Audit Risk
Mandana Taheri; Ghasem Blue; Ramin Parvarpour
Information asymmetry and economic uncertainty are features of the capital market in today's complex business environment, which increase audit risk and litigation risk, and can be effective in explaining audit fees. The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of legal claims risk, information ...
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Information asymmetry and economic uncertainty are features of the capital market in today's complex business environment, which increase audit risk and litigation risk, and can be effective in explaining audit fees. The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of legal claims risk, information asymmetry and economic uncertainty in explaining audit fees. The time domain of the research is the period from 2013 to 2021 and the research sample includes 120 companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange. Research findings, based on analysis using multivariable regression models on combined data, show that among the macroeconomic variables investigated (including economic growth rate, inflation rate, exchange rate, and interest rate), both economic growth rate and inflation rate have a direct and significant relationship with the audit fee. Additionally, there is a direct and significant relationship between the risk of lawsuits and information asymmetry with the audit fee. The results indicate that the risk of lawsuits, economic uncertainty and information asymmetry play an effective role in explaining auditors' fees. IntroductionAudit fees indicate the amount of auditors' effort to reduce the audit risk to the reasonable level. It is a measure to control financial risk and some legal claims that are threatening audit firms. According to litigation risk, auditors try to control this risk by increasing their efforts and audit fees. Chen (2019) and Frino et al. (2022) state that information asymmetry and economic uncertainty increase audit risk and litigation risk, and can influence audit fees. In other words, audit services are necessitated by the conflict between shareholders and managers. Information asymmetry and economic uncertainty increase agency costs, thereby heightening the necessity for auditing to control and manage these costs. Consequently, auditors increase audit fees to manage audit risks and ensure the thoroughness of their audit work. Therefore, this research aims to explain the effect of litigation risk, information asymmetry, and economic uncertainty on audit fees. MethodologyOur data were collected using financial statements, notes, and audit reports in CODAL[1] database and Rahavard-e-Novin[2] software. The final sample for a period of 2013-2021 consists of 1080 firm-year observations. In addition, the GARCH models were employed to measure the independent variables. To test the first and second hypotheses of this research, model 1 is used:Afeet= litig riskt+ Asymmetryt+ Sizet+ INVRECt +Levt + ROAt+ losst+ CHANGEt +Adu sizet + Specialistt+ LIQUIDt + SALEt +Year Effects+ Industry Effects (1)To test the third hypothesis of research, model 2 is used:Afeet= Economic Growtht-1+ Inflation Ratet-1+ Exchange Ratet-1+ Interest Ratet-1+ Sizet+ INVRECt +Levt + ROAt+ losst+ CHANGEt +Adu sizet + Specialistt+ LIQUIDt + SALEt +Year Effects+ Industry Effects (2)Where, SIZE represents the natural logarithm of total assets; INVREC denotes the amount of inventory and receivables divided by total assets; Lev indicates total liabilities divided by total assets; ROA signifies net profit divided by total assets; LOSS is assigned 1 if a firm has experienced a loss in any of the last three years, and 0 otherwise; CHANGE is assigned 1 if a firm has changed its auditor, and 0 otherwise; LIQUID represents current assets divided by total assets; SALE represents the ratio of sales to assets; Adu size is a dummy variable that equals 1 if the audit firm was either the Iran Audit Organization (IAO) or Mofid Rahbar (an audit firm belonging to IACPA), and 0 otherwise. SPECIALISR is assigned 1 if the auditor is an industry specialist, and 0 otherwise. Audit Fee (AFEE): is the natural logarithm of the audit fee.Information Asymmetry (Asymmetry): According to the model of Venkatesh and Chiang (1986).Economic Uncertainty (RM): Economic uncertainty is the inability of agents to accurately predict the outcomes of decisions. In this research, it has been measured by four indicators, including the fluctuation of economic growth, inflation rate, exchange rate, and interest rate. In addition, a GARCH model was used to index these criteria. For this purpose, a volatile measure of changes in the Gross National Product (GNP) index was considered to be an indicator of the risk of macroeconomic factors that the firm faces in its financial and production decisions. The results of the estimation of the GARCH model led to conditional variances, which ultimately lead to the standard deviation or the concept of uncertainty upon taking the square root.Litigation Risk (Litig risk): We measure this variable based on Lowry and Shu (2002), Krishnan and Zhang (2005), and Sun and Liu (2011). ConclusionThe results of testing the first and second hypotheses indicate that the risk of lawsuits and information asymmetry have a positive and significant relationship with audit fees. In the third hypothesis, the effect of lack of economy on remuneration was investigated. In this research, four indicators including economic growth, inflation rate, exchange rate, and interest rate have been used to measure the economic uncertainty of macroeconomic variables. In this regard, the results of the hypothesis testing show that economic uncertainty based on inflation and economic growth criteria has a positive and significant relationship with audit fees. Additionally, economic uncertainty based on interest rate criterion has a negative and significant relationship with audit fees. However, the exchange rate indicator does not have a significant effect on audit fees. Therefore, it can be seen that audit risk as an indicator of determining audit fees is influenced by some economic variables such as inflation and economic growth.In order to strengthen the results and address potential endogeneity in the research models, we redefined the dependent variable as imaginary (bivariate) and re-estimated the initial models of all three hypotheses. The results of these re-estimations confirmed the findings of the least squares regression in the first model for the first and second hypotheses. In the third hypothesis regarding economic uncertainty, economic growth and inflation rate criteria, as well as exchange rate, lead to an increase in the audit fee, while interest rate causes a decrease in the audit fee. Additionally, new control variables were added to the initial models based on the information provided in previous sections. The results of these additions confirm the findings of the initial estimation of the hypotheses.
