs and Growth Opportunities: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2016, Pages 141-157]
Didar, Hamzeh
The Impact of Firm's Attributes on the Disclosure Level of the Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 141-168]
Didar, Hamzeh
The Relationship Between Cross Ownership and Efficiency in Firms Listed on Tehran Stock Exchange with the Impact of Intermediary Variable Product Market Competition [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2018, Pages 137-159]
Dolatzarei, Ehsan
Twenty-One Years of the Behavioral Accounting Research: A Bibliometric Analysis [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2022, Pages 165-201]
Dustjabbarian, Javad
The investigation of relationship between the herd behavior of investors and idiosyncratic risk: evidence from the Tehran stock exchange [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2021, Pages 33-56]
Ebadi, J.
Return Forecasting by Various Risk Measures: Evidences from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 101-119]
Ebadi, Javad
Herding behaviour in mutual fund industry, evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2016, Pages 47-71]
Ebrahimi, Ebrahim
Relationship between Investment Opportunities and Earnings in according to Companies Life Cycle [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2013, Pages 147-166]
Ebrahimi, F
Modeling and Identifying Effective Factors Affecting the Intention of Reporting Financial Fraudulent by Accountant [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2016, Pages 1-28]
Ebrahimi, Fahime
Explaining Managerial Incentives for Earnings Manipulation Using Cumulative Prospect Theory (Case Study: Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2021, Pages 51-77]
Ebrahimi, Fahimeh
The Effect of Board Composition on Performance with Emphasis on Efficiency of Firm’s Total Resources Value Added [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 1-26]
Ebrahimi, Mohamad Hasan
Stability Analysis of Assessing Financial Contagion due to Overlapping Portfolios Risk Model based on Mont Carlo Simiulation [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 1-25]
Ebrahimi, Seyed kazem
The Investigation the Interactive Effect of Intellectual
Capital and Investment Efficiency on Firm Value in
Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 161-184]
Ebrahimi, Seyed Kazem
Product Market Competition, Free Cash
Flow, Over Investment and Low Investment [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2016, Pages 137-156]
Ebrahimi, Seyed Kazem
The Study Of The Effect Of The Modified Auditor’s Opinion On The Debt Structure And Excess Stock Returns Of The Companies Admitted To the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2019, Pages 157-183]
Ebrahimi, Seyed Kazem
product market competition, Free Cash Flow, over investment and low investment [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2016]
Ebrahimi, Seyed Kazem
The Moderating Role of Competitive Strength in the Relationship between Social and Environmental Performance and Financial Performance [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2024, Pages 99-136]
Ebrahimidardeh, Sajad
Environmental Uncertainty and the Managers' Use of Discretionary Accruals [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 103-119]
Ebrahimi kordlar, Ali
The impact of monopoly or industry competition on pricing of external audit services [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2017]
Ebrahimi Kordlar, Ali
the Impact of Monopoly or Industry Competition on Pricing of External Audit Services [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2017, Pages 149-178]
Ebrahimi Maimand1F, M.
Relationship between Institutional Ownership Types and Disclosure Quality in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2017, Pages 53-75]
Ebrahimi noudeh, Mohammad
The effect of political connections on corporate investment and investment efficiency [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2022, Pages 69-94]
Ebrahimi Sarveolia, M. H.
Survey on Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Variables Influencing on Investors Decision of the Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2016, Pages 53-81]
Ebrahimi Sarv Olia, Mohammad Hasan
The Effect of Investors' Myopic Loss Aversions (MLA) on Iinvestments in Stocks in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2020, Pages 89-124]
Ebrahimkhani, Mehdi
The Emergence of The Radicalism Approach of Applying Fundamental Changes in The Accounting Profession: A Test of Interactive Qualitative Method [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2025]
Ebrahimnejad, Ali
Earnings Management and Risk Valuation in the Banking Industry: Evidence from Loan Loss Provisions [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2019, Pages 1-32]
Ebrahimzadeh, saied
The Impact of Audit Quality on forecasting Accurate of future operating cash flows [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017]
Eivani, Farzad
Real Earning Management, Corporate Governance
and Cash Holding [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2015, Pages 145-161]
Eivani, Farzad
Consequences of Financial Reporting Failure for Outside Directors [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 109-132]
Eivani, Farzad
Study Effect of Earnings Management Forecast News on Earnings Predictability and Disclosure Noises [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2020, Pages 87-122]
Eivani, Farzad
Comparing the Expectations of Financial Reporting Preparers and Users of Integrated Financial Reporting [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2023, Pages 191-220]
Traditional versus Contemporary Managerial/Cost Accounting Techniques – Differences between Opinions of Academics and Practitioners [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2005, Pages 1-27]
E. Kordlar, Ali
Incremental Information Content of Earnings and Cash Flows from Operation and Their Extremity: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 87-59]
Erza, Amir Hossein
Calculation of Credit Risk and Its Effect on Return in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 169-196]
Eshaghi, Golnaz
The Effect of Comparability of Financial Statements and the Opacity in Financial Reporting on the Value Relevance of Earnings and Book Value per Share [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2022, Pages 85-115]
Eskandari, Mehdi
Presenting a Pathological Framework of Teamwork in Auditing: Matrix Ranking Process [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2024, Pages 257-306]
Eskandarli, Taher
The Survey of Management Behavior in Annual Earnings Forecast [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 53-75]
Eslami, Khadijeh
Intellectual Property Protection and Innovation: Analysis of The Mediating Role of Research and Development Expenditure and Financial Restrictions of The Company [(Articles in Press)]
Eslami fard, Zahra
Investigating the Moderating Role of Gender and Social Identity on the Relationship between Islamic Cultural Values and the Audit Performance and Attitude [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2023, Pages 77-116]
Esmaeeli, Sbahpoor
Relationship between Earnings Quality and Stock Return [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2006, Pages 27-56]
Esmaili, Gharibe
The Intangible Assets in Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange and Their Impact on the Value Relevance [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 1-23]
Esmailikia, Gharibe
Public Sector Scorecard, Effectiveness of Accounting Information Systems and Sustainable Performance in Public Sector (Case Study: Government Offices in Bushehr City) [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2023, Pages 219-259]
Esmailikia, Gharibe
The Relationship between Contingency Factors and Non-Financial Sustainability Performance: The Moderating Role of Managers' Behavioral Dimensions [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2024, Pages 43-98]
Esnaashari, hamideh
Investigating the relationship between earnings management patterns and stock crash risk with emphasis on the role of audit quality [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2021, Pages 171-200]
Esnaashari, Hamideh
Relationship Between Lag of Sales Changes with Asymmetric Expense Behavior and the Moderating Effect of Management Attitude [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2017, Pages 105-122]
Esnaashari, Hamideh
The Relationship Between Tax Policy and Companies' Tax Burden in Inflationary Conditions [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2018, Pages 59-78]
Esnaashari, Hamideh
The Effect of Language Sentiment, Readability and Information Processing Style (sophistication) on Investors’ Judgment: Experimental Evidence [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2020, Pages 1-34]
Esnaashari, Hamideh
Relationship Between Lag of sales changes with Asymmetric Expense Behaviour and the Moderating Effect of management Atitude [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2017]
Etemadi, Hosein
Risk Assessment of the Corporate Tax Policies [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 6-24]
Etemadi, Hossein
Life cycle Theory Test in the Dividend Policies of Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 59-81]
Etemadi, Hossein
Corporate Governance and Accounting Restatements [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2015, Pages 87-110]
Etemadi, Hossein
The Role of Accountability in Auditors Judgment Quality [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2007, Pages 105-122]
Etemadi, Hossein
Investigating the Relation between Dividend with Economic Value Added and Return on Assets in the Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2007, Pages 73-91]
Etemadi, Hossein
Modeling of Minimizing Uncertainty Based on
Accounting Data Quality Proxies [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2016, Pages 89-136]
Etemadi, Hossein
The Subtle Financialization Discourse in Iranian Accounting Procedures [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2020, Pages 27-56]
Fadaie Nejad, Mohammad Esmaeel
The Incremental Information Content of Capital Expenditures [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2006, Pages 113-138]
Faghih, Mohsen
Financial Report Readability and Stock Price Synchronicity: The Moderator Role of CEO Media Exposure [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2023, Pages 117-153]
Fakhari, Hossein
Measuring Audit Task Complexity Using Structural Equation Modeling [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2022, Pages 125-164]
Fakhari, Hossein
Drivers of Corporate Water Reporting [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 139-178]
Fakhari, Hossien
An Investigation of the Audit Committee Characteristics Effects on Real Earnings Management [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2015, Pages 130-154]
Fakhari, Hossien
Presenting a Sustainable Model of Basu Conservatism Using the GMM-sys Method [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2018, Pages 95-122]
Falah Barandagh, Mahdi
The Relationship of Conservatism and Short Term Abnormal Returns of Initial Public Offerings with Emphasis on the Role of Information Asymmetry Models [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2013, Pages 57-82]
Fallah Joshaghani, Hamed
The Effect of Financial Leverage on Earnings Response Coefficient [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2007, Pages 1-25]
Fallahnezhad, Farhad
Presenting a Sustainable Model of Basu Conservatism Using the GMM-sys Method [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2018, Pages 95-122]
Fallahpour, saeid
Investigating the effect of information supply and demand in cyberspace on the profitability of shares of companies listed on Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2019, Pages 131-155]
Fallahshams, Mir feyz
Dynamic Measurement of Iran Interbank Network Stability [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2021, Pages 167-197]
Farahi, Mana
Intellectual Property Protection and Innovation: Analysis of The Mediating Role of Research and Development Expenditure and Financial Restrictions of The Company [(Articles in Press)]
Faraji, Omid
Twenty-One Years of the Behavioral Accounting Research: A Bibliometric Analysis [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2022, Pages 165-201]
Farajolalhzadeh, Mohammad
Investigating the Relation between Tobin's Q Ratio and Earnings per Share (EPS) in Performance Evaluation of the Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2008, Pages 109-127]
Farajzadeh, Maryam
Investigation the association between conservatism
and investment efficiency with respect to firm’s
financing status and ultimate ownership in
Tehran Stock Exchange Market [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2015, Pages 97-116]
Farajzadeh, Maryam
Information Uncertainty, Information Asymmetry and Growth Options [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2013, Pages 125-145]
Farajzadeh, Maryam
Investigation the association between conservatism and investment efficiency with respect to firm’s financing status and ultimate ownership in Tehran Stock Exchange Market [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2015]
Farajzadeh Dehkordi, Hassan
Dividend Policy and Fraudulent Financial Reporting [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2015, Pages 97-114]
Farazmand, Hassan
The Effect of Variables on Qualified Audit Report [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2007, Pages 123-146]
Farhadi, Roohollah
Risk of beta: Evidence from Prospect Theory [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2015, Pages 9-38]
Farjam, Zahra
Cost Behavior Forecast Accuracy in Earning Forecast of Tehran Stock Exchange Companies [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 71-92]
Farkhondeh, Mahsa Farkhondeh
Investigating the Causing Relation Earning and Future Return to Existing Rational Intrinsic Bubble
of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2016, Pages 157-184]
Farvizi, Leila
Investigating the Impact of Accounting and Financial Variables on Company Systematic Risk: Applying the Bayesian Model Averaging Method [(Articles in Press)]
Farzaneh, Nassirzadeh
Investigation The Relationship Between Financial Reporting Quality Models, Debt Maturity and Investment Efficiency and Inefficiency [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2018, Pages 79-105]
Fasihi, Soghra
Investigating the Effect of Management Ability on Dividend Policy Companies listed in Tehran Stock [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 73-94]
Fatemi, Mahboobe
Predicting Stock Returns by Using Financial Ratios [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2006, Pages 83-111]
Fathi Moghadam, Mojtaba
The Relation between Changes in Audit Opinion and Financial Reporting Delay [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 131-156]
Feizabadi Farahani, Nahid
Ranking Variables Affecting Efficiency of Insurance Companies by Using Fuzzy ANP [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 53-81]
Fe’li, M.
The Relation between Corporate Governance and Firm Value in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2008, Pages 89-106]
Firooznia, Amir
The relationship between earnings per share to price ratio (E / P) and future earnings growth [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2019, Pages 55-78]
Firouzian Nezhad, Mohammad
Evaluating the Reduction of Government Financial Burden through the Typology of Drivers Affecting Generational Accounting in the Capital Market [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 227-272]
Foroghi, D
Capability Assessment of Enterprises Accounting System Accountability to Social Responsibility [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2003, Pages 39-60]
Foroghi, Daryush
Modeling for CEO Human Capital Measurement by Shannon Entropy Index and It’s Effect on Earnings Forecasts Quality [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2021, Pages 55-84]
Forooghi, D.
