Hasan Zalghi; Amin Amir Bakhtiarvand
Volume 14, Issue 53 , April 2017, , Pages 173-198
In this study, the effect of audit quality on the forecasting accuracy of futureoperating cash flows of firms listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange has beeninvestigated. Audit quality has been measured with auditor size, auditorindustry specialization and auditor tenure. Similar to some previousresearches ...
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In this study, the effect of audit quality on the forecasting accuracy of futureoperating cash flows of firms listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange has beeninvestigated. Audit quality has been measured with auditor size, auditorindustry specialization and auditor tenure. Similar to some previousresearches done in this outline, forecasting accuracy of future operating cashflows have been estimated with using model Barth et al (2001). The resultsof review firms 97 in the years 2007 to 2014 show that size of audit firm andauditor industry specialization have significant positive relationship at theforecasting accuracy of future operating cash flows, and increase forecastingaccuracy. while there is a significant negative relationship betweenforecasting accuracy of future operating cash flows and auditor tenure. Thesefindings suggest that audit quality can influence the quality of accountinginformation and therefore effected over forecasting accuracy of futureoperating cash flows.