Accounting and various aspects of finance
Mohamad Marfo; Mohammad javad Salimi; Iman Raeesi Vanani; Mojtaba Alifamian
Purpose: The rapid development of technology and extensive environmental changes have accelerated economic growth, and the increasing competition among enterprises has restricted access to profit and increased the probability of enterprises ' financial distress. Due to the effects of high costs of financial ...
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Purpose: The rapid development of technology and extensive environmental changes have accelerated economic growth, and the increasing competition among enterprises has restricted access to profit and increased the probability of enterprises ' financial distress. Due to the effects of high costs of financial distress, its prediction has attracted the attention of researchers since the beginning. Therefore, this paper aims at a bibliometric analysis of financial distress research in the accounting, management and economic areas. Design/methodology/approach: The research method is based on a three-step protocol of dataset setting, dataset refining, and analyzing the data. First, the published articles in the financial distress field were collected from the Web of Science database. Second, the document information was refined, and 801 articles were chosen for literature review in this area. Finally, we used the bibliometric analysis toolbox to investigate the documents. Also, bibliometric analysis in this research was conducted using VOSviewer software. Findings: The findings of this research indicate the existence of six main streams of research (methods of predicting financial distress, predictors of financial distress, restructuring strategy, corporate governance, bank bankruptcy and earnings management) in the field of financial distress. Additionally, the results highlight the importance of social responsibility of the company, also demonstrate that improvements in technology, particularly the use of artificial intelligence tools, have enhanced predicting accuracy. IntroductionIn the life cycle of any company, while there are many opportunities for growth, prosperity, and success, there are also situations where the company may face decline, crisis, and failure. Theoretically, it is assumed that business companies operate indefinitely with the aim of making a profit.However, in the modern era of the global economy, companies not only become significantly more established but also face financial distress more frequently than in the past. In other words, due to globalization and the integration of national economies, the incidence of business failures and bankruptcies has risen. Financial failure is not an instantaneous event but a dynamic and generally lengthy process that affects the company's capital structure, investment policies, and performance. Therefore, identifying the factors of financial distress enables the prediction of an enterprise's financial distress.Identifying the factors influencing the financial distress of companies, firstly, enables the taking of appropriate actions by providing necessary warnings. Secondly, investors can distinguish favorable investment opportunities from unfavorable ones and invest their resources in situations and places where they are less likely to lose money.Given the importance and effects of financial distress and the high rate of failure of current businesses, a literature analysis in this area appears necessary. A review of the literature in the field of financial distress uncovers a multitude and variety of topics in past research. Thus, it is crucial to conduct a systematic review of past research to understand its intellectual structure. Moreover, the keywords used in past research represent the field’s main ideas and topics. Therefore, this study is going to draw the intellectual structure of financial distress research through quantitative techniques of co-word analysis, citation, co-citation, bibliometric, and co-authorship analysis. Research Question(s)This research, employing bibliometric analysis, reviewed the literature on financial distress in the fields of accounting, management, and economics. It also analyzed the content of articles in this field to answer the following questions:RQ1. What is the trend of publications in financial distress research?RQ2. What is the citation structure in the financial distress research?RQ3. What are the fundamental streams of financial distress research?RQ4. What are the emerging themes in the financial distress research? MethodologyThe research method is based on a three-step protocol: dataset setting, dataset refining, and analyzing the data. First, the published articles in the financial distress field were collected from the Web of Science database. Second, the document information was refined, and 801 articles were chosen for literature review in this area. Finally, we used the bibliometric analysis toolbox to investigate the documents. Additionally, bibliometric analysis in this research was conducted using VOSviewer software. ResultsOur findings indicate an increasing trend in the number of research studies on financial distress literature over the past six years, with approximately 54% of articles published during this period.We also document that "In Search of Distress Risk" is the most cited paper, receiving 881 citations in the Web of Science database; "Altman" is identified as the most influential author; and the USA emerges as the most influential country in this research field. This predominance can largely be attributed to the fact that most journals indexed in the Web of Science in the fields of accounting and finance are associated with the United States. Consequently, it is evident that the publication of articles by universities and researchers based in this country is more prevalent than in other countries worldwide. The findings of this research reveal the existence of six main streams of research: methods of predicting financial distress, predictors of financial distress, restructuring strategy, corporate governance, bank bankruptcy, and earnings management in the field of financial distress. Additionally, the results of the research not only underscore the importance of a company’s social responsibility but also highlight how technological advancements, particularly the use of artificial intelligence tools, have enhanced the accuracy of financial distress predictions. Discussion and ConclusionIn this study, first, the evolution of literature in this field has been reviewed through bibliometric analysis over