The Effect of Earnings Quality Measures on Excess Stock Return [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2017, Pages 1-28]
Foroughi, Darioush
The Role of Left Tail Risk in Explaining the Idiosyncratic Volatility Puzzle [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2022, Pages 85-115]
Foroughi, Darioush
Accounting Asset Informativeness Based on Intrinsic and Optional Factors and Investors' Beliefs: Investigating the Effects of Accounting Earnings Quality [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2024, Pages 1-42]
Forughi, Aref
Effect of management influence on disclosure quality of accounting information [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2019, Pages 27-53]
Ganji, Hamidreza
Explaining the Effective Factors on Short Term Abnormal Rate of Return of New Companies' Stock: In Case of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2007, Pages 129-150]
Ganji, HamidReza
Examining the Impact of Investors' Sentiment on Their Expectations of Future Earnings [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2023, Pages 155-190]
Ganji, Kianoosh
the Impact of Monopoly or Industry Competition on Pricing of External Audit Services [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2017, Pages 149-178]
Ganji, Kianoosh
The impact of monopoly or industry competition on pricing of external audit services [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2017]
Ghadami Mashhour, Asyieh
Relationship between Real Earnings Management and Accruals Earnings Management with the Transparency of Accounting Information in Listed Firms in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2018, Pages 161-179]
Ghaderi, Salahoddin
The Role of Audit Committee Financial Expertise on the Managerial Short-Termism [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 141-165]
Ghadirian Arani, Zohreh
Financial Distress and Restatement of Financial statements: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2020, Pages 203-227]
Ghadirian-Arani, Mohammad-Hossein
Financial Distress and Restatement of Financial statements: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2020, Pages 203-227]
Ghadirian-Arani, Mohammad-Hossein
Political Connections and Accounting Information Quality: Evidence from Financial Restatement [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2021, Pages 1-32]
Ghaemi, M
Income Smoothing and Stock Return Based on Fama-French Three-Factor Model [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2012, Pages 93-106]
Ghaemi, Mohamad hossein
The Survey of Management Behavior in Annual Earnings Forecast [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 53-75]
Ghaemi, Mohammad hosein
Evaluation of The Pricing Model and Calendar-Time Portfolio Approach in Long-Term Event Study [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2019, Pages 101-130]
Ghaemi, Mohammad Hosein
To Study the Behavior of Selling, General, and Administrative (SG&A) Costs and Cost of Goods Sold in Manufacturing Firms Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2007, Pages 71-89]
Ghaemi, Mohammad Hossein
A Survey of TEPIX Efficiency [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2006, Pages 156-184]
Ghaffarloo, A
The Impact of Conditional and Unconditional Accounting Conservatism on the Cost of Equity [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2012, Pages 49-67]
Ghahremani, Arian
The Effect of Accounting Information Quality on the Companies' Cost of Equity, Considering the Role of Information Symmetry and Comparability of Financial Statements [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2021, Pages 33-65]
Ghanbari, Amin
The Relationship between Contingency Factors and Non-Financial Sustainability Performance: The Moderating Role of Managers' Behavioral Dimensions [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2024, Pages 43-98]
Ghannad, Mostafa
Political Connections, Related Party Transactions and Earnings Management In Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 129-155]
Gharibi, Tayebeh
Developing Criteria for Valuing Digital Assets and Evaluation of Axes Identified based on Mutual Matrices [(Articles in Press)]
Ghasedi Dizaji, Keivan
the Effect of Macroeconomic Variables on Management
Financing Decision [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 87-120]
Ghasemi, Afsane
The Relationship between Net Operating Assets and Accounting Conservatism [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2016, Pages 73-92]
Ghasemi, Ali
The Impact of Stock Overvaluation on Stock’s
Abnormal Returns and their Volatility over Time [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2017, Pages 29-51]
Ghasemi, Ali
The Effect of Fair Value Approach on Performance Indicators of Small and Medium Sized Investment Companies [Volume 16, Issue 64, 2020, Pages 59-80]
Ghasemi, Ali
Losses Firm's Related Party Transaction and Unexpected Auditing Fees; Testing the Adjustment Effect of Corporate Ownership Structure [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2022, Pages 177-205]
Ghasemi, Ghasem
A Comparative Examination of Management Forecasts and Box Jenkins Forecasts of Earning [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2005, Pages 209-225]
Ghayour, Farzad
Predicting the Industry Index Volatility of Companies
Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange, Emphasizing on
Corporate Financial Variables Using Support
Vector Machine [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2015, Pages 111-129]
Ghayour, Farzad
The Effect of Diversification Strategies on Inventory Performance [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2021, Pages 113-142]
Ghayouri Moghadam, Ali
A study of the effects of Related Parties Transactions
on the Agency costs [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2015, Pages 115-134]
Ghazinoori, Seyed Soroush
Identifying and Ranking Sustainability Evaluation Indicators for Iranian Pension Funds [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 53-95]
Ghaznavi, Mohamad Sadegh
Incremental Information Content of Earnings and Cash Flows from Operation and Their Extremity: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 87-59]
Ghesvari, Mohammad Taghi
Comparing between Combined Financial Ratios Based on Cash Flow and Accrual Figures with Financial Ratios Based on Accrual Figures to Foresee the Companies Bankruptcies [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2005, Pages 43-61]
Gholami Fatideh, Ashkan
The Effect of time pressure, work–family conflict and role ambiguity on audit quality reduction behavior with the Mediating effect of work stress: An Analysis of the Iranian Audit Environment [Volume 19, Issue 76, 2023, Pages 65-96]
Gholami roocheh, Saeed
The Relationship between the Bargaining Power of Suppliers and Customers and Accounting Conservatism [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2013, Pages 29-56]
Gholamnia roshan, Hamidreza
Identification of Non-Fragile Variables Affecting Tax Audit Quality [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2023, Pages 165-203]
Gholamrezapoor, Mohammad
CEO Power, Family Ownership and Audit Fees: Analysis of Alignment and Entrenchment Theories [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2021, Pages 167-193]
Gholizadeh, Mohammad Hasan
Investigating the Causing Relation Earning and Future Return to Existing Rational Intrinsic Bubble
of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2016, Pages 157-184]
Ghorbani, Arash
Examining Real Earnings Management to Avoid Losses [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 155-181]
Ghorbani, Arash
The Implications of Correlation between Measurement Error in the Discretionary Accruals Proxy and Partitioning Variable in Earnings Management Detection Test [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2018, Pages 159-188]
Ghorbani, Mahmood
The association between Excess Cash Holding and Shareholder Value: The Case of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 151-175]
Ghorbani, Mahmoud
Identification of Indicators of Banks subject to Bankruptcy Crisis Based on Thematic Analysis Method [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2020, Pages 51-86]
Ghorbani, Ramin
Investigating the Effect of Correlation between Firms' Earnings and Announcement Timing on the Accruals [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 91-112]
Ghorbani, Razieh
The Moderating Role of Conservatism in the Relationship between Audit Quality and Earnings Management [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2024, Pages 121-162]
Ghorbanizadeh, Vajhollah
Audit Committee Performance Evaluation Model: Indicators and Importance of Each [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 1-51]
Ghouchifard, Hamze
The Effect of Investors' Myopic Loss Aversions (MLA) on Iinvestments in Stocks in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2020, Pages 89-124]
Golizadeh Azariha, Mehrdadallah
The Emergence of The Radicalism Approach of Applying Fundamental Changes in The Accounting Profession: A Test of Interactive Qualitative Method [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2025]
Golmohammadi shuraki, Mojtaba
Accounting Comparability and Audit Effort [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2021, Pages 113-138]
Golmohammadi Shuraki, Mojtaba
Measuring the Competition in Audit services Market Through Examination of Audit Fee Stickiness [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2016, Pages 1-21]
Goodarzi, Narges
Behavioral Foundations of Dividend Policy [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2013, Pages 83-104]
Goodarzi, Neda
Testing representative bias using fundamental accounting measures: Evidence from TSE [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 57-88]
Gorbaizadeh, Vajhollah
Validating Three-dimensional Model of Ethical Competencies’ Education in Accounting Program [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2021, Pages 1-25]
Habibzade, Malihe
Clustering and Profitability Forecast of Companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange with the Decision Tree c5 Approach [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2018, Pages 135-157]
Hadian, Reyhaneh
The effect of financial reporting quality and debt
maturity on investment efficiency [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2015, Pages 117-143]
Hadipour, Hassan
The Stock Optimal Portfolio using value at risk: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2019, Pages 157-178]
Haghighat, Hamid
Asymmetric Cash Flow Sensitivity of Cash Holdings [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 27-52]
Haghighat, Hamid
Investigating the Effect of Correlation between Firms' Earnings and Announcement Timing on the Accruals [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 91-112]
Haghighat, Hamid
The Survey Effect of Firm's earnings Correlation and Announcement Timing on
The Accruals of companies accepted in Tehran stock exchange [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017]
Haghighat, Jafar
Investigating the Impact of Accounting and Financial Variables on Company Systematic Risk: Applying the Bayesian Model Averaging Method [(Articles in Press)]
Haghighat, Mohammad
TheImpact of Higher Moments and Nonsystematic Volatility on Future Stock Return using Fama-MacBeth Model [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 109-133]
Hajiha, Zahra
The Relation between Changes in Audit Opinion and Financial Reporting Delay [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 131-156]
Hajizadeh Amini, Amir
Providing a Framework for Facilitating Tokenization Implementation Processes in The Cloud Accounting Platform [(Articles in Press)]
Haj Noruzi, Ahmad
Relationship Between Lag of Sales Changes with Asymmetric Expense Behavior and the Moderating Effect of Management Attitude [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2017, Pages 105-122]
Hamidi, Elham
The Ability of Current Operating Income to Predict Future Operating Cash Flows over the Time [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2007, Pages 1-20]
Hamidian, N.
The Effect of Earnings Quality Measures on Excess Stock Return [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2017, Pages 1-28]
Hamidian, Narges
Investigating the Role of Accounting Information Uncertainty on Investors’ Reaction to Earnings Announcement [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2018, Pages 147-170]
Hamidian, Narges
The Effect of Comparability of Financial Statements and the Opacity in Financial Reporting on the Value Relevance of Earnings and Book Value per Share [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2022, Pages 85-115]
Hamidian, Narges
The Effect of Industry Operating Cash Flow Volatility on the Stock Price Crash Risk: The Moderating Role of Economic Policy Uncertainty and Conditional Conservatism [(Articles in Press)]
Hamidi Zadeh, Mohammd Reza
A Survey of Stock Price Bubbles in Tehran Stock Exchange on The Basis of Size & Type of Industries [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2006, Pages 39-71]
Harasani, R.
Trend study of Earnings Quality over time in Tehran Stock Exchange listed companies [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 65-95]
Hasannataj Kordi, Mohsen
An Investigation of the Audit Committee Characteristics Effects on Real Earnings Management [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2015, Pages 130-154]
Hasanpour, SH
Choosing an Appropriate Model for Predicting Earnings Based on Comparing the Relevant Models in the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2012, Pages 137-157]
Hasanzadeh, Shadi
Intellectual Property Protection and Innovation: Analysis of The Mediating Role of Research and Development Expenditure and Financial Restrictions of The Company [(Articles in Press)]
Hasanzadeh Diva, Seyed Mostafa
An analysis of Earnings Persistence, Cash Flow and Accruals on a Scale of Industries and Companies [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2018, Pages 49-72]
Hasas Yaganeh, Yahya
The Factors Affecting the Professional Judgment (ethics) of Auditors and the Pressures on Them [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2020, Pages 1-26]
Hasas-yeganeh, yahya
Relationship between Corporate Governance Dimensions and Investment Efficiency [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2017]
Hasas Yeganeh, Y.
Awareness of Auditors of Auditing Standards Issued by Auditing Organization [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2004, Pages 157-169]
Hasas Yeghaneh, Yahya
A Model for Impact of Corporate Social responsibility And Tax Management costs on Avoidance And Tax Evasion [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2018, Pages 27-58]
Hashemi, seyed Abbas
The effect of financial reporting quality and debt
maturity on investment efficiency [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2015, Pages 117-143]
Hashemi, Seyed Abbas
The Effects of Cost of Capital on the Relationship
Between Earnings and Stock Returns [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 91-117]
Hashemi, Seyed Abbas
Evaluating the Effect of Accounting Conservatism on the Correction Process of Accruals Anomaly [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2019, Pages 69-95]
Hashemnia, F.
Comparing Incremental Information Content of Value Based and Common Accounting Performance Measures in Explaining Stock Market Return [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2016, Pages 111-139]
Hassani, Hassan
The Role of Managerial Ability in Corporate Tax Avoidance: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2018, Pages 24-47]
Hassani, Mohammad
The Valuable Consequences of Financial Reporting Convergence towards Integrated Reporting [Volume 19, Issue 76, 2023, Pages 97-130]
Hassanjani Khoshkroudi, Mohammad
Identification of Non-Fragile Variables Affecting Tax Audit Quality [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2023, Pages 165-203]
Hassannejad, Matin
The Usefulness of Balance Sheet and Income Statement Information Considered in Compare with Income Statement to Explain Stock Returns [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2015, Pages 27-62]
Hassas Ycganeh, Yahya
The Effect of Corporate Governance on Decrease Earning Management [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2007, Pages 151-171]
Hassas Yeganeh, Y.
The Relationship between the Expenditures on Internal Audit Resources and the Expenditures on External Audit Services [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2004, Pages 71-96]
Hassas Yeganeh, Y.
Trend study of Earnings Quality over time in Tehran Stock Exchange listed companies [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 65-95]
Hassas Yeganeh, Y.
Developing a Model for Corporate Governance Rating in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 1-35]
Hassas Yeganeh, Yahya
The Usefulness of Balance Sheet and Income Statement Information Considered in Compare with Income Statement to Explain Stock Returns [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2015, Pages 27-62]
Hassas Yeganeh, Yahya
The Effect of Independent Auditor's Report on User's Decision Making [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2003, Pages 41-60]
Hassas Yeganeh, Yahya
The Concept of Materiality in Auditing and its Impact on Auditors Opinion [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2003, Pages 1-38]
Hassas Yeganeh, Yahya
The Effects of the Auditing Reports on the stock Price of the Listed Corporations in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2003, Pages 27-59]
Hassas Yeganeh, Yahya
The Effect of Independent Auditor's Report on Creditor's Decision Making [Volume 2, Issue 6, 2004, Pages 113-127]
Hassas Yeganeh, Yahya
Factors Affecting Professional Power of Independent Audit [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2005, Pages 55-86]
Hassas Yeganeh, Yahya
Iranian Auditor’s Perceptions of Inherent Risk [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2004, Pages 1-31]
Hassas Yeganeh, Yahya
An Evaluation of the Independence and Competence of Iranian Association of Certified Public Accountants on the Attestation Services [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2005, Pages 103-125]
Hassas Yeganeh, Yahya
Relation between Internal Control Reporting and the User's Decision Making: in TEHRAN Security Exchange Market [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2006, Pages 133-176]
Hassas Yeganeh, Yahya
Effective Factors in Client Acceptance Decision in Audit Firms [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2007, Pages 93-114]
Hassas Yeganeh, Yahya
Effective Factors on Voluntary Choice of an Auditor [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2008, Pages 23-45]
Hassas Yeganeh, Yahya
Corporate Governance Mechanisms, Debt Ratio, Firm Size and Earnings Management [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2009, Pages 79-115]
Hassas Yeganeh, Yahya
The Relationship between Corporate Governance and its Dimensions and investment Efficiency on the Firms Accepted in Tehran stock Exchange [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2017, Pages 9-36]
Hassas Yeganeh, Yahya
Ranking Variables Affecting Efficiency of Insurance Companies by Using Fuzzy ANP [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 53-81]
Hedayati Bilondi, Ali
Identifying and Ranking Sustainability Evaluation Indicators for Iranian Pension Funds [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 53-95]
Hedayatipour, Marzie
Investigation The Relationship Between Financial Reporting Quality Models, Debt Maturity and Investment Efficiency and Inefficiency [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2018, Pages 79-105]
Heidari, Danial
The Motivational Contexts of The Governance Hegemony of Family Ownership: Reflecting on Cadillo's Governance Theory [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2025]
Heidari, Hadi
Asymmetric Cash Flow Sensitivity of Cash Holdings [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 27-52]
Heidari, Mehdi
The Review of Information Content of Cash Value Added (CVA) in Relation to Annual Stock Return: Comparative Analysis with Operating Profit (OP) and Operating Cash Flow (OCF) [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2005, Pages 121-151]
Heidari, Mehdi
The Effects of Ownership Structure (Governmental and private) on Relationship between Disclosure Quality and Cost of Capital at Tehran Stock Exchange Listed Companies [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2019, Pages 21-43]
Heidari, Mehdi
Investigating the Effect of Financial Distress and Growth Opportunities on Accounting Conservatism with the Role of Adjusting Management Overconfidence [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2022, Pages 177-208]
Heidari, Rasool
Effective Factors on Voluntary Choice of an Auditor [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2008, Pages 23-45]
Heidary Sureshjani, Zahra
Accounting Asset Informativeness Based on Intrinsic and Optional Factors and Investors' Beliefs: Investigating the Effects of Accounting Earnings Quality [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2024, Pages 1-42]
Hejazi, R.
