Accounting and various aspects of finance
Mohammad Namazi; Amin Nazemi; Navid Reza Namazi; Esmail Moazzeni
In this research, operational budgeting was investigated in the form of four groups of contextual factors, structural factors, human factors and other factors on operational and research budgeting with analytical model, balanced evaluation method. The statistical population of this study is all executive ...
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In this research, operational budgeting was investigated in the form of four groups of contextual factors, structural factors, human factors and other factors on operational and research budgeting with analytical model, balanced evaluation method. The statistical population of this study is all executive bodies subject to Article (5) of the Civil Service Management Law. Data were obtained using 182 questionnaires and analyzed using structural equation method and Smart PLS software. In this model, the balanced evaluation method was adapted to the three-part cycle of performance management and a three-part model of performance management, based on balanced measurement, is obtained. The results showed that the identified structures in operational budgeting have a positive and significant effect on the performance of executive agencies. The structures of “structural factors”, “human factors” and “other factors affecting the implementation of operational budgeting (including personality, acceptance and ability)” have a positive and significant effect on performance, but the structure of “underlying factors” has a significant effect. It does not affect the performance of executive agencies.IntroductionIn traditional budgeting, the goals and emphasis are based solely on financial instruments and accounting of receipts and payments of the public sector (Mio et al., 2022). Also, in the traditional method of budgeting, the ability to plan long-term is limited and the possibility of achieving operations and budget monitoring is very weak.The problem that exists is that organizations pay less attention to budgeting in a new way and as a result, it is not used seriously in strategic decisions. Therefore, the effect of the operational budgeting method on the performance of organizations is not clear (Park & Jang, 2022). On the other hand, despite the sensitivity of the budget and the importance of its economic allocation, this issue has not been seriously considered yet. Therefore, it is necessary to study, discuss and review operational budgeting in organizations.Research QuestionsDespite the different emphasis and requirements of the country's development programs on the implementation of operational budgeting, the following questions are raised:What is the operational budgeting mechanism? What factors, including contextual, structural, human and other factors, are effective on the implementation of operational budgeting? What kind of budgeting model do Iran's executive bodies use? What are the important and influential factors related to operational budgeting? What are the obstacles and problems of operational budgeting in Iran's executive bodies? How to solve the current operational budgeting obstacles and problems?Research hypothesesBased on the theoretical foundations of operational budgeting as well as balanced evaluation and research history, the following hypotheses are presented:The main hypothesis: Operational budgeting variables are effective on the performance of Iran's executive bodies (using the balanced evaluation technique). Sub-hypotheses1) Structural factors in the establishment of operational budgeting are effective on the performance of Iran's executive bodies (using the balanced evaluation technique).2) Background factors in the establishment of operational budgeting are effective on the performance of Iran's executive bodies (using the balanced evaluation technique).3) Human factors in the establishment of operational budgeting are effective on the performance of Iran's executive bodies (using the balanced evaluation technique).4) Other effective factors in the establishment of operational budgeting (including personality factors, acceptance and ability) are effective on the performance of Iran's executive bodies (using the balanced evaluation technique).Literature ReviewThe theoretical foundations of operational budgeting are based on agency theory (Arief, (2020)) and organizational performance improvement (Derfuss, (2016)). In operational budgeting, instead of being based on cost materials, budget information is based on activities, and the results of performance measurement are provided with performance reports. The design and implementation of operational budgeting in any organization is based on three important factors: “planning”, “costing” and “organizational performance evaluation”. Activity-based costing (ABC) is the heart of operational budgeting and the main pillar in budget calculations (Azer and Khadivar, 2013), because activity-based costing is much more suitable for planning and control than traditional methods and provides more accurate information in this field. makes (Namazi, 1998 and 1999).MethodologyThis research is among the few researches that uses the scientific method of construction and experimental proof and is carried out based on pre-determined hypotheses and research plans. (Namazi, 2003). The method of data collection is a questionnaire. The information obtained from the measurement of the variables for the purpose of research tests was used from structural equations and the information was analyzed using Smart PLS version 2 and SPSS version 25 software.ResultsThe value of the T statistic and its statistical significance for the first main hypothesis and all balanced evaluation factors at the 95% confidence level shows as follows:The main hypothesis test: The structures identified in operational budgeting have a positive and significant effect on the performance of executive bodies.The first sub-hypothesis: The structures identified in the operational budgeting structural factors have a positive and significant effect on the performance of executive bodies.The second sub-hypothesis: The strength of the model and the background factors of operational budgeting do not have a significant effect on the performance of executive bodies.The third sub-hypothesis: The structures identified in human factors of operational budgeting have a positive and significant effect on the performance of executive bodies.The fourth sub-hypothesis: The structures identified in other effective factors in operational budgeting have a positive and significant effect on the performance of executive.DiscussionThe purpose of this study was to expand the theoretical foundations and provide empirical evidence in the field of operational budgeting in Iran. This development was done by presenting a conceptual model, explaining the organization's strategy and presenting 5 balanced evaluation criteria and testing related hypotheses. The findings of the study confirmed the theoretical foundations of operational budgeting and balanced evaluation. The results of the main hypothesis test of the research showed that the structures identified in operational budgeting have a positive and significant effect on the performance of executive bodies.ConclusionThe findings of the first, third and fourth sub-hypothesis showed that the structures identified in the structural factors, human factors and other operating budgeting factors of operational budgeting, have a positive and significant effect on the performance of executive bodies.The results of the second sub-hypothesis test showed that the variable of operational budgeting background factors does not have a statistically significant effect on the performance of executive bodies. The reason for this can be related to the governmental nature of executive bodies, non-compliance with the requirement to establish operational budgeting and cultural factors such as the resistance of employees and managers to new changes in the body.