the last four decades. Secondly, from a performance perspective, the indicators related to the article, citation indicators, and combined article and citation indicators have been examined. Additionally, scientific mapping of articles in this field has been conducted through citation analysis, co-citation analysis, co-authorship analysis, and co-word analysis. Finally, clustering and content analysis of the articles in this field have been performed.First, performance analysis was conducted to answer the first two research questions. The research findings confirm that during the last four decades, the literature on financial distress has significantly grown. Examining the growth trend of the articles’ number indicates the effect of changes in the business environment on financial distress. Thus, this trend shows an increase in the number of articles from 2010 onwards, the reason for which is attributed to the financial crisis of 2008, which caused many companies to face financial distress due to the impossibility of financing. Additionally, the trend of published articles shows a significant increase in articles during the period of COVID-19 and after (2020, 2022, 2023). The limitation caused by this public crisis (COVID-19) has increased the possibility of financial distress for companies, and many researchers have investigated this issue. Secondly, to examine the third question of the research, co-citation and bibliographic coupling analysis have been used. As indicated in the mentioned findings section, the studies conducted can be classified into three clusters: predicting financial distress, which is mainly based on accounting data criteria; a cluster of default risk and systematic risk, which provides information about the prospects of the company and the volatility of assets; and finally, the cluster of restructuring strategies, which includes studies that seek to exit this cycle of financial distress using these strategies. The Bibliographic coupling analysis indicates that six main streams of research (financial distress prediction methods, financial distress prediction factors, restructuring strategy, corporate governance, bankruptcy of banks, and earnings management) exist in the financial distress field.Thirdly, the co-word analysis was conducted to answer the fourth question of the research. The increase in the frequency of the words ‘machine learning’ and ‘social responsibility of the company’ in recent years indicates the development of advanced techniques and models in data mining. This development has become so widespread that a large number of research papers are published every year in many fields, including finance, using techniques and algorithms of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Additionally, regarding social responsibility, this trend suggests the primary purpose of enterprises has shifted from profit maximization to increasing shareholder wealth and protecting the interests of other stakeholders, including society and the environment. Therefore, it is expected that future studies will focus increasingly on social responsibility and sustainability.
Accounting tools
Mehri Bakhteyari; Javad Rezazadeh; kumars Biglar
The implementation of the engagement quality control review (EQCR) by the engagement quality control reviewer has been considered as one of the key elements of quality control in the auditing standards and its implementation is required in the audit of companies listed on the stock exchange. In this ...
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The implementation of the engagement quality control review (EQCR) by the engagement quality control reviewer has been considered as one of the key elements of quality control in the auditing standards and its implementation is required in the audit of companies listed on the stock exchange. In this research, the data were collected through (1) conducting interviews with 25 partners of Iranian auditing firms in the spring and summer of 2023 and (2) the opinions of 12 certified accountants that were published in a newspaper or professional journals in the form of a conversation, round table, notes or articles. Then, by applying the grounded theory, the components that are the obstacles to the effective application of EQCR are identified and presented in the form of a conceptual system model. The validity of the research model was confirmed by 7 audit partners. The findings from the analysis of research data show that there are various obstacles in its different dimensions, the most important of which are: the structure and organization of some audit firm, the small size of many audit firms, economic considerations, low fees of Iranian audit firms, lack of qualified auditors, moral issues in the society, the society's specific problems, governing laws and regulations, weaknesses in quality grading of audit firms, inadequate communication with international professional communities, low awareness of auditing and lack of development, and low application of technology in Iranian audit firms. Considering that the international auditing standard 220 has been updated and includes more requirements for the EQCR, along with the findings of this research showing that the quality control standard is not effectively implemented by Iranian audit firms, some suggestions are given to fill these gaps.IntroductionThe objective of a firm is to design, implement, and operate a system of quality control for audit, review of financial statements, or other assurance or related services engagements performed by a firm, that provides the firm with reasonable assurance that: (a) The firm and its personnel fulfill their responsibilities in accordance with professional standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements, and conduct engagements in accordance with such standards and requirements; and (b) Engagement reports issued by the firm or engagement partners are appropriate in the circumstances. According to the auditing standards, engagement quality review is an objective evaluation of the significant judgments made by the engagement team and the conclusions reached thereon, performed by the engagement quality reviewer and completed on or before the date of the engagement report. Engagement quality reviewer is a partner, other individual in the firm, or an external individual, appointed by the firm to perform the engagement quality review (IAASB, 2020). Surveys show that engagement quality control review, as one of the key elements of quality control, has not been established in Iranian audit firms. Its