Effect of Threshold Volume on Acceleration on Stock Price and Delay on Reaching to Real Price in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2009, Pages 147-166]
Hejazi, Rezvan
Predicting Stock Returns by Using Financial Ratios [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2006, Pages 83-111]
Hejazi, Rezvan
Investigating the Effect of Management Ability on Dividend Policy Companies listed in Tehran Stock [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 73-94]
Hekmat, Hanie
The Moderating Role of Conservatism in the Relationship between Audit Quality and Earnings Management [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2024, Pages 121-162]
Hematfar, Mahmood
Modeling the Detection of Firms Financial Fraud under The Implementation of Artificial Neural Network's Evaluation Algorithms [(Articles in Press)]
Hemati, Hassan
The Relationship of Diversification Strategy and Value of Cash Holding with Abnormal Returns in Tehran Stock Exchange listed companies [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2011, Pages 127-148]
Hemmati, Hasan
Perspectives on Sustainability in Strategic Management Accounting in Terms of Financial Technologies (FinTech) [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2024, Pages 163-212]
Hesarzadeh, Reza
Modeling of Minimizing Uncertainty Based on
Accounting Data Quality Proxies [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2016, Pages 89-136]
Heydari Nia, E.
The Main Outcome of Using the Moving Average Method in Stock Market Price as the Basis for Decision Making on Buying and Selling Shares in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 2, Issue 6, 2004, Pages 55-82]
Heydarpour, F.
Effect of Threshold Volume on Acceleration on Stock Price and Delay on Reaching to Real Price in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2009, Pages 147-166]
Heydarzadeh khalife khandi, Vahid
The Moderating Role of Conservatism in the Relationship between Audit Quality and Earnings Management [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2024, Pages 121-162]
Hiedari, Mehdi
The Empirical Investigation of Relationship between Political Costs and Growth Opportunities: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2016, Pages 141-157]
Hooshmand, Abbas
Auditor Attributes, Professional and Commercial Orientations, and the Implications for Audit Quality [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2021, Pages 145-165]
Hoseini, S. Ali
The Study of Relationship between Changes in the Leading Indicators and the Accounting Profit of the Firms accepted at the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2004, Pages 25-46]
Hoseini Afshari, Mehran
Evaluation of Different Security Valuation Models at Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2003, Pages 60-94]
Hoshi, Abbas
Factors Affecting Unqualified Financial Reports [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2007, Pages 91-125]
Hosieni Pour, R
Examine the Effects of Financial and Non-Financial Variables on Tax Evasion Using of Data Mining Techniques: Automotive and Parts Manufacturing Industry [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2012, Pages 103-128]
Hosseine, Seyede Atefe
Presenting a Pathological Framework of Teamwork in Auditing: Matrix Ranking Process [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2024, Pages 257-306]
Hosseini, Ramin
Presentation the Pattern of Behavioral Entropy in Auditors
(Case Study: the Audit Organization) [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2021, Pages 139-166]
Hosseini, Seyed Ali
The Impact of Political Connections and Voluntary Disclosure in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2019, Pages 151-175]
Hosseini, Seyed Ali
Use of expertise services in auditing, challenges, and improvement strategies [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2022, Pages 145-176]
Hosseini, Seyed Ali
Investigating the Impact of Corporate Governance structures on Adoption, Quantity and Quality of Sustainability Reports: Using Systematic Review [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2025]
Hosseinpour, A. H.
The Relationship between Real Earnings Management and Accrual Earnings Management in Companies Suspected of Fraud Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2016, Pages 29-52]
Hossein Pour, Amir Hossein
Effect of Tools of Evolution Steps of Management Accounting on Operating Profit of Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2015, Pages 63-86]
Hossein Pour, Amir Hossein
Effect of Tools of Evolution Steps of Management Accounting On Operating Profit of Companies Listed In Tehran Stock Exchange Exchanged: An Empirical Examination [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2015]
Hossieni,, Seyed Alireza
The Accounting Development Procedures Framework for Implementing Financial Startups in Capital Market Companies [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2024, Pages 213-266]
Hossini, Mohammad Mehdi
Evaluation Matrix of Perspective on the Driving Forces of Legacy Accounting [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 165-213]
Houshmand Zaferanie, Rahmat Allah
Investigation of the type and Information Content of
Accounting Adjustments of Firms Listed in the Tehran
Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2015, Pages 39-58]
Imani, Karim
Measuring Audit Task Complexity Using Structural Equation Modeling [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2022, Pages 125-164]
Imanyfar, M.
A Decompositional Analysis of Capital Structure and Its Determinants: Evidences from Tehran Securities Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 37-58]
Imeni, Mohsen
Investigating the Effect of Constraints on Earnings Management Strategies on the Application of Earnings Classification Shifting Strategy [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2022, Pages 203-236]
Inanlou, Effat
Factors Affecting the Profitability of Banks [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 119-140]
Islami, Gholamreza
An Empirical Study on Statistical Analytical Procedures in Auditing [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2004, Pages 97-122]
Izadinia, N.
Relationship between Internal Measures of Value Creation and External Measures of Operation Evaluation [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2004, Pages 131-155]
Izadiniya, Naser
The Impact of Highly Valued Equity on the Relation
between Audit Quality and Discretionary Accruals [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2015, Pages 31-80]
Izadiniya, Naser
The Impact of Highly Valued Equity on the Relation
between Audit Quality and Discretionary Accruals [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2015, Pages 31-80]
Izi, Roya
The Role of the Auditor's Ethical Decision to Disclose Financial and Non-Financial Secrets [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2020, Pages 149-172]
Jabari, Hassan
The Role of Accountability in Auditors Judgment Quality [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2007, Pages 105-122]
Jabbarzadeh Kangarluei, Saeid
Combination of CDM, ANFIS & MH Algorithms in a model to determine Fraudulent Financial-Tax Report [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2021, Pages 87-112]
Jaberi, Hanieh
The Effect of Financial Rewards, Market Considerations, Personality, Social values and professional Training in Choosing a public sector accountant Job [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2025]
Jafari, Abolfazl
Rating Iranian Banks According to their Financial Strength [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 25-50]
Jafari, Abolfazl
Financial Strength Rating of the Iranian Banks [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017]
Jafari, Ali
An Evaluation of the Independence and Competence of Iranian Association of Certified Public Accountants on the Attestation Services [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2005, Pages 103-125]
Jafari, Mahtab
The Moderating Effect of Management Entrenchment on the Relationship between Dividend and Debt Policy with Investor Sentiment [Volume 19, Issue 76, 2023, Pages 39-64]
Jafari, Zahra
Evaluation of Effective Criteria for the Desirability of Financial Stability Integration Based on the Comparison of Metaheuristic Algorithms: A Case Study of Banks Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 179-225]
Jafari Dehkordi, Hamid Reza
Evaluating The Consequences of The Dominant Hegemonic Powerism Promotion in Auditing Institutions: Testing The Effectiveness of Auditors' Working Life Quality [(Articles in Press)]
Jafari Moafi, Reza
Accruals Quality and Auditor Selection [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2011, Pages 81-98]
Jahangard, Amin
Scientific Mapping of the Literature on Internal Audit Quality [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2023, Pages 35-75]
Jahanshahi, J.
Survey on Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Variables Influencing on Investors Decision of the Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2016, Pages 53-81]
Jalali Gorgani, Fatemeh
Evaluation Matrix of Perspective on the Driving Forces of Legacy Accounting [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 165-213]
Jamalianpour, Mozaffar
Earnings Management and Tone and Complexity of the Audit Reporting [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2022, Pages 1-26]
Jamalianpour, Mozaffar
The role of media in earning management’s strategy [Volume 19, Issue 76, 2023, Pages 1-37]
Jamalian Pour, M.
Effects of Capital Structure and Changes in It on Manufacturing Products [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2009, Pages 127-146]
Jamalian Pour, Mozaffar
Classification Shifting Phenomenon in Earning Management [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2018, Pages 1-23]
Jamshidinavid, Babak
Investigation of the Halo Effect Phenomenon in the Iranian Capital Market with Emphasis on the Role of Accounting Information [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2020, Pages 85-108]
Jandaghyan, Shadi
the Effect of Free Cash Flow Agency Problem on
Stock Returns Synchronicity and Financial Reporting
Quality [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 121-144]
Jandaghyan, Shadi
the Effect of Free Cash Flow Agency Problem on
Stock Returns Synchronicity and Financial Reporting
Quality [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 121-144]
Janjani, R
Choosing an Appropriate Model for Predicting Earnings Based on Comparing the Relevant Models in the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2012, Pages 137-157]
Javadipour, Alireza
Audit Committee Performance Evaluation Model: Indicators and Importance of Each [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 1-51]
Javadi Sofiani, Sepideh
Audit Quality and Overvalued Equity [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2017, Pages 111-140]
Javan, A. A.
The Impact of Earnings Management, Profitability Ratios and Firm Size on Capital Structure [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2009, Pages 87-103]
Javan, AliAkbar
Audit Quality: Providing a Model and Investigating the Gap between the Current Situation and the Desired Level [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2023, Pages 45-84]
Javanbakht, Sh.
Comparing of the Efficiency of Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Consumption-based Capital Asset Pricing Model (CCAPM) in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 143-157]
Javani Ghalandari, Musa
the Impact of Monopoly or Industry Competition on Pricing of External Audit Services [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2017, Pages 149-178]
Javani Ghalandari, Musa
The impact of monopoly or industry competition on pricing of external audit services [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2017]
Jeddi, Roghayye
Phenomenological Exploring of the Lived Experiences of Candidates Participating in the CPA Exam [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2023, Pages 205-243]
Kaboli, Mona sadat
Effectiveness of Schwartz’s Motivational Values and Accounting Code of Ethics on Fraudulent Financial Reporting [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2020, Pages 27-50]
Kaighoadi, AmirReza
Enterprise Risk Management Model and Implications for Effective Control of Accounting and Economic Performance of the Company [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2020, Pages 139-173]
Kalhornia, Hamid
The relationship between earnings per share to price ratio (E / P) and future earnings growth [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2019, Pages 55-78]
Kamyab, Yahya
Investigating of Managers Behavior in Using Mental Accounting in Income Statement Reporting [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2018, Pages 1-26]
Kamyabi, Yahya
Earnings forecast error, related-party transactions, and independent board members [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 131-151]
Kamyabi, Yahya
Cost Stickiness and Asymmetry in Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) Model [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2017, Pages 145-164]
Karami, F.
Predicting Earnings Using a Model Based on Cost Variability and Cost Stickiness [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2008, Pages 19-41]
Karami, Gh.
Investigation of the Relation between Real Earnings Management and Accounting Earnings Management in the Tehran Stock Exchange: Income Smoothing Perspective [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 61-77]
Karami, Gholamreza
Incremental Information Content of Earnings and Cash Flows from Operation and Their Extremity: Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 11, Issue 42, 2014, Pages 87-59]
Karami, Gholamreza
A Model for Ranking of Earnings Quality Measures in Iran [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2019, Pages 127-150]
Karami, Shima
Investigation the association between conservatism
and investment efficiency with respect to firm’s
financing status and ultimate ownership in
Tehran Stock Exchange Market [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2015, Pages 97-116]
Karami, Shima
Investigation the association between conservatism and investment efficiency with respect to firm’s financing status and ultimate ownership in Tehran Stock Exchange Market [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2015]
Kargaz, Mansor
Presentation the Pattern of Behavioral Entropy in Auditors
(Case Study: the Audit Organization) [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2021, Pages 139-166]
Karim, M
Income Smoothing and Stock Return Based on Fama-French Three-Factor Model [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2012, Pages 93-106]
Karimi, Mohammad ali
Identifying Challenges to the Public Financial Management System [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2023, Pages 141-182]
Kashanipoor, Mohamad
A Survey on the Relationship between Market Value Added and Performance Measures in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2008, Pages 129-157]
Kasyri, Hosseyn
The Concept of Materiality in Auditing and its Impact on Auditors Opinion [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2003, Pages 1-38]
Kazemi, H.
Relation between Matching of Revenues and Expenses with Earnings Volatility and Earnings Persistence [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 155-170]
Kazemi, Seyed pouria
CEO Power, Family Ownership and Audit Fees: Analysis of Alignment and Entrenchment Theories [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2021, Pages 167-193]
Kazemi Olum, Mahdi
Audit Committee Characteristics and the Free Cash Flow: Testing the Agency and the Transactions Cost Theories [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2021, Pages 121-143]
Kazemnejad, M.
The effects of working capital management on the profitability of the firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2008, Pages 43-65]
Kazemnezhad, Mostafa
The Usefulness of Variables (Dimension) Reduction Methods in Stock Returns of the Companies Listed on Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 83-107]
Kbodamipour, A.
Value Relevance of Conservative and Non-conservative Accounting Information [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 79-98]
Khadem, H
Examine the Effects of Financial and Non-Financial Variables on Tax Evasion Using of Data Mining Techniques: Automotive and Parts Manufacturing Industry [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2012, Pages 103-128]
Khajavi, S.
The Impact of Moral Hazard on Capital Structure [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2016, Pages 171-189]
Khajavi, Sh.
