Accounting and various aspects of finance
Javad Shekarkhah; Mohammad javad Salimi; Seyed Soroush Ghazinoori; Ali Hedayati Bilondi
AbstractPension funds in Iran use a defined benefit pension plan, and their sustainability is important. However, the evaluation of their sustainability has always been criticized. Minimum reporting and simple accountability indicators do not meet the informational needs of stakeholders. Thus, the main ...
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AbstractPension funds in Iran use a defined benefit pension plan, and their sustainability is important. However, the evaluation of their sustainability has always been criticized. Minimum reporting and simple accountability indicators do not meet the informational needs of stakeholders. Thus, the main issue is to identify the indicators and standards for a comprehensive evaluation of financial sustainability. To address this issue, the theoretical foundations of sustainability evaluation of pension funds and the indicators applied by other countries and international organizations were examined. The indicators were presented to experts for receiving their opinions and, to reach a consensus on key indicators, a Fuzzy Delphi method was applied. For ranking and developing a combined indicator, the final indicator was obtained using experts' opinions and the SWARA method. 27 indicators in four dimensions were extracted from the theoretical foundations: equity, adequacy, financial, and innovation. According to the results of the Fuzzy Delphi method, 15 key indicators were finally confirmed. Among the key indicators, the support ratio obtained the first rank, while the replacement rate and penetration coefficient obtained the second and third ranks, respectively. The results of the SWARA method confirmed the combined indicator consisting of the equity dimension (1 sub-indicator), the adequacy dimension (3 sub-indicators), and the financial dimension (11 sub-indicators). The weight of equity, adequacy, and financial in the combined indicator is equal to 6%, 21%, and 73%, respectively. The support ratio, the present value of the Assets to Liabilities Ratio, and the actuary analysis obtained ranks 1 to 3. According to the combined indicator, the financial dimension has the highest importance, and despite difficulties such as a lack of resources and liquidity to pay current obligations, attention is focused on equity, adequacy, and innovation. However, combined indicators should always be reviewed.IntroductionOne of the challenges faced by pension funds and stakeholders in this system is how to assess financial sustainability and reporting. The governance structure, stakeholder relations, management, and accountability of pension funds necessitate attention to the evaluation of sustainability. Occupational pension schemes must provide necessary information regarding retirement plans. The information should be presented in a way that stakeholders can monitor and assess the financial health of occupational pension schemes and determine whether they are capable of fulfilling their contractual obligations. International organizations generally use indicators that are based on accessible information from different countries and therefore have the highest utility for comparison.In recent years, combined indicators have become one of the most commonly used analytical tools in many fields of social realities. Combined indicators have been widely accepted as useful tools for decision-making and information communication. Combined indicators are a combination of simple indicators with specific weights, where the weights indicate the relative importance that each of them should have in the final overall indicator. Determining the simple and combined indicators for assessing financial sustainability requires a precise understanding and attention to the characteristics of retirement plans, as these characteristics will vary from one organization to another and across different retirement schemes. This research aims to investigate and study the indicators used by international organizations and other countries, providing a scientific basis for evaluating and reporting the financial sustainability of pension funds.MethodologyConsidering the objective of the research, it is of an applied nature. In terms of implementation, this research is field-based. The research is of a mixed nature, meaning it consists of two components: qualitative and quantitative. The research, in terms of data collection, is conducted in a real and unadulterated manner and falls into the category of descriptive (non-experimental) research with a survey and exploratory approach. To properly conduct the research and achieve scientific results, four main stages of development and actions have been undertaken.The first stage involves reviewing and studying the theoretical foundations of evaluating the financial sustainability of pension funds and the indicators used in other countries, as well as identifying evaluation models used by international institutions to access proposed indicators, seek expert opinions, and obtain consensus on them. The second stage includes seeking expert opinions on the extracted key indicators from the theoretical foundations of the research to select acceptable indicators based on the conditions of Iranian pension funds. The Fuzzy Delphi method was used to seek expert opinions. In the third stage, the SWARA method was used to determine the weights of key indicators. Finally, in the last stage of the research, the findings and results are compared and aligned with the combined indicators used by other countries and international institutions. Results and DiscussionThis study analyzes a significant number of indicators of pension system sustainability. In conducting this research, using literature and scientific texts, the indicators for evaluating the sustainability of pension funds were identified in terms of adequacy (6 indicators), equity (4 indicators), financial (14 indicators), and innovation (3 indicators). Based on the consensus of experts, key indicators were finalized in three dimensions. The results indicate a combined indicator consisting of the dimensions of equity (1 sub-indicator), adequacy (3 sub-indicators), and the financial dimension (11 sub-indicators). In the next stage, using the SWARA method, weights were assigned to each of the indicators. Based on the ranking performed in the combined indicator, the equity dimension, including one indicator (implicit pension debt), accounts for 6% of the weight of the combined indicator. The adequacy dimension, composed of indicators such as replacement rate, asset growth rate, and asset growth rate to inflation ratio, accounts for approximately 21% of the weight of the combined indicator. Lastly, the financial dimension, being the most influential, accounts for 73% of the weight of the combined indicator and includes indicators such as population coverage