causes have not been clarified in previous research. Therefore, in this research, we seek to clarify its causes and obstacles.Research Question(s)What are the obstacles of applying engagement quality control review in Iranian audit firms?Literature ReviewEngagement quality control review is one of the key elements of the quality control system of auditing firms, which is considered in the auditing standards. The literature review shows that this issue has not been studied in Iran. However, some Iranian certified public accountants and audit firm partners have pointed out some obstacles of implementing quality control reviews in the form of notes and roundtables published in professional journals. The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board has described the key issues of quality control review in the United States in 2023 in a report entitled " SPOTLIGHT: Inspection Observations Related to Engagement Quality Reviews". This report shows that there are still many concerns about the quality control review (PCAOB, 2023).MethodologyConsidering the nature of the research problem, which is subjective and relies on the experience of audit institution partners, the application of a qualitative research approach is deemed appropriate. Additionally, since no specific theory has elucidated this phenomenon and there has been no prior research in this area, the use of grounded theory is fitting. Conducting interviews is one of the main methods of data collection in grounded theory (Strauss & Corbin,1990). Therefore, research data have been collected through interviews. Interviews were conducted with 25 partners of audit firms in the spring and summer of 2023. It is noteworthy that in grounded theory, all information is considered as data (Danai Fred et al., 2013). Hence, discussions, roundtables or articles published by 12 Iranian certified public accountants in professional journals or newspapers were also used as data. In the qualitative method of research, unlike the quantitative approach, statistical sampling is not important and sampling is judgmental. That is, people who have the most experience and involvement with the studied phenomenon are selected. Interviews with participants continue until theoretical saturation is reached, meaning that new participants do not introduce new insights beyond what has already been discussed.The interviews are then transcribed, and conceptual tags are attached to each sentence or paragraph of the text. In grounded theory, data analysis is done in three stages: open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. In this research, three methods were used to analyze the data.ResultsAfter conducting the research and data analysis, it is found that there are various obstacles in various dimensions for the application of quality control in Iranian audit firms. These obstacles were extracted in the form of conceptual tags. Based on selective coding, they were classified into different categories. To provide a comprehensible presentation of the barriers, these conceptual labels were categorized and presented in the form of inputs, processes, outputs, consequences, and contextual factors. Presenting these conceptual labels of obstacles in different dimensions helps us to have an accurate picture of the causes and obstacles so that we can adopt strategies to solve them. Some of the most important obstacles are: the structure and organization of some audit firms, the small size of many audit firms, economic considerations, low fees of Iranian audit firms, lack of qualified auditors, moral issues in the society, the society's specific problems, governing laws and regulations, weaknesses in quality grading of audit firms, inadequate communication with international professional communities, low awareness of auditing, and lack of development, and low application of technology in Iranian audit firms.DiscussionIn this research, after analyzing the data, many obstacles are extracted in various dimensions. These factors limit the effective implementation of engagement quality control review as one of the key elements of the audit quality control system. With these conditions, achieving audit quality becomes challenging.ConclusionIn this research, the obstacles to the application of quality control review in Iranian audit firms were examined. The findings show that there are many obstacles in different dimensions. The structure and organization of some audit firm, the small size of many audit firms, economic considerations, low fees of Iranian audit firms, lack of qualified auditors, moral issues in the society, the society's specific problems, governing laws and regulations, weaknesses in quality grading of audit firms, inadequate communication with international professional communities, low awareness of auditing and lack of development, and low application of technology in Iranian audit firms are the main obstacles to the application of engagement quality control review in Iranian audit firms. If these obstacles are not removed, the audit quality of Iranian audit firms will be affected. Additionally, in the present circumstances, it cannot be assured that professional standards will be fully followed. This research is the first Iranian research that has studied this issue and can be an avenue for future research. Future research could study other stakeholders or rank these obstacles. Furthermore, conducting similar research in the future will clarify the extent to which these obstacles can be overcome. The findings of this research can provide a clear perspective on engagement quality control review in Iranian audit firms and its obstacles to regulators, such as the Iranian Association of Certified Public Accountants (IACPA). One suggestion arising from the findings could be to increase the weight of the scores related to the engagement quality control review. Another suggestion would be to promote and clarify the benefits of engagement quality control review for audit firms. The last suggestion is the training of competent quality control reviewers by the AICPA or other educational and professional centers.AcknowledgmentsWe acknowledge the participants in this research who helped us.
َAccruals Quality
Abbas Aflatooni; Kefsan mansouri; Zahra Nikbakht
The accounting information quality and its relationship with financing decision-making is one of the important issues that attract interest from researchers. However, the way accounting information quality affects financing costs during the COVID-19 pandemic is a topic that has not been explored in domestic ...
