Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD candidate in Finance Tehran University

2 PHD candidate in Accounting Allameh Tabatabaei University


The herd behavior of investors is of the most noticeable issues in finance. Herd behavior could lead to an increase in volatility of share prices and its deviation from intrinsic value. There have been some investigations on this issue in recent years which prove the presence of herd behavior in the Tehran Stock Exchange. However, few of them seek to study the impact of various stock traits on investors’ behavior. This study aims to regard the idiosyncratic risk as a possible determinant of herding and consider its impact on the extreme market condition, up and down markets. Using companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange between 1388 to 1394(Iranian calendar), the results demonstrate that the idiosyncratic risk could intensify the herd behavior of investors in extreme down markets. In addition, for stocks with lower idiosyncratic risk, herding could be observed in down markets.


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