Considering the importance of discretionary accruals in reporting and its influenceon stock return, and also growth opportunities and information assymetry in highgrowth companies, it is expected that management of high growth companies haveincentives to use discretionary accruals for signaling positive ...
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Considering the importance of discretionary accruals in reporting and its influenceon stock return, and also growth opportunities and information assymetry in highgrowth companies, it is expected that management of high growth companies haveincentives to use discretionary accruals for signaling positive fiture performance ofthe firm. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of growth changes onstock return sensitivity to discretionary accruals, positive accruals and the quality ofaccruals. The study is performed in TSE listed companies and 192 companies databetween 1388 to 1394 were selected. The coefficient and multivariate regressionwere used for hypothesis testing. The results revealed that the sensitivity of stockreturn to discretionary and positive accruals and accruals quality is high for highgrowth companies compared to low growth ones.
Bita Mashayekhi; Vahid Mennati
Volume 10, Issue 40 , January 2014, , Pages 101-124
In this study we investigate the relationship between earnings volatility and earnings predictability (short and long-term), in addition we investigate information content of earnings volatility. Our framework is based on Dichev and Tang (2009). There is a belief that higher earnings volatility indicates ...
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In this study we investigate the relationship between earnings volatility and earnings predictability (short and long-term), in addition we investigate information content of earnings volatility. Our framework is based on Dichev and Tang (2009). There is a belief that higher earnings volatility indicates lower earnings predictability. So according to their framework, financial information of the 400 companies listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) from 2002 to 2012 were investigated. Although the predictability trend is not to be strict lower, But the results of this section suggest that earning volatility reduces the predictability of earnings. Moreover, the strength of long-term predictability is reduced. Additionally the loss company (Based on the theoretical framework that losses causes earnings volatility.) excluded and the tests were repeated but similar results were obtained. In the second section of the paper the relationship between the market reaction and earnings volatility was examined. Evidence suggests that the market will demand a higher return for companies with high volatility (higher risk).
Seyed Abbas Hashemi; Hadi Amiri; Roya Moeein Ghafghazi
Volume 10, Issue 38 , July 2013, , Pages 91-117
Because the accounting profit computation does not consider the cost of capital, it has always been criticized. One of the proxies of accounting earnings that recently were taken into consideration by accounting researchers is residual income. In this study, the relationship between accounting earnings ...
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Because the accounting profit computation does not consider the cost of capital, it has always been criticized. One of the proxies of accounting earnings that recently were taken into consideration by accounting researchers is residual income. In this study, the relationship between accounting earnings and stock returns and the effect of changes in the accounting earnings on this relationship has been studied. Then using the concept of residual income, the impact of changes in earnings components on this relationship has been investigated. To test the hypothesis, a sample of 67 Tehran Stock Exchange listed companies during the years 2004 to 2010 were selected. To analyze the data and hypothesis testing, a multiple regression model based on combined data was used. The results indicate that there is a direct significant relationship between accounting earnings and current stock returns and the independent variable, earnings changes, affect this relationship. Also, if using residual income, the earnings could be decomposable to components, these components will strengthen the relationship between accounting earnings and current stock returns. Also the results revealed no relationship between accounting earnings and future stock returns.
D foroghi; S.A hashemi; H amiri; S zafari
Volume 9, Issue 36 , January 2012, , Pages 149-169
The main purpose of this research is to compare the relative informational content of operating and financing cash flows of three and five section cash flow statement in explaining future stock return. The time range of research is companies cash flow statements between 1382-1388. The population of research ...
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The main purpose of this research is to compare the relative informational content of operating and financing cash flows of three and five section cash flow statement in explaining future stock return. The time range of research is companies cash flow statements between 1382-1388. The population of research is all companies Listed in Tehran Securities and exchange, from which, a sample of 80 Iranian listed firms was chosen. The type of data needed for hypotheses testing is Pooling-Data. Unrestricted and restricted regressions were utilized to test the hypotheses. The statistical methods used consist of adjusted- R² and Wald-test statistic. Findings indicate that both operating and financing cash flow of 3-section cash flow statement have more relative informational content than the operating and financing cash flow of 5-section cash flow statement in predicting future stock return.
Gholamhossein Asadi; Alireza Pourbagherian
Volume 8, Issue 29 , April 2010, , Pages 139-153
One of the most important fields of management decision making that has important effect on the wealth of stockholders is financing methods of the firm. Companies need financial resources for their current operation & future growth. For financing, companies usually face some limitations; therefore ...
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One of the most important fields of management decision making that has important effect on the wealth of stockholders is financing methods of the firm. Companies need financial resources for their current operation & future growth. For financing, companies usually face some limitations; therefore company should use its current funds in a way that creates value for both investors & company.
This research intends to investigate whether companies financing methods have an impact on their future returns or not.
We examined 111 firms over the period 1381-1385 selected from Tehran stock exchange.
This research is an empirical study, which investigates the relation between accounting and financial variables by using regression method & Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The methodology of this research is post event study.
Results indicate that there is reverse relation between cash flows from financing activities (cash flows form borrowing) and future stock return. We also find that there is no significant relation between cash flows from issuing bonds and the future stock return.
Overall, the results show that companies were not successful in generating return for their stockholders by using different financing methods.
M. Bozorg Asl; S.M. Razavi
Volume 6, Issue 22 , July 2008, , Pages 97-117
This article aims at identifying effective variables of macroeconomic on Tehran Stock Exchange returns. Variables which have been used to do the hypothesis test are Interest Rates, Interest Rates growth, GOP, GOP growth, Oil Prices and growth of Oil Prices. These variables have been considered as independent ...