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The accounting information quality and its relationship with financing decision-making is one of the important issues that attract interest from researchers. However, the way accounting information quality affects financing costs during the COVID-19 pandemic is a topic that has not been explored in domestic research. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of the accounting information quality on the cost of debt and to explore how this effect mainfested during the pandemic of COVID-19. In this regard, the data from 137 firms listed on Tehran Stock Exchange for 2012-2022 (1057 firm-years) have been analyzed. The generalized least squares (GLS) approach was employed to fit the models and fixed effects for years and industries were also controlled. The research results for the entire period demonstrate that an increase in accruals quality (as a proxy for accounting information quality) leads to the cost of financing through debts and this decrease is more pronounced for innate accruals quality than for discretionary accruals quality. Furthermore, the findings suggest that during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of accruals quality and its innate and discretionary components on the cost of debt diminished. The results of the robustness tests using decile-ranked values of accruals quality support the main findings.IntroductionThe global pandemic of COVID-19 and the economic recession related to it brought many challenges to companies in most countries (Barai & Dhar, 2021). Due to the widespread effects of this disease and the various and costly measures taken by countries to control this pandemic, during the outbreak of COVID-19, the economic activities of companies faced a serious challenge (Aljughaiman et al., 2023). COVID-19 had a significant negative impact on the employment level of the workforce, reduced economic activity, and created high levels of uncertainty in many financial markets (Zhang et al., 2020). These conditions have most likely hurt the accounting information quality (Pham et al., 2023; Chen et al., 2023) and due to the inverse relationship between the accounting information quality and the cost of debt, it has led to an increase in the cost of debt. However, most of the empirical evidence in this regard is related to developed countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia, and the evidence on emerging markets (such as the Iranian capital market) is limited in this regard. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relationship between the accruals quality and the cost of debt and to compare the extent of this relationship during the COVID-19 pandemic and other years.Literature ReviewIn accounting, accruals refer to a part of earnings that does not carry cash flow and is a product of the accrual accounting system. Therefore, accruals represent the difference between earnings and cash flows (Nallareddy et al., 2020). Since accruals are affected by managerial discretion, the accruals quality can be used to evaluate the accounting information quality and predict future cash flows (Le et al., 2021). The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected the global economy (Zhu & Song, 2021), involved many businesses in financial difficulties (Albitar et al., 2020) and intensified their dependence on resources provided by creditors and investors (Shen et al., 2020). Most likely, these conditions have affected the accounting information quality (Pham et al., 2023). During the COVID-19 pandemic, most companies have had enough motivation for earnings management (Lassoued & Khanchel, 2021). However, earnings management causes the financial information reported by companies to be inconsistent with their actual situation, and this means reducing the accounting information quality (Tariverdi et al., 2012). According to these materials, the research hypotheses are presented as follows:H1: An increase in the quality of accruals causes a decrease in the cost of debt.H2: In the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, the intensity of the effect of accruals quality on the cost of debt has decreased.MethodologyThis research is practical, analytical, quasi-experimental, correlational in terms of research purpose, and retrospective and post-event in terms of the time dimension of the data. To collect financial and accounting data, Rahvard Novin database and reports published on Codal website were used, and Stata software was used to analyze the data. To fit the models, the generalized least squares approach was used.ResultsThe results show that compared to other years, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the accruals quality (the cost of debt) has decreased (increased) by 27% (35%). Also, the results indicate that an increase in accruals quality decreases the cost of debt. Furthermore, our results show that compared to other years, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the intensity of the effect of the accruals quality on the cost of debt has decreased.DiscussionThe research findings show that an increase in accruals quality significantly decreases the cost of financing. So, in order to reduce financing costs from debts, managers are advised to be diligent in improving the companies' accounting information quality. Finally, our results show that the cost of debt has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the decline in accruals quality and its components.ConclusionOur results show that with the increase in the quality of accruals, the cost of financing through debts has a significant decrease, and this decrease is more for the innate components of accruals quality than for its discretionary part. In addition, the findings indicate that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the intensity of the effect of the accruals quality and its innate and discretionary components on the cost of debt has decreased. The results of supplementary tests confirm the research main findings.
Accounting tools
Fatemeh Jalali Gorgani; Mohammadreza Abdoli; Hasan Valiyan; Mehdi Safari gerayli; Mohammad Mehdi Hossini
The purpose of this study is evaluation matrix of perspective on the driving forces of legacy accounting. In this study, in terms of the methodological goal, this study is exploratory and from the perspective of the result, it is placed in the category of applied research. The participants in the qualitative ...