The Feasibility of Balanced Scorecard Implementation in Performance Measurement of Shiraz Hospitals [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 151-177]
Khajavi, Shokrolah
Investigation of Interactions between Managerial Ownership and Corporate Performance Using the Simultaneous Equations System (Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 55-81]
Khajavi, Shokrollah
Recognition of Efficient Factors Affecting in companies’ bankruptcy using TOPSIS_AHP [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 69-90]
Khakpour Heydaranlou, Ebrahim
Investigating the Effect of Financial Distress and Growth Opportunities on Accounting Conservatism with the Role of Adjusting Management Overconfidence [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2022, Pages 177-208]
Khalegh, Alireza
Corporate Transparency in Iran and Its Influential Factors [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2008, Pages 31-60]
Khaleghi Mogadam, Hamid
The Effective Accounting and Economic Variables on P/E [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2006, Pages 57-81]
Khaleghi Moghadam, H.
Predicting Earnings Using a Model Based on Cost Variability and Cost Stickiness [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2008, Pages 19-41]
Khaleghi Moghadam, H.
The Volatility Forecasting of Tehran& International Stock Exchanges [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2009, Pages 1-33]
Khaleghi Moghadam, Hamid
The Effects of Compliance Accounting Standard No 22 (Interim financial Report) on Users' Decisions in Comparison Interim Reports in Accordance to the Previous Requirements of the Stock Exchange [Volume 2, Issue 6, 2004, Pages 1-26]
Khaleghi Moghadam, Hamid
In Accuracy of Management Earning Forecast in IPO Prospectuses [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2005, Pages 1-28]
Khaleghi Moghadam, Hamid
The Effects of Stock Market Indicators on Stock Price Prediction [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2007, Pages 27-61]
Khaleghi moghaddam, Hamid
The Information Content of Earning Forecasts of Companies [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2004, Pages 33-54]
Khaleghi Moghaddam, Hamid
The Usefulness of Non-earnings Financial Statements Items as Earnings Predictors [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2003, Pages 109-142]
Khaleghi Moghaddam, Hamid
Companies Going Concern Evaluation and its Relation to P/E Ratio [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2003, Pages 2-26]
Khaleghi Moghaddam, Hamid
The Ability of Current Operating Income to Predict Future Operating Cash Flows over the Time [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2007, Pages 1-20]
Khaleghi Moghaddam, Hamid
Corporate Transparency in Iran and Its Influential Factors [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2008, Pages 31-60]
Khaleghi Moghoddam, Hamid
Relation among Different Approaches of Financial Measurement of Firms [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2003, Pages 83-106]
Khaleghparast Athari, Shabnam
Predicting the Industry Index Volatility of Companies
Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange, Emphasizing on
Corporate Financial Variables Using Support
Vector Machine [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2015, Pages 111-129]
Khalifeh Soltani, S. A.
The Impact of Moral Hazard on Capital Structure [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2016, Pages 171-189]
Khalilpour, Mehdi
Evaluating the Emerging Fields of Human Rights Accounting Development in Iran's Capital Market [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2024, Pages 205-255]
Khani, Abdollah
Income Management and Management Bonus: Study for Financial Information disclosure [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2003, Pages 127-153]
Khan Mohammadi, H.
Effect of Threshold Volume on Acceleration on Stock Price and Delay on Reaching to Real Price in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2009, Pages 147-166]
Khansari, Nikoo
Investigating the Effect of Correlation between Firms' Earnings and Announcement Timing on the Accruals [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 91-112]
Khanzadi, Azad
Study Effect of Earnings Management Forecast News on Earnings Predictability and Disclosure Noises [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2020, Pages 87-122]
Khatiri, Mohamad
COVID-19 and Earnings Management through Classification Shifting [(Articles in Press)]
Khatiri, Mohammad
Losses Firm's Related Party Transaction and Unexpected Auditing Fees; Testing the Adjustment Effect of Corporate Ownership Structure [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2022, Pages 177-205]
Khazen, Atena
Investigate the effect of real earnings management on bankruptcy predication models [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2019, Pages 77-101]
Kheirallahi, Farshid
Real Earning Management, Corporate Governance
and Cash Holding [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2015, Pages 145-161]
Kheirollahi, Farshid
Consequences of Financial Reporting Failure for Outside Directors [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 109-132]
Kheirollahi, Farshid
Comparing the Expectations of Financial Reporting Preparers and Users of Integrated Financial Reporting [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2023, Pages 191-220]
Khodadadi, David
Provide a Comprehensive Model of the Relative Importance of Environmental Accounting Indicators Using Modeling (SEM). [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2020, Pages 173-203]
Khodadadi, N.
Examining the Relation between Advertising Expenditures and Firm's Intangible Value in the TSE Listed Companies [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2009, Pages 53-78]
Khodadadi, V
The Relationship Between Firm Performance and Timing of Financial Reporting in the Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2012, Pages 151-172]
Khodadadi, Vali
Corporate Life Cycle and Cost of Equity Capita [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2017, Pages 61-82]
Khodakarimi, Pari
Predicting Financial Distress with using combined model of Accounting and
Market Data with Logistic Regression Approach [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 145-168]
Khodamipoor, Ahmad
Effect of information asymmetry and company life cycle on future stocks return:
Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 143-167]
Khodamipour, Ahmad
Developing of Effective Factors Model on Corporate Sustainability in Iran [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2020, Pages 175-201]
Khodarahmi, Behrooz
A Performance Budgeting Implementation Model for
Islamic Republic of Iran's Government [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 1-36]
Khodayari, Hamid
Perspectives on Sustainability in Strategic Management Accounting in Terms of Financial Technologies (FinTech) [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2024, Pages 163-212]
Khojaste, Hiva
The Impact of Firm's Attributes on the Disclosure Level of the Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 141-168]
Khorami Kakhki, Matina
Investors rely on independent audit quality, and influences the quality of financial reporting and disclosure of financial statements [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2016]
Khoramin, Manochehr
Studying the Relationship of Personality Factors and Learning in Accounting Students [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 125-143]
Khorramdel Masouleh, Zahra
The Effect of Green Innovation and Environmental Management Accounting on Financial, Environmental and Economic Performance of the Company [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2022, Pages 1-40]
Khosaravani, Arezoo
Expanding the Mathematical Functions Matrix in the Futurology of Intertextuality in Disclosure Comprehensive Information for Stakeholders [(Articles in Press)]
Khoshbakht, Esmaeil
The Effect of Religious Beliefs and the Mediating Role of Professional Ethics on Accountants’ Inaccuracy in Preparing Financial Statements [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2024, Pages 267-304]
Khoshtinat, Mohsen
International Accounting: Roles and Dimensions [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2003, Pages 61-84]
Khoshtinat, Mohsen
The Effect of Dividend on Common Stock Prices [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2003, Pages 107-139]
Khoshtinat, Mohsen
Income Management and Management Bonus: Study for Financial Information disclosure [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2003, Pages 127-153]
Khoshtinat, Mohsen
Accounting Standards Harmonization [Volume 2, Issue 6, 2004, Pages 83-112]
Khoshtinat, Mohsen
Correlation of Traditional Liquidity Indexes and Modern Liquidity Indexes [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2004, Pages 55-76]
Khoshtinat, Mohsen
Comparing between Combined Financial Ratios Based on Cash Flow and Accrual Figures with Financial Ratios Based on Accrual Figures to Foresee the Companies Bankruptcies [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2005, Pages 43-61]
Khoshtinat, Mohsen
Color Graphics and Task Complexity in Multivariate Decision Making [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2005, Pages 177-207]
Khoshtinat, Mohsen
Relationship between Earnings Quality and Stock Return [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2006, Pages 27-56]
Khoshtinat, Mohsen
The Contemporary Role of EPS and Book value in Stock Price Evaluation [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2006, Pages 1-37]
Khoshtinat, Mohsen
The Necessity of Establishing Value -Added Tax System in Iran [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2006, Pages 21-41]
Khoshtinat, Mohsen
The Effect of Firm Size on Information Content of Earning Announcement [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2007, Pages 1-18]
Khoshtinat, Mohsen
The Effect of Financial Leverage on Earnings Response Coefficient [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2007, Pages 1-25]
Khoshtinat, Mohsen
Professional Judgment in Auditing [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2007, Pages 25-57]
Khoshtinat, Mohsen
Evaluation of Effecting Variables on the Credibility of Management Earning Forecast [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2007, Pages 21-49]
Khoshtinat, Mohsen
The Relationship between Information Asymmetry and Conservatism [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2008, Pages 37-59]
Khoshtinat, Mohsen
The Framework of Relation of Investors Overconfidence Behavior with Stock Return [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2009, Pages 53-85]
Khosravi, Farman
Relationship of Stock Returns with Firm Size, Book-to -Market Equity Ratio and Earning-to-Price Ratio in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2008, Pages 61-87]
Khosravipour, Negar
Contextualizing the Auditors' Bricolage Strategic Thinking Functions In Controlling The Occurrence of Auditing Profession Pressure Spillover Disorders [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2025]
Khosrownejad, H.
Corporate Governance Mechanisms, Debt Ratio, Firm Size and Earnings Management [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2009, Pages 79-115]
Khozan, Ali
Presentation the Pattern of Behavioral Entropy in Auditors
(Case Study: the Audit Organization) [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2021, Pages 139-166]
Kohansal, Mahmood
The Impact of Firm-specific Attributes on the Relevance in Earnings and Cash Flows: Iranian Case [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2005, Pages 27-41]
Kordestani, GH
The Impact of Cost Efficiency on the relation between Sales, General and Administrative ratio (SG&A Ratio) and Future Performance [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2012, Pages 77-102]
Kordestani, Gh. Kordestanim
Investigation of the Firm Book-To-Price Operating and Leverage Components Effect in Stock Returns in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 39-64]
Kordestani, Gholamreza
The Relationship between the Bargaining Power of Suppliers and Customers and Accounting Conservatism [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2013, Pages 29-56]
Kordestani, Gholamreza
Investigation of Effective Timing and Economic Factors on the Relation Between Accruals And Operating Cash Flows [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2019, Pages 33-59]
Kordestani, Gholamreza
Identifying Challenges to the Public Financial Management System [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2023, Pages 141-182]
Koushki jahromi, Alireza
Financial Reporting L language Bad on Aggressive Financial Reporting Investor Protection [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2020, Pages 109-138]
Koushki Jahromi, Alireza
The Effect of Tournament Incentives on Financial Restatements: Stimulus-Response Theory Test [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2019, Pages 125-156]
Lotfi, Nasim
The comparison of the value relevance
of operating cash flows, current
accruals, and non-current accruals with
the value relevance of total amount of
operating income؛ Evidence from
Tehran Stock [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2015, Pages 1-35]
Madanie, Mohamad Hossein
The Effect of Independent Auditor's Report on Creditor's Decision Making [Volume 2, Issue 6, 2004, Pages 113-127]
Madhoosh, Mahmood
Evaluating the Emerging Fields of Human Rights Accounting Development in Iran's Capital Market [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2024, Pages 205-255]
Maghsoud, H.
The Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Prediction of TSE Dividend and Price Index (TEDPIX) [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2008, Pages 119-137]
Maham, K
The Association Between Dividend Paying Status And the Quality of Earnings [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2012, Pages 129-149]
Mahavarpour, R.
Investigating the Effects of Ownership Concentration on Performance in the Firms Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2008, Pages 107-122]
Mahdavi, Ahmad
Evaluation of Challenging Areas of Accrual Accounting Implementation in the Public Sector [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2023, Pages 245-282]
Mahdavi, Gholamhossein
The Amount of Go-togetherness of the Depreciation Provisions in the Direct Taxes Act with the Actual Depreciation Expense of Depreciable Assets [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2006, Pages 73-98]
Mahdavi, Gholamhossein
Modeling of the Relationship among Auditing Quality
Factors Using Cause and Effect Approach in System
Dynamics [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 45-70]
Mahdi, Banani
Investigating the Relation between Dividend with Economic Value Added and Return on Assets in the Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2007, Pages 73-91]
Mahmoodabadi, H.
Investigating the Relationship between Corporate Risk Taking and Financial Performance with Emphasis on Corporate Governance [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2016, Pages 141-170]
Mahmoodi, Ali
Evaluating the Reduction of Government Financial Burden through the Typology of Drivers Affecting Generational Accounting in the Capital Market [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 227-272]
Mahmoudi, A.
Relationship between Institutional Investors and Earnings Quality [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 115-137]
Mahroomi, R.
Value Relevance of Conservative and Non-conservative Accounting Information [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 79-98]
Maki, SH.
The Performance of IPO in Iran: Empirical Test of Some Related Factors [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2008, Pages 73-96]
Malekian, Esfandiyar
The Relationship between Audit Rotation and Conservative Earnings Reporting in Companies Listed in TSE [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 157-173]
Maleki Oskuie, Malektaj
Perspectives on Sustainability in Strategic Management Accounting in Terms of Financial Technologies (FinTech) [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2024, Pages 163-212]
Mansourfar, Gholamreza
Predicting the Industry Index Volatility of Companies
Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange, Emphasizing on
Corporate Financial Variables Using Support
Vector Machine [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2015, Pages 111-129]
Mansourfar, Gholamreza
Political Hypotheses (Political Costs) and Financial
Reporting Quality: Empirical Evidence from Tehran
Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 113-142]
Mansourfar, Gholamreza
The Effect of Diversification Strategies on Inventory Performance [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2021, Pages 113-142]
Mansourfar, Gholam Reza
The Impact of Firm's Attributes on the Disclosure Level of the Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 141-168]
Mansouri, Kefsan
The Firm’s Business Strategy, Cash Holdings and its Speed of Adjustment [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2022, Pages 57-84]
Mardani, Milad
The Role of Managerial Compensation in Changing the Relationship between Business Strategies and Over (under) Investment [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2020, Pages 177-201]
Marfo, Mohamad
A Bibliometric Analysis of Financial Distress Research: Current Status, Emerging Trends [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 35-79]
Marfou, M.
The Relationship between Financial Statements Comparability with Stock Price in Formativeness about Future Earnings [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2016, Pages 83-110]
Marfou, M.
