Alsharef, Seyed Mohammad
Outcome of Financial Distress on Accruals Influencing Future Returns [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 93-123]
Amir Bakhtiarvand, Amin
The Impact of Audit Quality on forecasting Accurate of future operating cash flows [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017]
Amiri, Hadi
Outcome of Financial Distress on Accruals Influencing Future Returns [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 93-123]
Amiri, Maghsoud
The Effect of Perceived past Returns on Investor’s Financial Behavior and Psychological Biases as Mediate [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 33-53]
Asadi, Gholamhossein
Cost Stickiness and Anti-Cost Stickiness of Non-
Manufacturing Costs in Iranian Firms [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 71-90]
Ashari, Elham
Factors Affecting the Profitability of Banks [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 119-140]
Babajani, Jafar
Rating Iranian Banks According to their Financial Strength [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 25-50]
Babajani, Jafar
Financial Strength Rating of the Iranian Banks [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017]
Bagherpour Valashani, Mohammad Ali
Examination of the Accounting Education Expectation Gap as a Result of the Current Legal Requirements [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 95-118]
Baghoomian, Rafik
Studying the Relationship of Personality Factors and Learning in Accounting Students [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 125-143]
Bakhtiarvand, Amin Amir
The Impact of Audit Quality on forecasting Accurate of
future operating cash flows [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 173-198]
Bashirimanesh, Nazanin
Determinants of Voluntary Disclosure in Iran Capital Marke [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 1-32]
Beig Panah, Behzad Beig Panah
Cost Stickiness and Anti-Cost Stickiness of Non-
Manufacturing Costs in Iranian Firms [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 71-90]
Blue, Ghasem
An Empirical Evaluation of Value Relevance and
Information Content of Capital-Based Human Capital
Financial Reporting (HCFR) Model [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 9-44]
Blue, Ghasem
An Empirical Evaluation of Relevance and Information Content of Capital-Based Human Capital Financial Reporting Model [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017]
Bolu, Ghasem
TheImpact of Higher Moments and Nonsystematic Volatility on Future Stock Return using Fama-MacBeth Model [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 109-133]
Daneshyar, Fatemeh
Political Hypotheses (Political Costs) and Financial
Reporting Quality: Empirical Evidence from Tehran
Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 113-142]
Dashtbayaz, Mahmoud Lari
Examining Real Earnings Management to Avoid Losses [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 155-181]
Ebrahimzadeh, saied
The Impact of Audit Quality on forecasting Accurate of future operating cash flows [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017]
Eivani, Farzad
Consequences of Financial Reporting Failure for Outside Directors [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 109-132]
Erza, Amir Hossein
Calculation of Credit Risk and Its Effect on Return in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 169-196]
Etemadi, Hosein
Risk Assessment of the Corporate Tax Policies [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 6-24]
Farjam, Zahra
Cost Behavior Forecast Accuracy in Earning Forecast of Tehran Stock Exchange Companies [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 71-92]
Fasihi, Soghra
Investigating the Effect of Management Ability on Dividend Policy Companies listed in Tehran Stock [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 73-94]
Ghaderi, Salahoddin
The Role of Audit Committee Financial Expertise on the Managerial Short-Termism [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 141-165]
Ghorbani, Arash
Examining Real Earnings Management to Avoid Losses [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 155-181]
Ghorbani, Ramin
Investigating the Effect of Correlation between Firms' Earnings and Announcement Timing on the Accruals [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 91-112]
Haghighat, Hamid
Investigating the Effect of Correlation between Firms' Earnings and Announcement Timing on the Accruals [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 91-112]
Haghighat, Hamid
The Survey Effect of Firm's earnings Correlation and Announcement Timing on
The Accruals of companies accepted in Tehran stock exchange [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017]
Haghighat, Mohammad
TheImpact of Higher Moments and Nonsystematic Volatility on Future Stock Return using Fama-MacBeth Model [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 109-133]
Hejazi, Rezvan
Investigating the Effect of Management Ability on Dividend Policy Companies listed in Tehran Stock [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 73-94]
Inanlou, Effat
Factors Affecting the Profitability of Banks [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 119-140]
Jafari, Abolfazl
Rating Iranian Banks According to their Financial Strength [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 25-50]
Jafari, Abolfazl
Financial Strength Rating of the Iranian Banks [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017]
Khajavi, Shokrolah
Investigation of Interactions between Managerial Ownership and Corporate Performance Using the Simultaneous Equations System (Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 55-81]
Khansari, Nikoo
Investigating the Effect of Correlation between Firms' Earnings and Announcement Timing on the Accruals [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 91-112]
Kheirollahi, Farshid
Consequences of Financial Reporting Failure for Outside Directors [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 109-132]
Khodakarimi, Pari
Predicting Financial Distress with using combined model of Accounting and
Market Data with Logistic Regression Approach [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 145-168]
Khoramin, Manochehr
Studying the Relationship of Personality Factors and Learning in Accounting Students [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 125-143]
Mahdavi, Gholamhossein
Modeling of the Relationship among Auditing Quality