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The purpose of this study is evaluation matrix of perspective on the driving forces of legacy accounting. In this study, in terms of the methodological goal, this study is exploratory and from the perspective of the result, it is placed in the category of applied research. The participants in the qualitative part include 12 academic experts and accounting professors who have professional experience in the field of accounting and financial reporting, and in the quantitative part 22 people from managers and board members of companies with the nature of family ownership in this study as a pairwise comparison they participated. The result of this study in the qualitative part indicated the existence of 3 categories, 8 components and 39 themes as drivers of legacy accounting in family ownership, which was confirmed based on Delphi analysis. Then, by choosing 2 factors out of 8 identified components as the basis of scenario creation, 10 themes identified as sub-factors of scenario creation were examined. The result of the acquisition in a quantitative part indicates the existence of 4 scenarios with a favorable situation, which shows that the scenario of the second quarter with the metaphorical title of "Governance Hegemony" was determined to be the most effective driver in the emergence of legacy accounting in family-owned companies. IntroductionFamily-owned companies always face the assumption of opportunism at the level of the capital market from the point of view of market theorists and analysts, the reason for which is the large number of board members affiliated with the company owner or holding management positions in the decision-making structure of this type of companies (Sun et al., 2023). Assuming the acceptance of such an approach, it can be concluded that the method of financial functions and information disclosure is also done with the aim of covering the priorities of those in power in such a structure. Under such conditions, the violation of the rights of the beneficiaries can be considered the most important consequence of investing in these companies (Rezayee Pitenoei et al., 2021). Legacy accounting, as a term in such a structure with family ownership, can be considered a kind of practice in the shadow or parallel to the main accounting method of companies, which is used by the management of these companies to satisfy their opportunistic needs (De Wolf et al., 2020). In fact, legacy accounting is considered to be the result of a method of information disclosure that systematically prioritizes the interests of those in power over the interests of other shareholders. This is done in order to stimulate new investors to invest in the company's shares on the one hand and maintain the loyalty of current shareholders on the other. Additionally, it is used to secure their interests by providing cash for the development of investment plans and projects (Lloyd et al., 1999). Literature ReviewLegacy accounting aims to secure the interests of the majority of family owners by increasing the cost of minority shareholders, both in terms of money and share value (Wild, 2015). In fact, the interests of the majority of the shares, by increasing the members of family ownership through opportunistic accounting procedures, can deepen the conflict of interest between the internal owners (family owners) who control the company and external shareholders. This conflict of interest in legacy accounting procedures manifests in various ways, such as selling the company's products at a lower price to related people, hiring unqualified family members in the company, increasing the salary and benefits of family members, or showing an increase in tax payment. For example, companies often seek to minimize taxes, but some studies based on the accounting practices of family-owned companies show increased tax payments (Xia et al., 2017), as these companies aim to fulfill their financial obligations and seek to enhance their reputation by promoting social responsibility. MethodologyWhen designing the model, it is crucial to consider the execution method, ensuring that the phenomenon under investigation lacks an integrated framework and coordination within the target society, at least in terms of content. Therefore, given the lack of necessary theoretical coherence of the concept of legacy accounting within family-owned companies, as discussed in the theoretical foundations and introduction, this research is categorized as developmental research in terms of the result. The research approach of the current study, in terms of data collection logic, is of a hybrid type. This is because it explores a phenomenon for which there is no comprehensive framework in the theoretical areas of legacy accounting at the level of capital market functions, or where consensus is lacking. Therefore, the analysis of the qualitative part and the reliance on the data theory method are used to present the dimensions of the legacy accounting model as a multidimensional model.For this purpose, Glaser's (1992) emergent approach is used to develop the legacy accounting model through three stages of coding by using interviews with experts. In this approach, the theory emerges from the data, and researchers do not have presuppositions regarding the relationship between the data from the beginning. Additionally, based on the emergent foundation data theorizing strategy, data analysis begins simultaneously with the interviews (Kolayeanmoghadam et al., 2020). In terms of the purpose, this research fallswithin the category of exploratory studies conducted using both quantitative and qualitative models. The present study employs various research methods to address the formulated questions, tailoring each method to the specific needs of the respective department. Therefore, based on the nature of collection, this study can be classified as mixed research. Thus, different methods are employed for data collection and analysis at each stage of this study's analytical processes. ResultThis research, by undertaking through three main steps in the theoretical analysis of foundational data including open coding, selective coding, and core coding, seeks to explore the concept of heritage accounting development based on a theoretical framework. Through 12 interviews conducted across three stages of open coding, central coding, and selective coding, a total of three categories, eight components, and 39 conceptual themes were identified. These dimensions were determined after Delphi analysis to ensure reliability. Next, aiming to formulate future scenarios for evaluating the driving forces behind the development of legacy accounting in family ownership, the most effective axes for this evaluation were determined using the Micmac matrix by identifying the inputs and outputs of the matrix model. As a result, this section confirmed governance opportunism and behavioral opportunism as the primary driving factors influencing legacy accounting in family-owned companies. Subsequently, through the reciprocal matrix, scenarios describing the driving forces in the emergence of this accounting practice were determined. ConclusionThe term hegemony means the dominance of a group of power holders over others. The extension of this concept to the mechanism of governance refers to the fact that a powerful person as an owner, in an effort to protect their interests, tries to make arbitrary appointments based on the level of loyalty to the person in power. Decisions should be made solely to achieve the goals and visions set by the powerful person. In this governance structure, while the size of the board of directors may adhere to rules and requirements, the absence of conflict of interest and diversity of views within the board compromises its ability to effectively monitor the company's operations, leading to decisions primarily aligned with the owner's objectives. In such structures, the board of directors often lacks the necessary independence to make decisions contrary to the opinions of those in power. Instead, they merely symbolically apply external supervision to maintain market stability. In general, the scenario of hegemonic governance shows the promotion of the dominant values and culture of the power holders in a company, which is a model of the pervasive dominance of their ideas and opinions over the entire company. Additionally, this result indicates that legacy accounting within such a regulatory process serves as an instrumental approach, a lever to advance governance goals in family companies. By selectively disclosing news and information to stakeholders, it seeks to protect the interests of these individuals or the so-called powerful person
Audit Quality
Mahdi Saghafi; Azam Pouryousof; Ali Shirzadi
In this research, the relationship between the discovery of audit distortions and the readability of financial reports has been investigated, as well as the moderating effect of management ability on this relationship. This research is practical in terms of its purpose, and the correlation method is ...
