Document Type : Research Paper



The present study examines the relationship between net operating assets and conservatism. To this end, the data of about 130 firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) from 1386 to 1390 has been collected and statistically analyzed with multiple-variable regression models based on combination data. This research uses Givoly and Hayn model to define operating assets and measure conservatism. In this study net operating assets is considered to be the subcategory of net working capital and net non-current operating assets. It was hypothesized that there is the significance relationship between net working capital assets and conservatism and also between net non-current operating assets and conservatism.
Findings indicate that there are no significant relationship between net working capital assets and conservatism and also between net non-current operating assets and conservatism. The results also suggest that considering conservatism, there is a significant and negative relationship between leverage, growth and return on assets.


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