masoumeh naqdi
Earnings forecast accuracy can affect investment efficiency. We expect that an increase in earnings forecast accuracy will result in an increase in investment efficiency and a decrease in both over-investment and under-investment. The purpose of this study is to examine the relation between management ...
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Earnings forecast accuracy can affect investment efficiency. We expect that an increase in earnings forecast accuracy will result in an increase in investment efficiency and a decrease in both over-investment and under-investment. The purpose of this study is to examine the relation between management earnings forecast accuracy and investment efficiency. Following the literature, we use the deviation from the expected level of investment considering the growth opportunities, as the measure of investment efficiency. To examine the hypotheses, we identify a sample of 133 firms listed on Tehran Securities and Stock Exchange during the period of 2009-2013.Regression analysis is used to examine the hypotheses and 10 control variables (size, ROA, Tobin’s Q, sales growth, leverage, stock return, forecast horizon, stdev. Stock returns, stdev. ROA and stdev. I) are used in the regression models. Findings suggest that there is a positive relationship between earnings forecast accuracy and investment efficiency and there is a negative relationship between earnings forecast accuracy and over-investment. In case of under-investment the relation is not strong. The results of examining hypotheses indicates that an increase in earnings forecast accuracy results in an increase in investment efficiency and a decrease in over-investment. Regarding the under-investment, no strong relation was found between earnings forecast accuracy an under-investment.
Binyamin narrei; saber sheri; yahya Hasas-yeganeh; mehdi Sadidy
It is believed that corporate governance mechanisms help to investors in motivating and compelling pillars of company management to the more efficient use of resources in line serve their stewardship duty. Pillars of management with optimal decisions about the investment, plays a vital role in the use ...
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It is believed that corporate governance mechanisms help to investors in motivating and compelling pillars of company management to the more efficient use of resources in line serve their stewardship duty. Pillars of management with optimal decisions about the investment, plays a vital role in the use of resources. Inefficient policies in the investment could be the result of poor corporate governance. In other words, corporate governance is key and control-monitoring factor in the efficient management and investment efficiency. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between corporate governance and investment efficiency in the firms listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange. For test hypotheses multivariate linear regression model using estimated generalized least squares method was used. For the purposes of this study, a sample of 138 companies by screening , in the years 2008 to 2014 were selected. Evaluation of corporate governance and its dimensions (transparency, effectiveness of board, shareholder rights and the effects of ownership) on the basis of a variety of indicators (93 indicators) based on the ratings provided by the Hsasyeganh-Salimi (2011) and measure the efficiency of investment according to the Richardson model (2006) took place. In general, the results show that corporate governance and its dimensions have a significant positive effect on the efficiency of investment.