Factors Using Cause and Effect Approach in System
Dynamics [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 45-70]
Mansourfar, Gholamreza
Political Hypotheses (Political Costs) and Financial
Reporting Quality: Empirical Evidence from Tehran
Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 113-142]
Marfou, Mohammad
The Relation between Earnings Forecast Accuracy and Investment Efficiency [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 51-72]
Mehrabanpour, Mohammad Reza
Factors Affecting the Profitability of Banks [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 119-140]
Mennati, Vahid
Internal Audit Quality Improvement Strategies [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 31-70]
Determination of financial performance measurement indicators and accounting system capabilities for financial accountability in Tehran Municipality [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 1-30]
Mohebi, Ehsan
Consequences of Financial Reporting Failure for Outside Directors [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 109-132]
Moradi, Rouhalah
The Effect of Perceived past Returns on Investor’s Financial Behavior and Psychological Biases as Mediate [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 33-53]
Naderi Noorain, Mohammad Mehdi
Factors Affecting the Profitability of Banks [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 119-140]
Namazi, Navid Reza
Modeling of the Relationship among Auditing Quality
Factors Using Cause and Effect Approach in System
Dynamics [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 45-70]
Naqdi, Masoomeh
The Relation between Earnings Forecast Accuracy and Investment Efficiency [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 51-72]
Nikbakht, Mohammad Reza
Internal Audit Quality Improvement Strategies [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 31-70]
Peymany, Moslem
Calculation of Credit Risk and Its Effect on Return in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 169-196]
Piri, Parviz
Predicting Financial Distress with using combined model of Accounting and
Market Data with Logistic Regression Approach [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 145-168]
Qaderi, Bahman
Political Hypotheses (Political Costs) and Financial
Reporting Quality: Empirical Evidence from Tehran
Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 113-142]
Rahimpoor, Mohammad
Investigating the Effect of Correlation between Firms' Earnings and Announcement Timing on the Accruals [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 91-112]
Rahmani, Ali
Determinants of Voluntary Disclosure in Iran Capital Marke [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 1-32]
Rajabdorri, Hossein
Studying the Relationship of Personality Factors and Learning in Accounting Students [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 125-143]
Rezaee, Zabihollah
Internal Audit Quality Improvement Strategies [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 31-70]
Rezapour, Narges
An Empirical Evaluation of Value Relevance and
Information Content of Capital-Based Human Capital
Financial Reporting (HCFR) Model [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 9-44]
Riahi, Mahboubeh
Assessment the Effect of Financial Supply Chain Management on Performance of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 133-154]
Saee, Mohammad Javade
Examination of the Accounting Education Expectation Gap as a Result of the Current Legal Requirements [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 95-118]
Saei, Mohammad Javad
Examining Real Earnings Management to Avoid Losses [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 155-181]
Safarzadeh, Mohammad Hosein
The relationship between corporate governance and
related party transactions [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 143-172]
Saghafi, Ali
An Empirical Evaluation of Value Relevance and
Information Content of Capital-Based Human Capital
Financial Reporting (HCFR) Model [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 9-44]
Saghafi, Ali
An Empirical Evaluation of Relevance and Information Content of Capital-Based Human Capital Financial Reporting Model [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017]
Salim, Mohammad Javad
Rating Iranian Banks According to their Financial Strength [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 25-50]
Salimi, Mohammad Javad
Financial Strength Rating of the Iranian Banks [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017]
Sari, Mohammad Ali
Risk Assessment of the Corporate Tax Policies [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 6-24]
Sari, MohammadAli
Risk Assessment of the Corporate Tax Policies [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017]
Sedighi, Rouhollah
Assessment the Effect of Financial Supply Chain Management on Performance of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 133-154]
Seifi, Farnaz
Calculation of Credit Risk and Its Effect on Return in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 55, 2017, Pages 169-196]
Sepasi, Sahar
Risk Assessment of the Corporate Tax Policies [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 6-24]
Shekarkhah, Javad
TheImpact of Higher Moments and Nonsystematic Volatility on Future Stock Return using Fama-MacBeth Model [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 109-133]
Shokrollahi, Ahmad
Investigation of Interactions between Managerial Ownership and Corporate Performance Using the Simultaneous Equations System (Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 14, Issue 56, 2018, Pages 55-81]
Tarivardi, Yadollah
The Role of Audit Committee Financial Expertise on the Managerial Short-Termism [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 141-165]
Tavasoli, Fatemeh
Examination of the Accounting Education Expectation Gap as a Result of the Current Legal Requirements [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 95-118]
Tavoosi, Sajedeh
The relationship between corporate governance and
related party transactions [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 143-172]
Yeganeh, Yahya Hassas
The Relation between Earnings Forecast Accuracy and Investment Efficiency [Volume 14, Issue 54, 2017, Pages 51-72]
Zalghi, Hasan
The Impact of Audit Quality on forecasting Accurate of
future operating cash flows [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2017, Pages 173-198]