mahnam molaei; naser izadinia; hadi Amiri
The purpose of this study is to investigate the information content of a new risk measure (earnings downside risk) in financial statement analysis, which is based on the below-expectation variability in earnings. So, the relation between earnings attributes, earnings beta, earnings volatility, return ...
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the information content of a new risk measure (earnings downside risk) in financial statement analysis, which is based on the below-expectation variability in earnings. So, the relation between earnings attributes, earnings beta, earnings volatility, return downside risk and negative skewness of stock return with earnings downside risk were examined. Five main hypotheses and seven sub-hypotheses were defined and data were analyzed for 91 companies members of Tehran stock exchange of the period from 2000 to 2014. The research regression model was tested using panel data method. The results of research show that accruals quality, persistence, predictability, smoothing, timeliness, earnings beta, earnings volatility, return downside risk and negative skewness of stock return have a significant relation with the earnings downside risk. Therefore, it can be calculated that information on this risk measures falls in the earnings downside risk. Relevance and conservatism variables, although in regression analysis did not have a significant relation with the earnings downside risk along with other risk factors, but in the correlation analysis, there is a significant and negative relationship with the earnings downside risk.
Masoud Taheri; naser izadinia; Rozita Moayedfar
The design of the audit program so that it can be used to adequately respond the fraud risk is one of the most important activities that auditors do in their investigations. Paying attention to the most important dimensions and risk factors of fraud can help auditors in this process. In this regard, ...
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The design of the audit program so that it can be used to adequately respond the fraud risk is one of the most important activities that auditors do in their investigations. Paying attention to the most important dimensions and risk factors of fraud can help auditors in this process. In this regard, in this research, the importance of the dimensions and risk factors of fraud in the adjustment of the audit program has been investigated. For this purpose, the fraud Pentagon model has been used. This model includes five dimensions of pressure/motivation, opportunity, rationalization, capability and arrogance. In order to conduct this research, four fraud risk factors were selected by expert opinion for each of the five fraud dimensions. A questionnaire was used to collect data. The statistical population of the study is Iranian association of certified public accountants in year 2018. After distributing and collecting questionnaires, the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) method was used to rank the dimensions and risk factors of fraud. The results show that opportunity dimension and fraud risk factors including significant portions of managers’ compensation being contingent upon operating results, financial position, or cash flow, ineffective information, accounting and internal controls systems, restrictions on the auditors’ investigation, level of experience and overconfidence have the highest degree of importance in modifying the audit program
Naser Izadiniya; Naser Izadiniya
Volume 12, Issue 45 , April 2015, , Pages 31-80
In this study ,the impact of highly valued equity on the relationbetween audit quality and Discretionary Accruals in the companieslisted in Tehran Stock Exchange is investigated .Audit quality ismeasured by using of the audit firm size, audit industry specialization,the length of the auditor-client relationship ...
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In this study ,the impact of highly valued equity on the relationbetween audit quality and Discretionary Accruals in the companieslisted in Tehran Stock Exchange is investigated .Audit quality ismeasured by using of the audit firm size, audit industry specialization,the length of the auditor-client relationship and industry specialistaudit firms with long tenure. Also, Discretionary Accruals is estimatedusing the Jones model (1991). The results of investigating a sample of153 firms during the years of 1386 to 1392 shows that interactioneffect of highly valued equity and audit quality proxies is positive andsignificant. This means that, magnitude of the negative effect of auditquality on the discretionary accruals in the highly valued firmsdecreases and high quality auditors not reducing amount ofDiscretionary Accruals in highly valued firms. Thus, in thenegotiation between auditors and managers about preparation offinancial statement in the highly valued equity, managers by using ofbetter information about its firm can success on auditors.