Aboohamzeh, Mina
The Effect of the Quality of Corporate Disclosure on Stock Liquidity by Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) listed Companies [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 73-102]
Aghaei, Mohammad Ali
Information Content of a Comprehensive Income Statement items Investigation of Companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 23-47]
Akbari, M.
Investigation of the Firm Book-To-Price Operating and Leverage Components Effect in Stock Returns in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 39-64]
Allahyari, A.
The Feasibility of Balanced Scorecard Implementation in Performance Measurement of Shiraz Hospitals [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 151-177]
Araab Mazar Yazdi, M.
Assessing the Effect of Board composition on the performance of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 97-113]
Asadi, Gholamhossein
Surveying the Relation between Financing Methods and Future Stock Return [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 139-153]
Azimi Yancheshmeh, M.
The Study & Explanation of Earnings Quality with Balance Sheet Approach [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 99-126]
Badri, A.
A Decompositional Analysis of Capital Structure and Its Determinants: Evidences from Tehran Securities Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 37-58]
Baghoomian, Rafik
The Barriers of Accounting Education Development in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 49-72]
Bayati, Z.
Evaluation of Pension Plan Reporting Uniformity in Entities' Financial Statements [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 59-77]
Bikzadeh Abbasi, F.
Application of Momentum and Contrarian Strategies in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 121-141]
Boulou, G.
Trend study of Earnings Quality over time in Tehran Stock Exchange listed companies [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 65-95]
Dastgir, Mohsen
The Role of the Earnings Quality on Improving the Stock Liquidity of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 1-22]
Davarinejad, A.
Investigation of the Relation between Real Earnings Management and Accounting Earnings Management in the Tehran Stock Exchange: Income Smoothing Perspective [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 61-77]
Didar, Hamzeh
The Impact of Firm's Attributes on the Disclosure Level of the Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 141-168]
Ebadi, J.
Return Forecasting by Various Risk Measures: Evidences from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 101-119]
Ebrahimidardeh, Sajad
Environmental Uncertainty and the Managers' Use of Discretionary Accruals [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 103-119]
Harasani, R.
Trend study of Earnings Quality over time in Tehran Stock Exchange listed companies [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 65-95]
Hassas Yeganeh, Y.
Trend study of Earnings Quality over time in Tehran Stock Exchange listed companies [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 65-95]
Hassas Yeganeh, Y.
Developing a Model for Corporate Governance Rating in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 1-35]
Imanyfar, M.
A Decompositional Analysis of Capital Structure and Its Determinants: Evidences from Tehran Securities Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 37-58]
Javanbakht, Sh.
Comparing of the Efficiency of Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Consumption-based Capital Asset Pricing Model (CCAPM) in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 143-157]
Karami, Gh.
Investigation of the Relation between Real Earnings Management and Accounting Earnings Management in the Tehran Stock Exchange: Income Smoothing Perspective [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 61-77]
Kazemi, H.
Relation between Matching of Revenues and Expenses with Earnings Volatility and Earnings Persistence [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 155-170]
Kbodamipour, A.
Value Relevance of Conservative and Non-conservative Accounting Information [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 79-98]
Khajavi, Sh.
The Feasibility of Balanced Scorecard Implementation in Performance Measurement of Shiraz Hospitals [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 151-177]
Khojaste, Hiva
The Impact of Firm's Attributes on the Disclosure Level of the Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 141-168]
Kordestani, Gh. Kordestanim
Investigation of the Firm Book-To-Price Operating and Leverage Components Effect in Stock Returns in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 39-64]
Mahmoudi, A.
Relationship between Institutional Investors and Earnings Quality [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 115-137]
Mahroomi, R.
Value Relevance of Conservative and Non-conservative Accounting Information [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 79-98]
Mansourfar, Gholam Reza
The Impact of Firm's Attributes on the Disclosure Level of the Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 141-168]
Marfou, M.
Stock Liquidity Risk and Earnings Quality [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 1-37]
Mohammadi, H.
The Relationship between Accounting Conservatism and Bankruptcy Risk in TSE'S Listed Companies [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 127-149]
Mojtahedzadeh, V.
