Document Type : Research Paper



A   fundamental   assumption   in  cost  accounting   is  that   the  relation between   costs  and  volume  is  symmetric  for  volume  increases  and decreases.  In  this  study,  we  investigate  whether  costs  are  "sticky"­ that   is,  whether  costs  increase  more  when   activity  rises  than   they decrease  when  activity  falls  by  an  equivalent  amount.  We find, for 77firms over 9 years, that selling, general, and administrative (SG&A) costs increase on average 0.41 % per 1% increase in sales but decrease only 0.16 % per I % decrease in sales.  We  find,  for  77firms  over 9 years, that cost of goods sold increase on average 0.97 % per I % increase  in  sales  but  decrease  only  0.77  %  per   I %  decrease  in sales according to our investigation SG&A costs and cost of goods sold are sticky.