Stock Liquidity Risk and Earnings Quality [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 1-37]
Marfou, Mohammad
The relationship between Disclosure Quality and
Audit Report Lag [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2015, Pages 59-80]
Marfou, Mohammad
The Relationship between the Percentage of Outside Directors and Institutional Investors with Properties of Earnings Forecast [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2007, Pages 63-104]
Marfou, Mohammad
The Relation between Earnings Forecast Accuracy and Investment Efficiency [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 51-72]
Marfou, Mohammad
The effect of Business Strategies on the Company's Information Environment [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2018, Pages 59-82]
Marfou, Mohammad
The Effect of Fair Value Approach on Performance Indicators of Small and Medium Sized Investment Companies [Volume 16, Issue 64, 2020, Pages 59-80]
Marfou, Mohammad
The relationship between Disclosure Quality and Audit Report Lag [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2015]
Marfou, Mohammad
The Effect of Accounting Information Quality on the Companies' Cost of Equity, Considering the Role of Information Symmetry and Comparability of Financial Statements [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2021, Pages 33-65]
Marjanian, Yazdan
Study Effect of Earnings Management Forecast News on Earnings Predictability and Disclosure Noises [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2020, Pages 87-122]
Maroufi, Ahmad reza
The Subtle Financialization Discourse in Iranian Accounting Procedures [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2020, Pages 27-56]
Mashayekh, Sh.
Investigating the Effects of Ownership Concentration on Performance in the Firms Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2008, Pages 107-122]
Mashayekh, Shahnaz
Earnings Management and Investment Behavior of fimes [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 77-99]
Mashayekh, Shahnaz
Excess Return of Active Management in Investment Companies [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2004, Pages 1-24]
Mashayekh, Shahnaz
Examining the Impact of Investors' Sentiment on Their Expectations of Future Earnings [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2023, Pages 155-190]
Mashayekhi, B
The Relationship between Real Earnings Management and Accrual Earnings Management in Companies Suspected of Fraud Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2016, Pages 29-52]
Mashayekhi, Bita
Explanation the Relationship between Accounting Earnings Volatility and Predictability [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 101-124]
Mashayekhi, Bita
Scientific Mapping of the Literature on Internal Audit Quality [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2023, Pages 35-75]
Masoudi, Younes
The Effect of Mental Accounting on Audit Quality [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2024, Pages 1-42]
Masoumi Bilondi, Zahra
Use of expertise services in auditing, challenges, and improvement strategies [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2022, Pages 145-176]
Masoumi Bilondi, Zahra
Information Technology Integration in Internal Auditing: Challenges, Barriers and Solutions [(Articles in Press)]
Massihabadee, A.
Perception of Accounting Information Judgment on them and Investments Decision [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2004, Pages 95-130]
Matoufi, Alireza
Presentation the Pattern of Behavioral Entropy in Auditors
(Case Study: the Audit Organization) [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2021, Pages 139-166]
Mehrabanpour, Mohammadreza
Clustering and Profitability Forecast of Companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange with the Decision Tree c5 Approach [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2018, Pages 135-157]
Mehrabanpour, Mohammad Reza
Factors Affecting the Profitability of Banks [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 119-140]
Mehrani, Sasan
Survey the Relationship between Profitability Ratios and Capital Structure in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2007, Pages 59-80]
Mehri Namak Avarani, Omid
Losses Firm's Related Party Transaction and Unexpected Auditing Fees; Testing the Adjustment Effect of Corporate Ownership Structure [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2022, Pages 177-205]
Mehrjoo, Hamed
Surveying the Performance of Initial Public Offerings' Pricing in Tehran Security Exchange Market [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2005, Pages 1-27]
Mehrvarz, F.
The Relationship between Financial Statements Comparability with Stock Price in Formativeness about Future Earnings [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2016, Pages 83-110]
Mennati, Vahid
Explanation the Relationship between Accounting Earnings Volatility and Predictability [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 101-124]
Mennati, Vahid
Internal Audit Quality Improvement Strategies [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 31-70]
Mennati, Vahid
Level of the External Auditor’s Reliance Decision on the Internal Auditors Function as a Management Training Ground [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2021, Pages 85-113]
Mennati, Vahid
Financial statement comparability and corporate debt maturity [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2022, Pages 95-123]
Meshki Miavaghi, Mehdi
Identifying and Prioritizing the Factors Related to Agency Theory, Government shortcomings and the Consequences of Critical Theory Maturity in Accounting and the Quality of Social Benefits [(Articles in Press)]
Mirzaee, Mahin
Auditors’ Performance in Fraud Brainstorming Sessions: Nominal Group Technique and Interactive Groups [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2021, Pages 67-95]
Mirzayee, Sayeedeh
Financial Reporting L language Bad on Aggressive Financial Reporting Investor Protection [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2020, Pages 109-138]
Moayedfar, Rozita
Investigating the Importance of Fraud Dimensions and Fraud Risk Factors in Modifying the Audit Program Using the Fraud Pentagon Model [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2018, Pages 83-106]
Moayeri, Morteza
Factors and Drivers of the Reforms in Iran's Public Sector Financial and Operational Accountability System [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2011, Pages 1-37]
Moayeri, Morteza
The Effective Factors on Timeliness of Audit Report: Evidence from Iran [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2007, Pages 43-69]
Moazzeni, Esmail
Investigating Performance-based Budgeting and Performance Control in Iran's Executive Apparatus Using Balanced Scorecard Technique [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2023, Pages 37-72]
Modares, Ahmad
Investigating the Relation between Tobin's Q Ratio and Earnings per Share (EPS) in Performance Evaluation of the Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2008, Pages 109-127]
Modarres, A.
The Relation between Corporate Governance and Firm Value in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2008, Pages 89-106]
Moeein Ghafghazi, Roya
The Effects of Cost of Capital on the Relationship
Between Earnings and Stock Returns [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 91-117]
Moghaddam, Abdolkarim
The Role of Auditor Quality and Asset Reliability in Equity Valuation [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2008, Pages 107-128]
Mohamadi Saniani, Ahmad
The Relationship between Cash Flow Sensitivity of Investment with Level of Capital Expenditure
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Mohamad Poorzarandi, M
Evaluating the Power of TOC- Based Criteria in Measuring None Performing Loans Consequences [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2012, Pages 107-136]
Mohammadi, Ali
Presentation of Challenges Detail Model Quality of Financial eporting in the Public Sector: Based on Grounded Theory Approach [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 27-51]
Mohammadi, Erfan
The Effect of Audit Committee Characteristics on the Relationship between Audit Report Timeliness and Auditor Task Complexity [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2019, Pages 45-76]
Mohammadi, Erfan
The Effect of Audit Committee Member's Financial Expertise on the Relationship between Environmental Risks and Audit Fee [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2020, Pages 57-87]
Mohammadi, Erfan
Investigating the relationship between earnings management patterns and stock crash risk with emphasis on the role of audit quality [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2021, Pages 171-200]
Mohammadi, H.
The Relationship between Accounting Conservatism and Bankruptcy Risk in TSE'S Listed Companies [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 127-149]
Mohammadi, Hojjat Mohammadi
Macroeconomic Variables Fluctuations and Management Earnings Forecast [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2016, Pages 65-88]
Mohammadi, Javad
An Investigation of the Audit Committee Characteristics Effects on Real Earnings Management [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2015, Pages 130-154]
Mohammadi, Mahsa
Managerial Ability and Investment Inefficiency in Tehran Stock Exchange Listed Companies [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2018, Pages 73-94]
Mohammadi, Pouyan
To explain the pattern of financial reporting complexity: grounded theory approach [(Articles in Press)]
Mohammadi, Saman
Investigating the Relationship between Social Responsibility and Earnings Management in Banks through Emphasis on the Moderating Role of CEO Power [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2023, Pages 183-218]
Mohammadi, Saman
The Effect of Financial Rewards, Market Considerations, Personality, Social values and professional Training in Choosing a public sector accountant Job [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2025]
Mohammadian2F, M.
The Effect of Earnings Quality Measures on Excess Stock Return [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2017, Pages 1-28]
Mohammadi shad, Zohreh
The Subtle Financialization Discourse in Iranian Accounting Procedures [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2020, Pages 27-56]
Mohammadrezakhani, Vahid
The Design of the Internal Audit implementation Model in the Iranian Public Sector Institutions [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2023, Pages 1-35]
Mohammadzadeh Salteh, Heidar
Presentation of Challenges Detail Model Quality of Financial eporting in the Public Sector: Based on Grounded Theory Approach [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 27-51]
Determination of financial performance measurement indicators and accounting system capabilities for financial accountability in Tehran Municipality [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 1-30]
Mohebi, Ehsan
Consequences of Financial Reporting Failure for Outside Directors [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 109-132]
Mohseni Maleki, Bahram
The Effect of Marginal Value of Cash on the Dividends Adjustment Speed Considering the Role of Liquidity Shock Moderation [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 157-187]
Mohseni Maleki, Bahram Mohseni Maleki
The Usefulness of Balance Sheet and Income Statement Information Considered in Compare with Income Statement to Explain Stock Returns [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2015, Pages 9-26]
Mohseni maleki rastaghi, Bahram
Identification of Non-Fragile Variables Affecting Tax Audit Quality [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2023, Pages 165-203]
Mohsin, Sarah
The Effect of Industry Operating Cash Flow Volatility on the Stock Price Crash Risk: The Moderating Role of Economic Policy Uncertainty and Conditional Conservatism [(Articles in Press)]
Mohtasham, Raha
Public Sector Scorecard, Effectiveness of Accounting Information Systems and Sustainable Performance in Public Sector (Case Study: Government Offices in Bushehr City) [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2023, Pages 219-259]
Mojtahedzadeh, V.
The Impact of Earnings Management on Value- Relevance of Financial Statement Information [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 33-60]
Mojtahedzadeh, Vida
Where Auditing Stands in Perceptions of Auditing Users [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2004, Pages 47-70]
Mollaimani, Vahid
The relationship between Disclosure Quality and
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Molla Imeny, Vahid
The relationship between Disclosure Quality and Audit Report Lag [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2015]
Montazeri, Ghasem
Prioritizing the Accounting Information Qualitative Characteristics based on producers, Auditors and Users of Financial Reports: Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 1-27]
Moradi, Amir
Twenty-Five Years of Design Science Methodology in Accounting Research: A Bibliometric Analysis [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 97-137]
Moradi, Javad
An Empirical Investigation of Determinants of Board of Directors' Bonuses of The Firms Accepted In Tehran Stock-Exchange (TSE) [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2005, Pages 73-101]
Moradi, Mahdi
Investors Rely on Independent Audit Quality, and
Influences the Quality of Financial Reporting and
Disclosure of Financial Statements [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 145-160]
Moradi, Mahdi
Investors rely on independent audit quality, and influences the quality of financial reporting and disclosure of financial statements [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2016]
Moradi, Mehdi
The Evaluation Investors Overreaction in the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2005, Pages 1-26]
Moradi, Nasrin
Herding behaviour in mutual fund industry, evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2016, Pages 47-71]
Moradi, Rouhalah
The Effect of Perceived past Returns on Investor’s Financial Behavior and Psychological Biases as Mediate [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 33-53]
MOradi, Javad
Long-term Debts and Overinvestment in Cash and Capital Expenditures: An Agency Perspective [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 125-150]
Moradi Joz, Mohsen
A Model for Ranking of Earnings Quality Measures in Iran [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2019, Pages 127-150]
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Income Smoothing and Stock Return Based on Fama-French Three-Factor Model [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2012, Pages 93-106]
Moradmand, Mohammad Javad
Examination of the Function of the Enforcement 272 Claus of the Direct Taxes Law [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2007, Pages 105-128]
Moradzadehfard, Mahdi
Investigation the association between conservatism
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Moradzadehfard, Mahdi
Information Uncertainty, Information Asymmetry and Growth Options [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2013, Pages 125-145]
Moradzadeh Fard, Mahdi
Investigation the association between conservatism and investment efficiency with respect to firm’s financing status and ultimate ownership in Tehran Stock Exchange Market [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2015]
Moradzadeh Fard, Mehdi
The Effect of the Quality of Corporate Disclosure on Stock Liquidity by Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) listed Companies [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 73-102]
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Managerial Talent, Investment Efficiency and
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Mortazavi, Seyyed Morteza
Status of Establishment of Internal Control System in Iranian Banks [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2022, Pages 41-83]
Mortazavi, S-M
The Impact of Cost Efficiency on the relation between Sales, General and Administrative ratio (SG&A Ratio) and Future Performance [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2012, Pages 77-102]
Mosaferi Rad, Faraz
Investigating the Relationship among Economic Value Added, Return on Equity and Return on Investments in Insurance Companies [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 121-140]
Mosallanejad, Arezoo
Designing an Integrated Water Management Accounting
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Moshashaei, Seyyed Mohammad
Investigating the Effect of Constraints on Earnings Management Strategies on the Application of Earnings Classification Shifting Strategy [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2022, Pages 203-236]
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The Volatility Forecasting of Tehran& International Stock Exchanges [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2009, Pages 1-33]
Moslemi, Azar
Perspectives on Sustainability in Strategic Management Accounting in Terms of Financial Technologies (FinTech) [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2024, Pages 163-212]
Moslemi, Azar
Developing Criteria for Valuing Digital Assets and Evaluation of Axes Identified based on Mutual Matrices [(Articles in Press)]
Mostafazadeh, M.
The Impact of Earnings Management on the Value-Relevance of Earnings and Book Value: A Comparison of Short-term and Long-term Discretionary Accruals [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2008, Pages 1-18]
Mousavi, E.
The Impact of Earnings Management, Profitability Ratios and Firm Size on Capital Structure [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2009, Pages 87-103]
Mousavi Shiri, Sayed Mahmoud
Auditors’ Performance in Fraud Brainstorming Sessions: Nominal Group Technique and Interactive Groups [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2021, Pages 67-95]
Nabavian, Seyyed Morteza
The Effect of Marginal Value of Cash on the Dividends Adjustment Speed Considering the Role of Liquidity Shock Moderation [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 157-187]
Nabavi Chashmi, Seyyed Ali
The Effect of Marginal Value of Cash on the Dividends Adjustment Speed Considering the Role of Liquidity Shock Moderation [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 157-187]
Naderi, Ali
Investigating the Relationship between Social Responsibility and Earnings Management in Banks through Emphasis on the Moderating Role of CEO Power [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2023, Pages 183-218]
Naderi Noorain, Mohammad Mehdi
Factors Affecting the Profitability of Banks [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 119-140]
Naderi Nooreyni, M. M.