The Impact of Earnings Management on Value- Relevance of Financial Statement Information [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 33-60]
Moradzadeh Fard, Mehdi
The Effect of the Quality of Corporate Disclosure on Stock Liquidity by Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) listed Companies [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 73-102]
Mosaferi Rad, Faraz
Investigating the Relationship among Economic Value Added, Return on Equity and Return on Investments in Insurance Companies [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 121-140]
Namdar, M. H
Cash Flow disaggregation and the Prediction of Future Earnings [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 77-100]
Osmani, M. Gh.
Cash Flow disaggregation and the Prediction of Future Earnings [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 77-100]
ParchiniParchin, Seyed Mahdi
The Role of the Earnings Quality on Improving the Stock Liquidity of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 1-22]
Peimani, M.
Return Forecasting by Various Risk Measures: Evidences from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 101-119]
Pourbagherian, Alireza
Surveying the Relation between Financing Methods and Future Stock Return [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 139-153]
Pourhaydari, O.
Investigation of the Relation between Financial and Non-financial Information and Stock Returns in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 1-31]
Rahimian, N.
The Relationship between Accounting Conservatism and Bankruptcy Risk in TSE'S Listed Companies [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 127-149]
Rahimi Baghi, Ali
The Barriers of Accounting Education Development in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 49-72]
Rahmani, A.
Evaluation of Pension Plan Reporting Uniformity in Entities' Financial Statements [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 59-77]
Rahnama Roodposhti, F.
Application of Momentum and Contrarian Strategies in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 121-141]
Rostamian, F.
Comparing of the Efficiency of Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Consumption-based Capital Asset Pricing Model (CCAPM) in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 143-157]
Sadeghi, A.
Investigation of the Relation between Financial and Non-financial Information and Stock Returns in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 1-31]
Sadeghi Askari, S.
The Impact of Earnings Management on Value- Relevance of Financial Statement Information [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 33-60]
Sadidi, Mehdi
Environmental Uncertainty and the Managers' Use of Discretionary Accruals [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 103-119]
Saeedi, A.
Application of Momentum and Contrarian Strategies in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 121-141]
Saghafi, A.
Stock Liquidity Risk and Earnings Quality [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 1-37]
Sajadi, S.H.
Relationship between Institutional Investors and Earnings Quality [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 115-137]
Sajadpour, Rahman
Information Content of a Comprehensive Income Statement items Investigation of Companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 23-47]
Salehirad, M.
The Relationship between Accounting Conservatism and Bankruptcy Risk in TSE'S Listed Companies [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 127-149]
Salimi, M. J.
Developing a Model for Corporate Governance Rating in Iran [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 1-35]
Sayrani, M.
The Feasibility of Balanced Scorecard Implementation in Performance Measurement of Shiraz Hospitals [Volume 8, Issue 30, 2010, Pages 151-177]
Sehhat, Saied
Investigating the Relationship among Economic Value Added, Return on Equity and Return on Investments in Insurance Companies [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 121-140]
Shariat Panahi, Majid
Investigating the Relationship among Economic Value Added, Return on Equity and Return on Investments in Insurance Companies [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 121-140]
Shariat Panahi, S.M
Return Forecasting by Various Risk Measures: Evidences from Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 101-119]
Sheikhi, Keivan
The Role of the Earnings Quality on Improving the Stock Liquidity of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 32, 2011, Pages 1-22]
Taher Khani, R.
Assessing the Effect of Board composition on the performance of Listed Companies in Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 97-113]
Tahriri, A.
Investigation of the Relation between Real Earnings Management and Accounting Earnings Management in the Tehran Stock Exchange: Income Smoothing Perspective [Volume 8, Issue 31, 2010, Pages 61-77]
Takor, R.
Relationship between Institutional Investors and Earnings Quality [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 115-137]
Toreini, M.
Relation between Matching of Revenues and Expenses with Earnings Volatility and Earnings Persistence [Volume 8, Issue 29, 2010, Pages 155-170]