Accounting report
Navid Reza Namazi; Pedram Azizi
The purpose of this study is to investigate the moderating effect of auditing quality on the relationship between financial reporting quality and initial public offerings (IPOs) underpricing of stocks. The population of this study is the companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) and OTC of ...
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the moderating effect of auditing quality on the relationship between financial reporting quality and initial public offerings (IPOs) underpricing of stocks. The population of this study is the companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) and OTC of Iran. The statistical sample consists of 230 companies in the period of 18 years, from 2001 to 2019. The results showed that on average, 25% of the initial public offering underpricing of stocks occurs in the Iranian capital market. In addition, the findings of the regression analysis using the E views software indicated that the financial reporting quality has a negative and significant effect on the initial public offerings underpricing of stocks. In other words, the high financial reporting quality prevents the initial public offering underpricing. It was also found that audit quality (in terms of the type of auditor's opinions) enhances the relationship between financial reporting quality and the initial public offerings underpricing of stocks. However, the size of the audit firm and the auditor's tenure do not moderate the relationship.
Gholamhossein Mahdavi; Navid Reza Namazi
Auditing quality has special importance for financial statement’s users,managers, and auditors. The aim of this study is to model the relationshipamong auditing quality factors and investigating the effect of mutualrelationship among its related variables. For this purpose, 101 firms listed inTehran ...
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Auditing quality has special importance for financial statement’s users,managers, and auditors. The aim of this study is to model the relationshipamong auditing quality factors and investigating the effect of mutualrelationship among its related variables. For this purpose, 101 firms listed inTehran Stock Exchange (TSE) were selected for a period of 11 years (2004to 2015). The research method is based on the cause and effect model insystem dynamics. The data was collected using financial statements andRahavard Novin databases. The test of normality, unit root test, correlationand hypothesis testing (multiple regression, partial regression, ARCHfunctions as required) was applied by SPSS version 23 and Eviews version9. The results showed that Standards Compliance and Professionalism, AuditFees, Auditor firm Size, Auditor’s Reputation, Number of Paragraphs inAudit Report, Percentage of misrepresentations and noncompliance, AuditOpinion Type, Delay in the Audit Report, Auditor’s Tenure, and Auditor'sExpertise and Industry Knowledge have mutual effects on each other. Thismodel is newfound in auditing literature of Iran. It is also a practical andaccurate auditing quality model useful for stakeholders in decision making.
Gholamhossein Asadi; Behzad Beig Panah Beig Panah
Volume 14, Issue 53 , April 2017, , Pages 71-90
Cost stickiness denotes the asymmetric response of costs to sales increasesversus sales decreases. In this paper, we also consider the concept of costanti-stickiness. Cost anti-stickiness happens when the decrease of costs incase of a fall in sales is more than the increase of costs due to an equal rise ...
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Cost stickiness denotes the asymmetric response of costs to sales increasesversus sales decreases. In this paper, we also consider the concept of costanti-stickiness. Cost anti-stickiness happens when the decrease of costs incase of a fall in sales is more than the increase of costs due to an equal rise insales. This phenomenon happens because of existence of optimisticmanagers in past years and inefficient stickiness cause of sales volatilityagainst manager’s expectation.This paper examines the cost stickiness and anti-cost stickiness of nonmanufacturingcosts in Iranian firms using panel data analysis. The sampleincludes 229 publicly-traded firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. Usingdata for 2012-2015, the results showed that not only do the nonmanufacturingcosts have stickiness behavior but also they have antistickinessbehavior that occurs due to the changes in the sales in the previousyears.
Auditing quality has special importance for financial statement’s users, managers and auditors. The aim of this study is modeling the relationship among auditing quality factors and investigating the effect of mutual relationship among its related variables. For this purpose, 101 firms listed in ...
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Auditing quality has special importance for financial statement’s users, managers and auditors. The aim of this study is modeling the relationship among auditing quality factors and investigating the effect of mutual relationship among its related variables. For this purpose, 101 firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) were selected for a period of 11 years (2004-2015). Research method is based on the cause and effect model in the system dynamics. Data collected via using financial statements and Rahavard Novin version 3 software. Test of normality, unit root test, correlation, and hypothesis testing (multiple regression, partial regression, ARCH functions as required) were applied by SPSS version 23 and Eviews version 9. Results showed that “Respect of Standards and Professional Performance”, “Audit Fees”, “Auditor’s Size”, “Auditor’s Reputation”, “Number of Matter Paragraphs in Auditing Report”, “Percentage of Discovered and Reported Distortions”, “Audit Opinion”, “Delay in the Audit Report”, “Auditor’s Tenure”, “Auditor's Expertise and Industry Knowledge” will have mutual effects on each other.