Comparing Incremental Information Content of Value Based and Common Accounting Performance Measures in Explaining Stock Market Return [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2016, Pages 111-139]
Nadi Gbomi, V.
The Framework of Relation of Investors Overconfidence Behavior with Stock Return [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2009, Pages 53-85]
Naghdi, Sajad
Macroeconomic Variables Fluctuations and Management Earnings Forecast [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2016, Pages 65-88]
Naghdi, Sajad
Phenomenological Exploring of the Lived Experiences of Candidates Participating in the CPA Exam [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2023, Pages 205-243]
Najaf Toumrai, A
Accounting Restatements and Information Risk [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2012, Pages 33-54]
Namazi, M
Modeling and Identifying Effective Factors Affecting the Intention of Reporting Financial Fraudulent by Accountant [Volume 13, Issue 49, 2016, Pages 1-28]
Namazi, Mohamad
Examining the impact of accruals quality and
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The Effect of Board Composition on Performance with Emphasis on Efficiency of Firm’s Total Resources Value Added [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 1-26]
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Determination of the Balanced Scorecard Measures and their Ranking Via Analytic Hierarchy Process for the Firms Listed In Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2012, Pages 1-21]
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Experimental Investigating of Important Structures in Identifying Contracts, Indexes and Parameters for Bonus of CEO's and Compensation Plans [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2004, Pages 25-60]
Namazi, Mohammad
An Empirical Investigation of Determinants of Board of Directors' Bonuses of The Firms Accepted In Tehran Stock-Exchange (TSE) [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2005, Pages 73-101]
Namazi, Mohammad
Investigating Performance-based Budgeting and Performance Control in Iran's Executive Apparatus Using Balanced Scorecard Technique [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2023, Pages 37-72]
Namazi, Navid Reza
Modeling of the Relationship among Auditing Quality
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Dynamics [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 45-70]
Namazi, Navid Reza
Investigating the Moderating Effect of Auditing Quality on the Relationship between Financial Reporting Quality and Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) Underpricing [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2021, Pages 115-144]
Namazi, Navid Reza
Investigating Performance-based Budgeting and Performance Control in Iran's Executive Apparatus Using Balanced Scorecard Technique [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2023, Pages 37-72]
Namazi, Z.
Correlation of Traditional Liquidity Indexes and Modern Liquidity Indexes [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2004, Pages 55-76]
Namdar, M. H
Cash Flow disaggregation and the Prediction of Future Earnings [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 77-100]
Naqdi, Masoomeh
The Relation between Earnings Forecast Accuracy and Investment Efficiency [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 51-72]
Narrei, Benyamin
The Relationship between Corporate Governance and its Dimensions and investment Efficiency on the Firms Accepted in Tehran stock Exchange [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2017, Pages 9-36]
Naseri, Mahdis
The Relationship between Contingency Factors and Non-Financial Sustainability Performance: The Moderating Role of Managers' Behavioral Dimensions [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2024, Pages 43-98]
Nasirifar, Hashem
Political Connections and Accounting Information Quality: Evidence from Financial Restatement [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2021, Pages 1-32]
Nasirzadeh, Roya
Modeling the Detection of Firms Financial Fraud under The Implementation of Artificial Neural Network's Evaluation Algorithms [(Articles in Press)]
Nazari, Hirad
Managerial Ability and Marginal Value of the Cash [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2020, Pages 123-148]
Nazaripour, Mohammad
Identifying and Analyzing Factors Affecting Companies' Intention to Use Digital Accounting Systems [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2025]
Nazemi, Amin
Investigating Performance-based Budgeting and Performance Control in Iran's Executive Apparatus Using Balanced Scorecard Technique [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2023, Pages 37-72]
Nazemi Ardakani, M.
The Impact of Earnings Management, Profitability Ratios and Firm Size on Capital Structure [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2009, Pages 87-103]
Neisi, A.
A Study of the Effective Factors in Measurement of Using Financial Leverage in General Sharing Firms [Volume 1, Issue 4, 2004, Pages 129-148]
Nekoueizadeh, Shekoufeh
The Impact Of the Economic Crisis on the Relationship between the CEO Power on Firm Value and the Financial Performance; The Role of Company’s Financial Reporting Characteristics [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2021, Pages 1-31]
Nematolahi, Masoomeh
To Study the Behavior of Selling, General, and Administrative (SG&A) Costs and Cost of Goods Sold in Manufacturing Firms Accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2007, Pages 71-89]
Nikbakht, Mohammad reza
The relationship between earnings per share to price ratio (E / P) and future earnings growth [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2019, Pages 55-78]
Nikbakht, Mohammad Reza
The Impact of Stock Overvaluation on Stock’s
Abnormal Returns and their Volatility over Time [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2017, Pages 29-51]
Nikbakht, Mohammad Reza
Explaining the Effective Factors on Short Term Abnormal Rate of Return of New Companies' Stock: In Case of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2007, Pages 129-150]
Nikbakht, Mohammad Reza
Internal Audit Quality Improvement Strategies [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 31-70]
Nikbakht, Mohammad Reza
Evaluating Employee Performance Using the Balanced Scorecard Approach Following the Deployment of the Electronic Fund Request System: A Case Study of the General Treasury Department [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2024, Pages 167-204]
Nikbakht, MohammadReza
Identification of Indicators of Banks subject to Bankruptcy Crisis Based on Thematic Analysis Method [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2020, Pages 51-86]
Nikbakht, Mohhammad Reza
The Evaluation Investors Overreaction in the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2005, Pages 1-26]
Nikbakht, Zahra
The Role of Earnings Quality in Adopting a Persistent Dividend Policy: The System Generalized Method of Moments [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2020, Pages 153-175]
Nikbakht, Zahra
The Firm’s Business Strategy, Cash Holdings and its Speed of Adjustment [Volume 19, Issue 73, 2022, Pages 57-84]
Nikbakht, Zahra
COVID-19, Accruals Quality and Cost of Debt [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 131-164]
NikBakht, M. R.
A survey of Importance of Financial Fraud Warning Signs [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2004, Pages 61-94]
Nikkar, Javad
Corporate Life Cycle and Cost of Equity Capita [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2017, Pages 61-82]
Nikkhah Bahrami, Zahra
Auditor's Assessment of Inherent and Control Risk [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2007, Pages 81-104]
Nikoomaram, Hashem
The Right of Auditor's Choice and Accrual-based Earnings Management Based on Glaser's Choice Theory (Empirical Evidence: Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2019, Pages 103-123]
Nikoomaram, Hashem
Effectiveness of Schwartz’s Motivational Values and Accounting Code of Ethics on Fraudulent Financial Reporting [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2020, Pages 27-50]
Nikravesh, Mehdi
New Managerial Overconfidence Assessment Model and Earnings Forecasts: Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2019, Pages 1-20]
Nikravesh, Mehdi
Managerial Overconfidence, Firm’s Profitability, and its Predictability [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2023, Pages 125-163]
Nikzad Chaleshtori, Ghodratollah
Modeling for CEO Human Capital Measurement by Shannon Entropy Index and It’s Effect on Earnings Forecasts Quality [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2021, Pages 55-84]
Nobakht, Maryam
The Impact of Tax Avoidance on Accounting Criteria of Firm Value: Free Cash Flow To the Firm and Free Cash Flow From the Business [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2021, Pages 97-119]
Nobakht, Younes
The Impact of Tax Avoidance on Accounting Criteria of Firm Value: Free Cash Flow To the Firm and Free Cash Flow From the Business [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2021, Pages 97-119]
Noorhosseini Niyaki, Seyyed Hossein
Identifying and Prioritizing the Factors Related to Agency Theory, Government shortcomings and the Consequences of Critical Theory Maturity in Accounting and the Quality of Social Benefits [(Articles in Press)]
Noravesh, Iraj
Relationship between Investment Opportunities and Earnings in according to Companies Life Cycle [Volume 10, Issue 39, 2013, Pages 147-166]
Noravesh, Iraj
The Review of Information Content of Cash Value Added (CVA) in Relation to Annual Stock Return: Comparative Analysis with Operating Profit (OP) and Operating Cash Flow (OCF) [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2005, Pages 121-151]
Noravesh, Iraj
Forecasting the Financial Statements Fraud Detection of Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2020, Pages 35-59]
Nourahmadi, Marziyeh
The First Step towards Financial Transparency: Designing an Advanced Model of Direct Payment to the Final Beneficiary [(Articles in Press)]
Nourmohammadi, Mina
The Relationship Between Tax Policy and Companies' Tax Burden in Inflationary Conditions [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2018, Pages 59-78]
Omidfar, Mahdi
Corporate Governance and Accounting Restatements [Volume 12, Issue 46, 2015, Pages 87-110]
Oryaie, Zahra
Investigating the Relationship between Social Responsibility and Earnings Management in Banks through Emphasis on the Moderating Role of CEO Power [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2023, Pages 183-218]
Osmani, M. Gh.
Cash Flow disaggregation and the Prediction of Future Earnings [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 77-100]
Osta, Sohrab
Role of Management of Working Capital Items in Explaining the Operational Efficiency of Companies Listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 255-287]
Ostadi, Bakhtiar
Presenting a model for measurement of the relationship between financial risks and financial ratios [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 109-127]
Paidarmanesh, Navid
Investors Rely on Independent Audit Quality, and
Influences the Quality of Financial Reporting and
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Paidarmanesh, Navid
Investors rely on independent audit quality, and influences the quality of financial reporting and disclosure of financial statements [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2016]
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The Volatility Forecasting of Tehran& International Stock Exchanges [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2009, Pages 1-33]
ParchiniParchin, Seyed Mahdi
The Role of the Earnings Quality on Improving the Stock Liquidity of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 1-22]
Parvaneh, Sedigheh
Product Market Competition, Free Cash
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The Role of Litigation Risk, Information Asymmetry and Economic Uncertainty in Explaining Audit Fee [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 1-33]
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Return Forecasting by Various Risk Measures: Evidences from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 101-119]
Peymany, Moslem
Calculation of Credit Risk and Its Effect on Return in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 169-196]
Piri, Parviz
The Effects of Stock Market Indicators on Stock Price Prediction [Volume 5, Issue 17, 2007, Pages 27-61]
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Predicting Financial Distress with using combined model of Accounting and
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The Effects of Ownership Structure (Governmental and private) on Relationship between Disclosure Quality and Cost of Capital at Tehran Stock Exchange Listed Companies [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2019, Pages 21-43]
Piri, Parviz
Investigation of the Halo Effect Phenomenon in the Iranian Capital Market with Emphasis on the Role of Accounting Information [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2020, Pages 85-108]
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The Impact of Firm-specific Attributes on the Relevance in Earnings and Cash Flows: Iranian Case [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2005, Pages 27-41]
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On the Accountability - Based Conceptual Framework of Accounting [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2003, Pages 155-171]
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Recognize the Approaches of Critical Thinking of Auditors and Its Representation in the form of Link Analysis(IQA) [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2021, Pages 185-210]
Pouraghajan, Abassali
Evaluation of Challenging Areas of Accrual Accounting Implementation in the Public Sector [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2023, Pages 245-282]
Pourbagherian, Alireza
Surveying the Relation between Financing Methods and Future Stock Return [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 139-153]
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Investigation of the Relation between Financial and Non-financial Information and Stock Returns in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 1-31]
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The Impact of Conditional and Unconditional Accounting Conservatism on the Cost of Equity [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2012, Pages 49-67]
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Investigating the Moderating Role of Gender and Social Identity on the Relationship between Islamic Cultural Values and the Audit Performance and Attitude [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2023, Pages 77-116]
Pourheidari, Omid Pourheidari
Measuring the Competition in Audit services Market Through Examination of Audit Fee Stickiness [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2016, Pages 1-21]
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An Investigation of the Relationship between Market Return, Firm Size and Book-to-Market Value of Equity with Return of Equity in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2009, Pages 35-51]
Pourheydari, Omid
Investigation of the type and Information Content of
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The Relation between Residual Income and Stock Price in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2006, Pages 1-14]
Pourheydari, Omid
Investigating of Managers Behavior in Using Mental Accounting in Income Statement Reporting [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2018, Pages 1-26]
Pourmahdi Borujeni, Farzaneh
Evaluating The Consequences of The Dominant Hegemonic Powerism Promotion in Auditing Institutions: Testing The Effectiveness of Auditors' Working Life Quality [(Articles in Press)]
Poursaedi, Marzieh
Modeling the Detection of Firms Financial Fraud under The Implementation of Artificial Neural Network's Evaluation Algorithms [(Articles in Press)]
Pouryousof, Azam
Discovery of Audit Distortions and Financial reporting readability; Emphasis on the moderating role of managers' ability [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 215-254]
Qaderi, Bahman
The Empirical Investigation of Relationship between Political Costs and Growth Opportunities: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2016, Pages 141-157]
Qaderi, Bahman
Political Hypotheses (Political Costs) and Financial
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Qahraman, M-A
Income Smoothing and Cost of Equity: Evidence From Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2012, Pages 23-47]
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Forecasting the Financial Statements Fraud Detection of Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2020, Pages 35-59]
Rabihavi, Elham
Companies Experiences in Applying IFRS in Iran [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2022, Pages 117-143]
Raeesi Vanani, Iman
A Bibliometric Analysis of Financial Distress Research: Current Status, Emerging Trends [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 35-79]
Rahbari Kharazi, M.
Corporate Governance: The Extent of Observance of Shareholder's Rights in Tehran Stock Exchange Listed Companies [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2008, Pages 1-21]
Rahdaryan, A.