ratio, support ratio, dependency ratio, consumption-to-resource ratio, consumption growth rate-to-resource ratio, current asset value-to-obligations ratio, accumulation rate, insurance contribution-to-pension payment ratio, actuarial analysis, economic dependency ratio of the elderly, and funding ratio. Considering the obtained combined indicator, it can be stated that the financial dimension indicators have the highest importance, followed by the sub-indicators of the adequacy dimension.ConclusionThe results of this study indicate that reporting and evaluating the financial sustainability of pension funds have faced challenges, including the lack of consensus on evaluation indicators. Published reports on the status and financial performance of pension funds have not been aligned with the characteristics of pension funds and stakeholder needs. Additionally, it is observed that some of the theoretical indicators mentioned in the literature do not correspond with the indicators used by international organizations (particularly the actuarial ones). According to the combined indicator, the financial dimension has the highest importance, and despite difficulties such as lack of resources and liquidity to pay current obligations, attention is focused on equity, adequacy, and innovation. However, combined indicators should always be reviewed.To address the existing issues at the operational, supervisory, and standard-setting levels, sufficient and effective measures need to be taken to advance the goals of sustainability assessment and reporting. Standard-setting organizations in the field of sustainability can play a crucial role in enhancing sustainability knowledge through educational development. At the organizational level, strong official support and senior management commitment are required for the development of sustainability assessment processes, and necessary training should be provided. It is important to pay more attention to the concepts and indicators of sustainability assessment to foster a better mindset towards sustainability and reporting. Regulatory bodies and stakeholders should employ innovative approaches in their assessments, including the performance of pension funds. The use of simple indicators may not provide sufficient information, so it is better to utilize combined indicators and update them to align with the characteristics of the pension fund's operating environment.
Accounting and various aspects of finance
Mohamad Marfo; Mohammad javad Salimi; Iman Raeesi Vanani; Mojtaba Alifamian
Purpose: The rapid development of technology and extensive environmental changes have accelerated economic growth, and the increasing competition among enterprises has restricted access to profit and increased the probability of enterprises ' financial distress. Due to the effects of high costs of financial ...
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Purpose: The rapid development of technology and extensive environmental changes have accelerated economic growth, and the increasing competition among enterprises has restricted access to profit and increased the probability of enterprises ' financial distress. Due to the effects of high costs of financial distress, its prediction has attracted the attention of researchers since the beginning. Therefore, this paper aims at a bibliometric analysis of financial distress research in the accounting, management and economic areas. Design/methodology/approach: The research method is based on a three-step protocol of dataset setting, dataset refining, and analyzing the data. First, the published articles in the financial distress field were collected from the Web of Science database. Second, the document information was refined, and 801 articles were chosen for literature review in this area. Finally, we used the bibliometric analysis toolbox to investigate the documents. Also, bibliometric analysis in this research was conducted using VOSviewer software. Findings: The findings of this research indicate the existence of six main streams of research (methods of predicting financial distress, predictors of financial distress, restructuring strategy, corporate governance, bank bankruptcy and earnings management) in the field of financial distress. Additionally, the results highlight the importance of social responsibility of the company, also demonstrate that improvements in technology, particularly the use of artificial intelligence tools, have enhanced predicting accuracy. IntroductionIn the life cycle of any company, while there are many opportunities for growth, prosperity, and success, there are also situations where the company may face decline, crisis, and failure. Theoretically, it is assumed that business companies operate indefinitely with the aim of making a profit.However, in the modern era of the global economy, companies not only become significantly more established but also face financial distress more frequently than in the past. In other words, due to globalization and the integration of national economies, the incidence of business failures and bankruptcies has risen. Financial failure is not an instantaneous event but a dynamic and generally lengthy process that affects the company's capital structure, investment policies, and performance. Therefore, identifying the factors of financial distress enables the prediction of an enterprise's financial distress.Identifying the factors influencing the financial distress of companies, firstly, enables the taking of appropriate actions by providing necessary warnings. Secondly, investors can distinguish favorable investment opportunities from unfavorable ones and invest their resources in situations and places where they are less likely to lose money.Given the importance and effects of financial distress and the high rate of failure of current businesses, a literature analysis in this area appears necessary. A review of the literature in the field of financial distress uncovers a multitude and variety of topics in past research. Thus, it is crucial to conduct a systematic review of past research to understand its intellectual structure. Moreover, the keywords used in past research represent the field’s main ideas and topics. Therefore, this study is going to draw the intellectual structure of financial distress research through quantitative techniques of co-word analysis, citation, co-citation, bibliometric, and co-authorship analysis. Research Question(s)This research, employing bibliometric analysis, reviewed the literature on financial distress in the fields of accounting, management, and economics. It also analyzed the content of articles in this field to answer the following questions:RQ1. What is the trend of publications in financial distress research?RQ2. What is the citation structure in the financial distress research?RQ3. What are the fundamental streams of financial distress research?RQ4. What are the emerging themes in the financial distress