Mohammad Ali Bagherpour Velashani; Hossein Etemadi; Mahdi Omidfar
The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between thecorporate governance characteristics and accounting restatements due torapid growth of restatements in the world as well as the Iranian capitalmarket. Researchers believe that restatement is a sign of low quality offinancial reporting ...
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The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between thecorporate governance characteristics and accounting restatements due torapid growth of restatements in the world as well as the Iranian capitalmarket. Researchers believe that restatement is a sign of low quality offinancial reporting by the companies. For doing so, similar to prior studiesand by consideration of the Iranian context a set of different corporategovernance characteristics including power of CEO, CEO changes, blockholders, largest shareholder, auditor type, auditor industry specialization,auditor changes, and finally capital structure are considered. In addition, tocontrol the possible effects of other factors, which could potentially affectfirms'''' restatement decisions, 10 new variables were added to the model.These control variables include return on assets, sales growth, operating cashflow, liquidity ratio, prior year performance, equity financing, debtfinancing, firm size, year, and industry type. The final research sampleincludes 999 observations of the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) listedcompanies for the period 2004-2009. The results indicate that CEO changes,auditor changes, auditor industry specialization, auditor size and largestshareholder as well as some financial characteristics such as operating cashflows ratio, liquidity ratio, and firm size are associated with the restatementsof the accounting income. Therefore, the findings support the hypothesis thatcorporate governance mechanisms can improve the quality of financialreporting.