Appraisal Influencing Factors on Auditor's Judgment and Determining the Materiality Degree on Misstatement Detection of Financial Statements [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2009, Pages 117-146]
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The Relationship between Accounting Conservatism and Bankruptcy Risk in TSE'S Listed Companies [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 127-149]
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The association between Excess Cash Holding and Shareholder Value: The Case of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 151-175]
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Audit Quality and Overvalued Equity [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2017, Pages 111-140]
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Investigate the effect of real earnings management on bankruptcy predication models [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2019, Pages 77-101]
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Accounting Standards Harmonization [Volume 2, Issue 6, 2004, Pages 83-112]
Rahimi Baghi, A
The Barriers of Accounting Education Development in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2012, Pages 69-91]
Rahimi Baghi, Ali
The Barriers of Accounting Education Development in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 49-72]
Rahimpoor, Mohammad
Investigating the Effect of Correlation between Firms' Earnings and Announcement Timing on the Accruals [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 91-112]
Rahimpour, Mohammad
Evaluation of The Pricing Model and Calendar-Time Portfolio Approach in Long-Term Event Study [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2019, Pages 101-130]
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Accounting Restatements and Information Risk [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2012, Pages 33-54]
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The Performance of IPO in Iran: Empirical Test of Some Related Factors [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2008, Pages 73-96]
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Evaluation of Pension Plan Reporting Uniformity in Entities' Financial Statements [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 59-77]
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The Intangible Assets in Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange and Their Impact on the Value Relevance [Volume 11, Issue 43, 2014, Pages 1-23]
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The Usefulness of Non-earnings Financial Statements Items as Earnings Predictors [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2003, Pages 109-142]
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Empirical Relationship between Accounting/ Market Variables and Stock Return [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2005, Pages 227-246]
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Modeling of Minimizing Uncertainty Based on
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Determinants of Voluntary Disclosure in Iran Capital Marke [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 1-32]
Rahmani, Ali
Effectiveness of Schwartz’s Motivational Values and Accounting Code of Ethics on Fraudulent Financial Reporting [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2020, Pages 27-50]
Rahmani, Ali
The Financial Consequences of Risk Disclosure in the Iranian Capital Market: A Case Study of Banks Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2021, Pages 27-50]
Rahmani, Ali
Companies Experiences in Applying IFRS in Iran [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2022, Pages 117-143]
Rahmani, Ali
The First Step towards Financial Transparency: Designing an Advanced Model of Direct Payment to the Final Beneficiary [(Articles in Press)]
Rahmani, Jabraeil
The Relationship Between Cross Ownership and Efficiency in Firms Listed on Tehran Stock Exchange with the Impact of Intermediary Variable Product Market Competition [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2018, Pages 137-159]
Rahmanian, Ahmad
Long-term Debts and Overinvestment in Cash and Capital Expenditures: An Agency Perspective [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 125-150]
Rahmaninia, Ehsan
The Valuable Consequences of Financial Reporting Convergence towards Integrated Reporting [Volume 19, Issue 76, 2023, Pages 97-130]
Rahnama Roodposhti, F
Evaluating the Power of TOC- Based Criteria in Measuring None Performing Loans Consequences [Volume 9, Issue 35, 2012, Pages 107-136]
Rahnama Roodposhti, F.
Application of Momentum and Contrarian Strategies in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 121-141]
Rahnamay Roodposhti, Fraydoon
The Right of Auditor's Choice and Accrual-based Earnings Management Based on Glaser's Choice Theory (Empirical Evidence: Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2019, Pages 103-123]
RahnamayRoodposhti, Fraydoon
Effectiveness of Schwartz’s Motivational Values and Accounting Code of Ethics on Fraudulent Financial Reporting [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2020, Pages 27-50]
Rahrovi Dastjerdi, Alireza
The Effect of Information Disclosure Volume on The Efficiency of Price Formation Process [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2021, Pages 79-112]
Rajabalizadeh, Javad
Political Connections, Related Party Transactions and Earnings Management In Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 129-155]
Rajabdoory, Hossein
Professional Ethics of Auditing in Iran: Content Analysis [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2018, Pages 1-34]
Rajabdorri, Hossein
Studying the Relationship of Personality Factors and Learning in Accounting Students [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 125-143]
Rajabdorri, Hossein
Relationship between Financial Report Readability and Stock Return Synchronicity with the Moderating role of Institutional Ownership and Information Asymmetry [Volume 18, Issue 71, 2021, Pages 57-86]
Rajabi, Ruhollah
Factors Affecting Professional Power of Independent Audit [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2005, Pages 55-86]
Ramazanpour, Ismael
Investigating the Causing Relation Earning and Future Return to Existing Rational Intrinsic Bubble
of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2016, Pages 157-184]
Ramezani, Javad
Evaluating the Emerging Fields of Human Rights Accounting Development in Iran's Capital Market [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2024, Pages 205-255]
Ranjbar, Mohammad Hossein
Provide a Comprehensive Model of the Relative Importance of Environmental Accounting Indicators Using Modeling (SEM). [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2020, Pages 173-203]
Rasaiian, Amir
Survey the Relationship between Profitability Ratios and Capital Structure in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2007, Pages 59-80]
Rasaiian, Amir
A Survey on the Relationship between Market Value Added and Performance Measures in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2008, Pages 129-157]
Rashidi, Mohsen
The Role of Managerial Compensation in Changing the Relationship between Business Strategies and Over (under) Investment [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2020, Pages 177-201]
Rastegar, Mohammad Ali
Dynamic Measurement of Iran Interbank Network Stability [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2021, Pages 167-197]
Rastegar Moghadam, Hiva
Validating Three-dimensional Model of Ethical Competencies’ Education in Accounting Program [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2021, Pages 1-25]
Razavi, S.M.
The Relationship between Return of Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchanges and Some Macro Economic Variables [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2008, Pages 97-117]
R. Esmaily, R.
The Effects of Joining W.T.O on Auto Industry Regarding the New Methods of Management Accounting in Iran Khodro [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2004, Pages 1-23]
Rezaee, Zabihollah
Internal Audit Quality Improvement Strategies [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 31-70]
Rezaei, Mehdi
The Contemporary Role of EPS and Book value in Stock Price Evaluation [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2006, Pages 1-37]
Rezaei, Shahrouz
A Model for Impact of Corporate Social responsibility And Tax Management costs on Avoidance And Tax Evasion [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2018, Pages 27-58]
Rezaeianzadeh, Zahra
Identification and Ranking of Factors Affecting Innovation in Accounting [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2023, Pages 1-33]
Rezaie, gholamreza
Examining the impact of accruals quality and
information relevance on the agency costs of the
companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2015, Pages 37-69]
Rezapour, Narges
An Empirical Evaluation of Value Relevance and
Information Content of Capital-Based Human Capital
Financial Reporting (HCFR) Model [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 9-44]
Rezazadeh, Javad
Cultural Context of Conservatism and Secrecy in Accounting [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2003, Pages 3-39]
Rezazadeh, Javad
Factors Associated with Auditor Changes in Iranian Corporations [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2008, Pages 89-105]
Rezazadeh, Javad
Investigation of Effective Timing and Economic Factors on the Relation Between Accruals And Operating Cash Flows [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2019, Pages 33-59]
Rezazadeh, Javad
Investigation of Effective Timing and Economic Factors on the Relation Between Accruals And Operating Cash Flows [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2019, Pages 33-59]
Rezazadeh, Javad
Audit Engagement Quality Control Review Process [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 81-130]
Riahi, Mahboubeh
Assessment the Effect of Financial Supply Chain Management on Performance of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 133-154]
Rohban, Mohammad Hossein
Twenty-Five Years of Design Science Methodology in Accounting Research: A Bibliometric Analysis [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 97-137]
Rohravi Dastjardi, Alireza
Accounting Asset Informativeness Based on Intrinsic and Optional Factors and Investors' Beliefs: Investigating the Effects of Accounting Earnings Quality [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2024, Pages 1-42]
Roohi, P.
Awareness of Auditors of Auditing Standards Issued by Auditing Organization [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2004, Pages 157-169]
Roohnia, Mahtab
Color Graphics and Task Complexity in Multivariate Decision Making [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2005, Pages 177-207]
Roosta, Manoochehr
Investigation of the Relationship between
Conservatism and Financial Efficiency of Firms in
Tehran Stock Exchange by Supper Data Envelopment
M. [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2015, Pages 71-95]
Roshanzamir, Javad
Financial statement comparability and corporate debt maturity [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2022, Pages 95-123]
Rostami, Vahab
Companies Going Concern Evaluation and its Relation to P/E Ratio [Volume 1, Issue 3, 2003, Pages 2-26]
Rostamian, F.
Comparing of the Efficiency of Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Consumption-based Capital Asset Pricing Model (CCAPM) in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 143-157]
Rostami Mazouei, Naamat
Developing Criteria for Valuing Digital Assets and Evaluation of Axes Identified based on Mutual Matrices [(Articles in Press)]
Saadati, Alireza
Contextualizing the Auditors' Bricolage Strategic Thinking Functions In Controlling The Occurrence of Auditing Profession Pressure Spillover Disorders [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2025]
Sabaei, Amirmahdi
Investigating the effect of information supply and demand in cyberspace on the profitability of shares of companies listed on Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2019, Pages 131-155]
Sabzalipor, Farshad
The Value Relevance of Consolidated Financial Statements Information versus Information of Parent Company Financial Statements [Volume 3, Issue 9, 2005, Pages 65-96]
Sadeghi, A.
Investigation of the Relation between Financial and Non-financial Information and Stock Returns in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 1-31]
Sadeghi, Mina
The Effect of Mental Accounting on Audit Quality [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2024, Pages 1-42]
Sadeghi, Peyman
An Examination of the Factors that Influence an Auditor's Decision to Use a Decision Aid in Their Assessments of' Management Fraud [Volume 6, Issue 22, 2008, Pages 47-72]
Sadeghi Askari, S.
The Impact of Earnings Management on Value- Relevance of Financial Statement Information [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 33-60]
Sadidi, Mahdi
The Relationship between Cash Flow Sensitivity of Investment with Level of Capital Expenditure
M [Volume 11, Issue 41, 2014, Pages 105-129]
Sadidi, Mehdi
The Effect of Accounting Conservatism to the Earning Quality and Stocks Return [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2007, Pages 1-24]
Sadidi, Mehdi
Environmental Uncertainty and the Managers' Use of Discretionary Accruals [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 103-119]
Sadidi, Mehdi
The Impact of Corporate Governance on Momentum Strategies Profitability Considering Market Pressure and Management Entrenchment Hypotheses [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2019, Pages 97-125]
Sadidy, mehdi
Relationship between Corporate Governance Dimensions and Investment Efficiency [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2017]
Sadidy, Mehdi
The Relationship between Corporate Governance and its Dimensions and investment Efficiency on the Firms Accepted in Tehran stock Exchange [Volume 13, Issue 52, 2017, Pages 9-36]
Sadr Esfahani, A
Consequence of Real Earnings Manipulation on Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2012, Pages 1-32]
Saedi, Rahman
Presenting a Model of Auditors' Psychological Well-being and Evaluating Identified Themes in the Auditing Profession [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2023, Pages 221-272]
Saee, Mohammad Javade
Examination of the Accounting Education Expectation Gap as a Result of the Current Legal Requirements [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 95-118]
Saeedi, A.
Application of Momentum and Contrarian Strategies in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 121-141]
Saei, Mohammad Javad
Examining Real Earnings Management to Avoid Losses [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 155-181]
Safa, Mojgan
Providing a Framework for Facilitating Tokenization Implementation Processes in The Cloud Accounting Platform [(Articles in Press)]
Safari gerayli, Mehdi
Recognize the Approaches of Critical Thinking of Auditors and Its Representation in the form of Link Analysis(IQA) [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2021, Pages 185-210]
Safari gerayli, Mehdi
Presenting a Model of Auditors' Psychological Well-being and Evaluating Identified Themes in the Auditing Profession [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2023, Pages 221-272]
Safari gerayli, Mehdi
Evaluation Matrix of Perspective on the Driving Forces of Legacy Accounting [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 165-213]
Safari gerayli, Mehdi
Evaluating the Emerging Fields of Human Rights Accounting Development in Iran's Capital Market [Volume 21, Issue 82, 2024, Pages 205-255]
Safari Gerayli, Mehdi
The Effect of Tournament Incentives on Financial Restatements: Stimulus-Response Theory Test [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2019, Pages 125-156]
Safari Grayeli, Mehdi
Factors affecting the quality of corporate governance in listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2016, Pages 93-112]
SafarZade, MohammadHosien
Investigating the Effect of Change in Loan Loss Provisioning Method on Financial Reporting Quality of Banks [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2023, Pages 85-123]
SafarZade, MohammadHosien
Twenty-Five Years of Design Science Methodology in Accounting Research: A Bibliometric Analysis [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 97-137]
SafarZade, MohammadHosien
To explain the pattern of financial reporting complexity: grounded theory approach [(Articles in Press)]
Safarzadeh, Mohammad Hosein
Further Evidence on Empirical Relationships between Earnings and Cash Flows [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2006, Pages 1-20]
Safarzadeh, Mohammad Hosein
The relationship between corporate governance and
related party transactions [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 143-172]
Safarzadeh, Mohammad Hossein
The Role of Accounting Conservatism in Asymmetric Market Valuation of Nonrecurring Items [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2017, Pages 123-144]
Safarzadeh, Mohammad Hossein
The Effect of Audit Committee Characteristics on the Relationship between Audit Report Timeliness and Auditor Task Complexity [Volume 16, Issue 62, 2019, Pages 45-76]
Safarzadeh, Mohammad Hossein
Auditor Attributes, Professional and Commercial Orientations, and the Implications for Audit Quality [Volume 17, Issue 68, 2021, Pages 145-165]
Saghafi, A
Consequence of Real Earnings Manipulation on Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2012, Pages 1-32]
Saghafi, A.
Stock Liquidity Risk and Earnings Quality [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 1-37]
Saghafi, Ali
Risk of beta: Evidence from Prospect Theory [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2015, Pages 9-38]
Saghafi, Ali
Cultural Context of Conservatism and Secrecy in Accounting [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2003, Pages 3-39]
Saghafi, Ali
Normative Theories: A Bridge between Accounting’s Reality and Its End [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2003, Pages 61-82]
Saghafi, Ali
The Effects of Joining W.T.O on Auto Industry Regarding the New Methods of Management Accounting in Iran Khodro [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2004, Pages 1-23]
Saghafi, Ali
Role of Fundamental Accounting Information in Predicting Stock Return [Volume 2, Issue 8, 2005, Pages 87-120]
Saghafi, Ali
Internet Financial Reporting and its Situation in Iran [Volume 3, Issue 10, 2005, Pages 127-156]
Saghafi, Ali
The Effect of Accounting Conservatism to the Earning Quality and Stocks Return [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2007, Pages 1-24]
Saghafi, Ali
Effect of Corporate Governance Mechanisms
on the Companies' Performance of Initial
Public Offering in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 13, Issue 50, 2016, Pages 9-32]
Saghafi, Ali
An Empirical Evaluation of Value Relevance and
Information Content of Capital-Based Human Capital
Financial Reporting (HCFR) Model [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 9-44]
Saghafi, Ali
Classification Shifting Phenomenon in Earning Management [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2018, Pages 1-23]
Saghafi, Ali
An Empirical Evaluation of Relevance and Information Content of Capital-Based Human Capital Financial Reporting Model [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017]
Saghafi, Ali
Validating Three-dimensional Model of Ethical Competencies’ Education in Accounting Program [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2021, Pages 1-25]
Saghafi, Mahdi
Discovery of Audit Distortions and Financial reporting readability; Emphasis on the moderating role of managers' ability [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 215-254]
Saghafi Pour1F, Ahmad
The Role of Accounting Conservatism in Asymmetric Market Valuation of Nonrecurring Items [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2017, Pages 123-144]
Saghfi, A.