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In this research, the relationship between the discovery of audit distortions and the readability of financial reports has been investigated, as well as the moderating effect of management ability on this relationship. This research is practical in terms of its purpose, and the correlation method is causal (post-event). In this research, the data of 129 companies listed on the Iran Stock Exchange during a seven-year period (from 2015 to 2021) were gathered to test the hypotheses using panel data. The collection of information in this study was done using library methods. Related data to measure the variables were collected from the Codal website and financial statements of the companies. Basic calculations were done in Excel. Then, Stata software was used to test the research hypotheses. The results of the research show that the discovery of audit distortions has a direct and significant effect on the readability of financial reports. Additionally, the results indicate that the ability of managers can not only moderate the positive relationship between the discovery of audit distortions and the readability of financial reports, but also increase the intensity of this relationship.IntroductionA significant part of the companies' information is presented through the annual reports. A clear presentation of this amount of information is important for the clear understanding and interpretation of the information in the financial statements. There is a possibility that company managers change the readability of financial reports in order to attract the attention of investors, and control the perceptions of information users. The possibility of managers exploiting loopholes in accepted accounting principles and standards for personal gain necessitates a thorough evaluation and review by auditors. This evaluation aims to identify potential opportunities for fraud and weaknesses in these principles and standards for rectification. In this way, auditors can play an important role in making financial reports more readable through the quality of the audit. At the same time, the motivation and ability of managers to apply personal interests can also be an obstacle to high-quality auditing. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to examine the effect of audit quality on the readability of financial reports and to investigate how managers' ability can influence this relationship.Research Question(s):Does audit quality have a significant effect on the readability of financial reports?Can managers' ability moderate the relationship between audit quality and readability of financial reports?Literature ReviewBlanco et al. (2021) stated in their research that when annual reports are less readable, auditors spend more effort on auditing financial statements. Furthermore, Hassan (2017) indicated that companies with capable managers publish more readable financial reports. Ghanizadeh et al. (2021) also concluded that financial knowledge and ability of managers have a positive and significant effect on audit quality.MethodologyThe data needed for the research were collected through Rahvard Navin software and Codal website, as well as from the audited financial statements of the companies and their audit reports. The statistical population of the research consists of the companies listed on the Iran Stock Exchange. Thus, 129 companies were selected from the statistical population over seven years (903 observations) from those active between 2015 and 2021, after applying restrictions.ResultsThe findings of the research show that the increase in sensitivity of the auditors in their proceedings, which has led to the discovery of more and more accounting distortions and finally the improvement of audit quality, has led to effective communication with managers in choosing simple words and phrases. This results in an increase in the use of simple language and a reduction in the complexity of financial report content, thereby enhancing the readability of financial reports. Additionally, the ability of managers can not only moderate the positive relationship between audit quality and the readability of financial reports, but also increase the intensity of this relationship.DiscussionThe readability of managers' explanatory reports is crucial for influencing information users. However, the absence of a universal standard for reading such reports presents management with numerous choices regarding content and even formatting. It is possible for managers to mislead the users of information when choosing the right decision by manipulating the readability of financial reports. This issue underscores the essential role of auditors, given its financial consequences and the potential for economic crises. Auditors play a crucial role in enhancing the quality of financial reports and mitigating opportunistic motives of managers. As the CEO is a key figure in the company's economy with significant influence, they can impact the company's value and profitability through their presentation of news and reports. Therefore, audit quality as one of the most important factors in the implementation of audit operations in audit institutions should be considered, so that the mission of auditing, which is ensuring financial statements, is carried out at the highest level of confidence. However, in situations where managers possess high abilities, there is a possibility of adjusting and being affected by this relationship. In this situation, there is a contradiction regarding the managers' ability to provide clear or complex reports and the quality of the audit. This issue originated from theories such as representation and stakeholders. Therefore, the moderating effect of managers' ability on the relationship between audit quality and readability of financial reports is important. In other words, capable managers in different situations send a positive sign of the company's status to the market by providing clear information and thus reduce agency costs. Thus, these managers have a greater ability to clearly express information to the market, which helps create a competitive advantage, maintain reputation, and foster self-motivation.ConclusionIn general, the results of this research indicate that the quality of auditing has improved, and the ability of managers plays a crucial role in enhancing the quality and transparency of financial reports. Therefore, it can be said that audit quality is an important and influential variable in ensuring financial statements and gaining the trust of information users. Additionally, capable managers demonstrate a greater inclination towards information transparency due to their superior performance.
stock exchange
Behrooz Badpa; Sohrab Osta; Fatemeh Darvish-Hoseini
Working capital management is crucial for business growth and survival as it maximizes enterprise value and shareholder wealth, thereby maintaining competitive conditions and optimal performance. This study identified and explained accounting variables determining operational efficiency (OE) of the companies ...