research? MethodologyThe research method is based on a three-step protocol: dataset setting, dataset refining, and analyzing the data. First, the published articles in the financial distress field were collected from the Web of Science database. Second, the document information was refined, and 801 articles were chosen for literature review in this area. Finally, we used the bibliometric analysis toolbox to investigate the documents. Additionally, bibliometric analysis in this research was conducted using VOSviewer software. ResultsOur findings indicate an increasing trend in the number of research studies on financial distress literature over the past six years, with approximately 54% of articles published during this period.We also document that "In Search of Distress Risk" is the most cited paper, receiving 881 citations in the Web of Science database; "Altman" is identified as the most influential author; and the USA emerges as the most influential country in this research field. This predominance can largely be attributed to the fact that most journals indexed in the Web of Science in the fields of accounting and finance are associated with the United States. Consequently, it is evident that the publication of articles by universities and researchers based in this country is more prevalent than in other countries worldwide. The findings of this research reveal the existence of six main streams of research: methods of predicting financial distress, predictors of financial distress, restructuring strategy, corporate governance, bank bankruptcy, and earnings management in the field of financial distress. Additionally, the results of the research not only underscore the importance of a company’s social responsibility but also highlight how technological advancements, particularly the use of artificial intelligence tools, have enhanced the accuracy of financial distress predictions. Discussion and ConclusionIn this study, first, the evolution of literature in this field has been reviewed through bibliometric analysis over the last four decades. Secondly, from a performance perspective, the indicators related to the article, citation indicators, and combined article and citation indicators have been examined. Additionally, scientific mapping of articles in this field has been conducted through citation analysis, co-citation analysis, co-authorship analysis, and co-word analysis. Finally, clustering and content analysis of the articles in this field have been performed.First, performance analysis was conducted to answer the first two research questions. The research findings confirm that during the last four decades, the literature on financial distress has significantly grown. Examining the growth trend of the articles’ number indicates the effect of changes in the business environment on financial distress. Thus, this trend shows an increase in the number of articles from 2010 onwards, the reason for which is attributed to the financial crisis of 2008, which caused many companies to face financial distress due to the impossibility of financing. Additionally, the trend of published articles shows a significant increase in articles during the period of COVID-19 and after (2020, 2022, 2023). The limitation caused by this public crisis (COVID-19) has increased the possibility of financial distress for companies, and many researchers have investigated this issue. Secondly, to examine the third question of the research, co-citation and bibliographic coupling analysis have been used. As indicated in the mentioned findings section, the studies conducted can be classified into three clusters: predicting financial distress, which is mainly based on accounting data criteria; a cluster of default risk and systematic risk, which provides information about the prospects of the company and the volatility of assets; and finally, the cluster of restructuring strategies, which includes studies that seek to exit this cycle of financial distress using these strategies. The Bibliographic coupling analysis indicates that six main streams of research (financial distress prediction methods, financial distress prediction factors, restructuring strategy, corporate governance, bankruptcy of banks, and earnings management) exist in the financial distress field.Thirdly, the co-word analysis was conducted to answer the fourth question of the research. The increase in the frequency of the words ‘machine learning’ and ‘social responsibility of the company’ in recent years indicates the development of advanced techniques and models in data mining. This development has become so widespread that a large number of research papers are published every year in many fields, including finance, using techniques and algorithms of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Additionally, regarding social responsibility, this trend suggests the primary purpose of enterprises has shifted from profit maximization to increasing shareholder wealth and protecting the interests of other stakeholders, including society and the environment. Therefore, it is expected that future studies will focus increasingly on social responsibility and sustainability.
Mohammad Hasan Ebrahimi Sarv Olia; Mohammad javad Salimi; Hamze Ghouchifard
Given the importance of the growth and development of the capital market in a country, knowing the factors that affect people's equity investment can help Capital market development and growth. Myopic Loss Aversion (MLA) is one of the factors introduced by Benartzi and Thaler (1995). In this regard, ...
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Given the importance of the growth and development of the capital market in a country, knowing the factors that affect people's equity investment can help Capital market development and growth. Myopic Loss Aversion (MLA) is one of the factors introduced by Benartzi and Thaler (1995). In this regard, the present study, after measuring myopia and the loss aversion coefficient of real, active investors in the Tehran Stock Exchange, investigated the effect of Myopic Loss Aversion on equity investing by pooling regression method. The sample consisted of 403 investors who answered the research questions twice in 6 months in 2018.The results of this study indicate that the median value of the loss aversion coefficient for investors is 2.17. The results of this research show that more myopic loss-averse investors that more change and evaluate their stock portfolios; invest less in stocks and more myopic loss-averse investors that less change and evaluate their stock portfolios; invest more in stocks This finding is consistent with the theory of Myopic Loss Aversion. The findings also showed that men invest more in equities than women and fundamental analysts less than technical analysts.This study emphasizes the importance of myopic loss aversion in the stock market and considers the reduction of myopic loss aversion as a factor in increasing equity investment.