Value Relevance of Accounting Information: Measurement and Behavioral Aspects [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2009, Pages 1-52]
Sahebgharani, Amir Abbas
Prediction of abnormal return according profit and industry momentum model in Tehran stock exchange [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 53-67]
Sahebgharani, Amir Abbas
Conceptual framework for asset back securities rating in Iran Capital Market [Volume 15, Issue 60, 2019, Pages 61-76]
Sahmani Asl, Mohammad Ali
The Effective Accounting and Economic Variables on P/E [Volume 3, Issue 12, 2006, Pages 57-81]
Sajadi, Seyed Hosein
The Effect of Government Ownership on Relationship between Information Competition and Earning Persistence [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2022, Pages 41-68]
Sajadi, Seyed Hossein
Necessity of Establishing a Client Audit Committee [Volume 4, Issue 15, 2006, Pages 65-86]
Sajadi, Seyed Hossein
The Effect of Variables on Qualified Audit Report [Volume 5, Issue 18, 2007, Pages 123-146]
Sajadi, S.H.
Relationship between Institutional Investors and Earnings Quality [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 115-137]
Sajadpour, Rahman
Information Content of a Comprehensive Income Statement items Investigation of Companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 23-47]
Sajady, S. H.
A Survey of Developmental Constraints in Computer-assisted Accounting Information Systems [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2003, Pages 141-170]
Sajjadi, Seyyed Hossein
The Effect of Non Audit Services & Auditor Economical Dependence to A client on Auditor Independence [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2007, Pages 51-72]
Salari, Hojatollah
Provide a Comprehensive Model of the Relative Importance of Environmental Accounting Indicators Using Modeling (SEM). [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2020, Pages 173-203]
Salari, Mahnaz
Relationship between Accounting Depreciation and Economic Depreciation and The Role of Conservative Reporting of Depreciation on Inside Information [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2011, Pages 59-80]
Salehi, Mahdi
A Study of Factors Affecting Readability of the Audit Report: A linguistic Approach [Volume 16, Issue 64, 2020, Pages 31-57]
Salehi, Mahdi
Investors rely on independent audit quality, and influences the quality of financial reporting and disclosure of financial statements [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2016]
Salehi, Mahdi Salehi
Investors Rely on Independent Audit Quality, and
Influences the Quality of Financial Reporting and
Disclosure of Financial Statements [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 145-160]
Salehi, Nazanin
The Comparison of the Economic Value in Hazard Models with Accounting Approach for Bankruptcy Prediction [Volume 15, Issue 58, 2018, Pages 107-135]
Salehirad, M.
The Relationship between Accounting Conservatism and Bankruptcy Risk in TSE'S Listed Companies [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 127-149]
Salehzadeh, Bistoon
Managerial Ability and Investment Inefficiency in Tehran Stock Exchange Listed Companies [Volume 15, Issue 57, 2018, Pages 73-94]
Salim, Farshad
A Survey of TEPIX Efficiency [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2006, Pages 156-184]
Salim, Mohammad Javad
Rating Iranian Banks According to their Financial Strength [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 25-50]
Salimi, M. J.
Developing a Model for Corporate Governance Rating in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 1-35]
Salimi, Mohammad javad
The Effect of Investors' Myopic Loss Aversions (MLA) on Iinvestments in Stocks in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 17, Issue 67, 2020, Pages 89-124]
Salimi, Mohammad javad
Identifying and Ranking Sustainability Evaluation Indicators for Iranian Pension Funds [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 53-95]
Salimi, Mohammad javad
A Bibliometric Analysis of Financial Distress Research: Current Status, Emerging Trends [Volume 20, Issue 80, 2024, Pages 35-79]
Salimi, Mohammad Javad
Financial Strength Rating of the Iranian Banks [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017]
Salimi, Mohammad Javad
Presenting a Framework for Earnings Forecasts Reporting in the Iranian Capital Market [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2023, Pages 73-106]
Salimi, Mohammad Javad
A Financial Reporting Model for Regional Electric Companies in Iran [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2025]
Samadi, Saeed
The effect of financial reporting quality and debt
maturity on investment efficiency [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2015, Pages 117-143]
Samavat, Milad
Scientific Mapping of the Literature on Internal Audit Quality [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2023, Pages 35-75]
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Saqafi, Ali
An Accruals Quality Model: A Group Method of Data Handling Approa [Volume 19, Issue 75, 2022, Pages 1-40]
Sarafraz Ardekani, A.
The Relationship between Stable Dividend Policy and Stock Yields [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2009, Pages 105-125]
Sarbazi Azad, Sadegh
The Investigation the Interactive Effect of Intellectual
Capital and Investment Efficiency on Firm Value in
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Sarebanha, Mohammad Reza
The Effect of Dividend on Common Stock Prices [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2003, Pages 107-139]
Sarebanha, Mohammad Reza
A Survey of TEPIX Efficiency [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2006, Pages 156-184]
Sari, Mohammad Ali
Risk Assessment of the Corporate Tax Policies [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 6-24]
Sari, MohammadAli
Risk Assessment of the Corporate Tax Policies [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017]
Saydi, H
Normative Theories: A Bridge between Accounting’s Reality and Its End [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2003, Pages 61-82]
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کیفیت سود، قیمت سهام، صنعت ساختمان، ضریب واکنش سود، جریان نقد عملیاتی. [Volume 12, Issue 47, 2016, Pages 93-112]
Sayrani, M.
The Feasibility of Balanced Scorecard Implementation in Performance Measurement of Shiraz Hospitals [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 151-177]
Sayrani, Mohammad
Experimental Investigating of Important Structures in Identifying Contracts, Indexes and Parameters for Bonus of CEO's and Compensation Plans [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2004, Pages 25-60]
Seddighi, Roohalah
The Effect of Fair Value Approach on Performance Indicators of Small and Medium Sized Investment Companies [Volume 16, Issue 64, 2020, Pages 59-80]
Seddighi, Zakiye
Examining the Impact of Investors' Sentiment on Their Expectations of Future Earnings [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2023, Pages 155-190]
Sedighi, Rooholah
The Relationship between Board Structure and Information Content of Accounting Earnings [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2011, Pages 99-125]
Sedighi, Rouhollah
Assessment the Effect of Financial Supply Chain Management on Performance of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 133-154]
Sehhat, Saied
Investigating the Relationship among Economic Value Added, Return on Equity and Return on Investments in Insurance Companies [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 121-140]
Seifi, Farnaz
Calculation of Credit Risk and Its Effect on Return in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 169-196]
Seilsepoor, hossein
Investigating the Impact of Corporate Governance structures on Adoption, Quantity and Quality of Sustainability Reports: Using Systematic Review [Volume 21, Issue 84, 2025]
Sepasi, Sahar
Risk Assessment of the Corporate Tax Policies [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 6-24]
Setayesh, M. H.
Effects of Capital Structure and Changes in It on Manufacturing Products [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2009, Pages 127-146]
Setayesh, M.H.
The effects of working capital management on the profitability of the firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 6, Issue 23, 2008, Pages 43-65]
Setayesh, Mohammad Hosein
Explaining Managerial Incentives for Earnings Manipulation Using Cumulative Prospect Theory (Case Study: Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 18, Issue 70, 2021, Pages 51-77]
Setayesh, Mohammad hossein
The Effect of Mental Accounting on Audit Quality [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2024, Pages 1-42]
Setayesh, Mohammad Hossein
The Usefulness of Variables (Dimension) Reduction Methods in Stock Returns of the Companies Listed on Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 16, Issue 63, 2019, Pages 83-107]
Setayesh, Mohammad Hossein
Identification and Ranking of Factors Affecting Innovation in Accounting [Volume 20, Issue 78, 2023, Pages 1-33]
Setayesh0F, M.H.
Relationship between Institutional Ownership Types and Disclosure Quality in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 12, Issue 48, 2017, Pages 53-75]
Setayesh0F, Mohamad Hosein
Investigation of the Relationship between
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M. [Volume 11, Issue 44, 2015, Pages 71-95]
Seyed Motahari, S.M
A Study of the Relationship between Significant Macro Economical Variables and Important Accounting Variables [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2008, Pages 1-35]
Shahbazi, M.
An Investigation of the Relationship between Market Return, Firm Size and Book-to-Market Value of Equity with Return of Equity in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 6, Issue 24, 2009, Pages 35-51]
Shahini, Mahla
The Neglect of Accounting Theory: Comparative Study of Accounting Articles in the Authentic Journals in Iran and Abroad [Volume 10, Issue 38, 2013, Pages 119-141]
Shahri, Maryam
The Accounting Development Procedures Framework for Implementing Financial Startups in Capital Market Companies [Volume 21, Issue 83, 2024, Pages 213-266]
Shahriari, A
Test of Functional Fixation Hypothesis; Case of Net Operating Assets (Bloated Balance Sheet) [Volume 9, Issue 34, 2012, Pages 55-75]
Shahrokhi, Seyed Samaneh
Earnings Management and Investment Behavior of fimes [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 77-99]
Shahrzadi, Mahshid
The Role of Left Tail Risk in Explaining the Idiosyncratic Volatility Puzzle [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2022, Pages 85-115]
Shahsavari, Masoumeh
Investigation of Important Factors on Risk of Financial
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Shahsavari, Masoumeh
The tone in the auditor's report and the audit fee with emphasis on the moderating role of the requirements of Auditing Standard No. 700 [Volume 19, Issue 76, 2023, Pages 131-161]
Shahveisi, Farhad
Study Effect of Earnings Management Forecast News on Earnings Predictability and Disclosure Noises [Volume 17, Issue 66, 2020, Pages 87-122]
Shakeri, Robab
The effect of Business Strategies on the Company's Information Environment [Volume 15, Issue 59, 2018, Pages 59-82]
Shamsi, Parvaneh
Studying the effect of intellectual capital disclosure quality on equity cost of capital of companies listed on Tehran stock exchange [Volume 16, Issue 61, 2019, Pages 79-100]
Shari'at Panahi, Seyyed Majid
Assessment of Companies' Performance and Mechanism of Controlling the Managers' behavior: Representation Theory [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2003, Pages 85-108]
Shariatpanahi, Majid
Relationship between inflation with TEPIX and TEDPIX [Volume 4, Issue 13, 2006, Pages 139-154]
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A Comparative Examination of Management Forecasts and Box Jenkins Forecasts of Earning [Volume 3, Issue 11, 2005, Pages 209-225]
Shariatpanahi, Seyed Majid
A Model for Credit Analysis in Bank of Industry and Mine [Volume 6, Issue 21, 2008, Pages 61-82]
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The Relationship between Refined Economic Value Added (REVA) and Risk - Adjusted Stock Return [Volume 2, Issue 7, 2004, Pages 77-96]
Shariat Panahi, Majid
The Main Outcome of Using the Moving Average Method in Stock Market Price as the Basis for Decision Making on Buying and Selling Shares in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 2, Issue 6, 2004, Pages 55-82]
Shariat Panahi, Majid
Relationship of Stock Returns with Firm Size, Book-to -Market Equity Ratio and Earning-to-Price Ratio in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 5, Issue 20, 2008, Pages 61-87]
Shariat Panahi, Majid
Investigating the Relationship among Economic Value Added, Return on Equity and Return on Investments in Insurance Companies [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 121-140]
Shariat Panahi, S.M
Return Forecasting by Various Risk Measures: Evidences from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 101-119]
Shariatpannahi, Majid
Predicting Iranian Firm Financial Distress: A New Mode [Volume 4, Issue 16, 2007, Pages 19-41]
Sharifinia, Ghodrat
The Amount of Go-togetherness of the Depreciation Provisions in the Direct Taxes Act with the Actual Depreciation Expense of Depreciable Assets [Volume 4, Issue 14, 2006, Pages 73-98]
Shbani, Keyvan
The association between Excess Cash Holding and Shareholder Value: The Case of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 10, Issue 40, 2014, Pages 151-175]
Sheari, Saber
Empirical Examination of the Explanatory Power of Stock Returns by Fama and French Model ill Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 5, Issue 19, 2007, Pages 115-134]
Sheikh, M. J.
A survey of Importance of Financial Fraud Warning Signs [Volume 2, Issue 5, 2004, Pages 61-94]
Sheikhi, Keivan
The Role of the Earnings Quality on Improving the Stock Liquidity of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 1-22]
Shekakhah, Javad
Modeling the long-term performance of IPOs [Volume 20, Issue 77, 2023, Pages 107-139]
Shekarkhah, Javad
TheImpact of Higher Moments and Nonsystematic Volatility on Future Stock Return using Fama-MacBeth Model [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 109-133]
Shekarkhah, Javad
Examine the Effect of Market Past Values on Investment Decisions and Cumulative Leverage Changes of Firms from the Perspective of Market Timing Theory [Volume 17, Issue 65, 2020, Pages 61-83]
Shekarkhah, Javad
The Role of Independent Auditors and Audit Committees in Mitigating the Fraud Risks with Emphasis on the Reduction of In Consistencies between Financial and Non-Financial Measures [Volume 18, Issue 69, 2021, Pages 29-54]
Shekarkhah, Javad
Status of Establishment of Internal Control System in Iranian Banks [Volume 19, Issue 74, 2022, Pages 41-83]
Shekarkhah, Javad
Investigating the Effect of Change in Loan Loss Provisioning Method on Financial Reporting Quality of Banks [Volume 20, Issue 79, 2023, Pages 85-123]
Shekarkhah, Javad
Identifying and Ranking Sustainability Evaluation Indicators for Iranian Pension Funds [Volume 21, Issue 81, 2024, Pages 53-95]
Shekarkhah, Javad Shekarkhah
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Financing Decision [Volume 13, Issue 51, 2016, Pages 87-120]
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The Adequacy of Disclosure of Related Party Transactions
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