Document Type : Research Paper
1 Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economic, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.Tehran, Iran
2 Ph.D. of Accounting, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.
3 Ph.D student in Financial and Banking, Allame Tabata’i University, Tehran, Iran
Given the significance of sustainability reporting, there has been an increase in studies in this field in recent years. However, due to shortcomings in initial studies it is not feasible to make decisions based on these findings, and more comprehensive studies are required. Considering the significant impact of corporate governance mechanisms on sustainability reporting from the bibliometric views,, the present research provides a comprehensive examination of the impact of corporate governance structures on sustainability reporting based on the previous studies results and by applying the systematic review methodology and bibliometric analysis. The research sample includes 47 international articles and 32 domestic articles published from 2013 to September 2023. In this paper, the PRISMA checklist was used to develop the review protocol. Ownership structure, board of directors, management characteristics, corporate governance performance, and the quality of internal controls are influential factors in sustainability reporting. The research literature has reached a consensus regarding the impact of factors such as the size and independence of the board, specialized sustainability committees, and managerial compensation, while it has encountered contradictory findings regarding other factors. The analysis of contradictory findings regarding certain factors can be explained in light of managerial motivations, organizational maturity levels, organizational structure, and institutional factors such as industry type, country of operation, and laws and regulations. Consequently, the use of uniform standards for different companies in various institutional contexts will not be effective