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Working capital management is crucial for business growth and survival as it maximizes enterprise value and shareholder wealth, thereby maintaining competitive conditions and optimal performance. This study identified and explained accounting variables determining operational efficiency (OE) of the companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE), Iran, in light of working capital items. The statistical population consisted of all companies, and the samples were 112 cases listed during 2016-2020. Utilizing an applied, descriptive-correlational research design, the relationship between the variables was then established. The dependent variable was OE, evaluated using data envelopment analysis (DEA); and the independent ones were working capital items and dividend growth rate. To investigate the effect of the independent variables on the dependent one, eight hypotheses were formulated, and multivariate linear regression with panel data in a fixed-effects model was implemented. Testing the hypotheses at a 95% confidence interval demonstrated that average period of collection of claims, average debt repayment period, dividend growth ratio, cash holding level, and liquidity ratio have a significant positive effect on OE. Nevertheless, the cash conversion cycle, and average inventory turnover period have negative impacts. Managers are thus suggested to identify working capital items and exploit them along with short/long-term goals in companies. This is practical in evaluating financial flexibility and solvency, facilitating optimal liquidity, and increasing business profitability and performance. Furthermore, learning about such items is helpful to investors, creditors, and analysts to make optimal decisions. IntroductionWorking capital management in companies plays a key role in their growth and survival. This business process also helps increase the value of such entities and maximize their shareholder wealth, thereby maintaining competitive conditions and optimal performance. Representing the management of current resources and expenses in a company, working capital management has two components, namely, the management of current assets and liabilities, whose balance is of utmost importance. Decisions made about each one can affect the other (Jahan Khani & Talebi, 1999). On the word of Nath et al. (2010), working capital items have a critical role in the operational efficiency (OE) of a company as well as its marketing capability. In this line, Fang et al. (2008) also believe that working capital items have high liquidity, and are directly associated with the operating results and efficiency of a company, so managing cash in the short term is especially relevant for competition in markets. Therefore, the main items in working capital can significantly shape the operating results in a company, including contribution margin, market share, and OE. Against this background, the present study is to identify and explain the accounting variables determining the OE of the companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE), Iran, in light of the working capital items.Materials & MethodsConsidering the type of supervision and the degree of control, this study is categorized as field research, because the variables were investigated in their natural state. With regard to the data collection method, this study is placed into documentary research. Utilizing an applied, descriptive research design, the relationship between the given variables was established via a correlational study. The statistical population comprised the companies listed on the TSE, Iran, and the study samples included 112 cases listed during 2016-2020. The dependent variable was OE, evaluated using data envelopment analysis (DEA), and the independent variables were working capital items and dividend growth rate. Profitability index, company size, financial leverage, and operating cash flow (OCF) were correspondingly deemed as the control variables in the research model. To shed light on the effect of the independent variables on the dependent one, eight hypotheses were initially formulated, and then multivariate linear regression using panel data in a fixed-effects model was implemented to test them. In order to analyze the data and interpret the results, descriptive and inferential statistics were ultimately utilized.FindingsUpon presenting the descriptive statistics and checking the assumptions of the regression as well as determining themost suitable research model, the linear regression equation was estimated using the fixed-effects model, as described in table 1Discussion & ConclusionAs confirmed by the study findings, working capital items can explain the OE of the companies listed on the TSE, Iran. In this respect, the results of testing the main research hypothesis are consistent with the reports by Sun et al. (2020) and Nath et al. (2010). The outcomes of testing the secondary hypotheses also reveal a significant positive relationship between the variables of average period of collection of claims, average debt repayment period, dividend growth ratio, cash holding level, and liquidity ratio and the variable of operational efficiency. Nevertheless, there is a significant negative relationship between the variables of cash conversion cycle and average inventory turnover period and operational efficiency.Considering these results, cash holding level and liquidity ratio have a positive effect on operational efficiency, which supports the findings in Nath et al. (2010). According to Nath et al. (2010), working capital items with high liquidity help improve the OE of a company, indicating its high capability to manage cash in the short term, as a requirement for its competitive presence in markets. The study results also agree with those concluded by Afrifa et al. (2022) that holding more cash facilitates working capital efficiency. Based on the study findings, average inventory turnover period has a negative effect on OE, in harmony with the results in Deloof (2003) that high inventory level declines the profitability and performance of a company. In his opinion, managers can increase the profitability and performance of businesses by reducing inventory levels. In view of the cash conversion cycle in the given companies during the study period here, the relationship between this variable and OE is negative, which is consistent with the results in Abdulla et al. (2017) that companies with higher cash conversion cycle are more efficient in managing their working capital as compared with other entities.From this perspective, managers are suggested to identify the role of working capital items and exploit them in line with the short/long-term goals in companies. This is practical in evaluating financial flexibility and solvency, and facilitates achieving optimal liquidity, and subsequently increasing business profitability and performance. Furthermore, learning about the role of working capital items is of assistance to investors, creditors, and analysts to make optimal decisions. Furthermore, it is possible to carry out the same study in the future with respect to the size and type of industry of the companies listed on the TSE, Iran, and complete a comparative study regarding the companies operating in each industry. Besides, it is recommended to analyze the effect of various working capital strategies on economic added value in a separate study. Investigating the effect of various strategies and components of working capital on stock price and its fluctuations should also be the subject of further research.