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This article aims at identifying effective variables of macroeconomic on Tehran Stock Exchange returns. Variables which have been used to do the hypothesis test are Interest Rates, Interest Rates growth, GOP, GOP growth, Oil Prices and growth of Oil Prices. These variables have been considered as independent variables. The stock market return has been used as dependent variable. The measurement scope is over the period 1376-1385. The research shows that stock market return is relative to only interest rate.
M. Alborzi; A. Yaghoobnezhad; H. Maghsoud
Volume 6, Issue 22 , July 2008, , Pages 119-137
Prediction in financial affairs especially in securities is highly important.
Investors make wide evaluations while investing on stocks. One of the main factors considered by investors during their investments is ...
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Prediction in financial affairs especially in securities is highly important.
Investors make wide evaluations while investing on stocks. One of the main factors considered by investors during their investments is to earn returns. In such circumstances, a suitable prediction model for stock returns will cause the allocation of optimal resources and efficiency in capital market which are important issues individually and nationally. Recent article addresses the way of predicting stock returns in Tehran Stock Exchange by using Arbitrage multiple regression model and artificial neural networks. The variables of the research includes 971 samples of four daily macro-economic variables namely TSE Dividend and Price Index (TEDPIX), gold prices, currency exchange rate (Rial/$) and the amount of transactions between Iranian calendar years 1381 and 1385 (2002-2006).
To process Arbitrage pricing model, multi-factor regression and to process artificial neural networks (ANNs), Perceptron architecture model with two hidden layers and back-propagation algorithm with sigmoid conversion functions are applied.
To assess the performance of both models, mean absolute deviation (MAD), mean square error (MSE), mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and root mean square error (RMSE) are utilized.
The findings show the success of both models in predicting cash return index and Tehran Stock Exchange prices as well as the superiority of artificial neural network over Arbitrage multiple model.
Mohsen Khoshtinat; Sbahpoor Esmaeeli
Volume 3, Issue 12 , January 2006, , Pages 27-56
This research undertakes the relationship between earnings quality and stock return of the listed companies in the Tehran Stock Exchange.
The aim of this research is to assess whether the investors, analysts, and etc. have comprehend the quality of the accountancy information (earnings quality) and ...
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This research undertakes the relationship between earnings quality and stock return of the listed companies in the Tehran Stock Exchange.
The aim of this research is to assess whether the investors, analysts, and etc. have comprehend the quality of the accountancy information (earnings quality) and utilize it in their decision making process? In order to find the answer to this question we need to take in to account the market reaction.
We can assess and evaluate the market reaction with the use of the accumulated data published and in the following two ways:
1- Volume of transactions
2- Share price and subsequently the stock return
Therefore in this research stock return is an independent variable.
Within the earnings quality assessment criteria, two criteria, the ratio between cash flows resulted from operational activities with operational earning and accruals , are selected and their influence on stock return of listed companies in the Tehran Stock Exchange are examined.
This research considers four hypotheses. In these hypotheses earnings quality, accruals, discretionary and nondiscretionary accruals are considered as independent variables and stock return as dependent variable. The examination of the research hypotheses, with the help of regression analysis during the period of 1379-1383 (Iranian calendar year), shows that there is little influence between earnings quality and stock returns.
Ali Rahmani; Elnaz Tajvidi
Volume 3, Issue 11 , October 2005, , Pages 227-246
In view of the expanding capital market, it is of great significance to recognize the variables affecting stock return and its price. There exist different methods for the prediction of stock return such as the Capital Assets Pricing Model, the so-called CAPM, Market Model, Arbitrage Pricing Theory and ...
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In view of the expanding capital market, it is of great significance to recognize the variables affecting stock return and its price. There exist different methods for the prediction of stock return such as the Capital Assets Pricing Model, the so-called CAPM, Market Model, Arbitrage Pricing Theory and Factorial Model. According to CAPM, β (Beta) is the only variable capable of predicting the return. The studies and researches carried out with respect to predictability potential of CAPM model and application of other variables; demonstrate that there exist other variables which outperform stock return predictability potential of the β (Beta).
Included among such variables are the size, debt to equity, Book to Market, earnings to price and sale to price ratios. The present research was aimed at testing the above-mentioned variables and the β (Beta) for the prediction of stock return in order to recognize the variables which are better capable of predicting the stock return in Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE).
Independent variable were tested against the dependent variable (return) on an annual basis for the years 1 376- 1382 (1997- 2003). Further, multivariable models were tested, both annually and pooled cross-sectionally. The pooled cross-sectional test results demonstrated that the model was statistically significant. However when the model was compared with single variable models, the increase in pred1ctabiltty potential was accepted. In single variable tests, no significant relationship was observed between debt to equity ratio and the stock return. Furthermore, no significant relation was observed between Beta and the Stock return, as predicted in CA PM model , and the results were dispersed and scattered. No significant relation was observed between magnitude of the total assets (logarithm) as size variable and the stock return in 4 consecutive years; however, when the size was defined in terms of stock market value, a significant relation was observed between the size so defined and the stock return in 4 consecutive years. There existed a significant rela1ion between the sale to price and the earnings to price ratios with the stock return in 4 consecutive years. However the Book to Markel ratio demonstrated great dispersion in results, indicating that there was no significant and stable relation. Considering the potential effect of the statistical models on the research findings, complementary tests were carried out on the basis of formation of portfolio based on Beta (β) and Book to Market ratio variables. Three portfolios were formed, taking into consideration the magnitude of each and every variable. The findings of such test substantiated that, during the years 1379-1380, portfolios with high beta (β) proved to have higher return compared to the ones with low Beta (β). With respect to the portfolios formed on the basis of Book to Market ratio, the findings proved compatible with the regression models.