Gholamreza Mansourfar; Bahman Qaderi; Fatemeh Daneshyar
Volume 14, Issue 53 , April 2017, , Pages 113-142
Using structural equation modeling approach, this research aims to explorethe effect of political costs on financial reporting quality. For this purpose,66 publicly-listed firms from Tehran Stock Exchange for the period 2006 to2014 were selected as the final data set. As an independent variable, theobservable ...
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Using structural equation modeling approach, this research aims to explorethe effect of political costs on financial reporting quality. For this purpose,66 publicly-listed firms from Tehran Stock Exchange for the period 2006 to2014 were selected as the final data set. As an independent variable, theobservable variables such as capital intensity, concentrate rate, tax ratio, firmsize, employee intensity, and risk were used to proxy the political cost. Inaddition, quality of accruals, disclosure quality, earnings persistence, andaccuracy of financial information were used to measure financial reportingquality which is dependent variable and growth opportunities and leveragewere considered as control variables. The results indicated that political costshad a negative and meaningful effect on financial reporting quality.
bahman qaderi; gholamreza mansourfar; fatemeh daneshyar
Political Hypotheses (Political Costs) and Financial Reporting Quality: Empirical Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange Abstract Using structural equation modeling approach, this research aims to explore the effect of political costs on financial reporting quality. For this purpose, 66 publicly listed ...
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Political Hypotheses (Political Costs) and Financial Reporting Quality: Empirical Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange Abstract Using structural equation modeling approach, this research aims to explore the effect of political costs on financial reporting quality. For this purpose, 66 publicly listed firms from Tehran Stock Exchange for the period 2006 to 2014 are selected as final data set. As an independent variable, the observable variables such as capital intensity, concentrate rate, tax ratio, firm size, employee intensity and risk are used to proxy the political cost. In addition, quality of accruals, disclosure quality, earnings persistence and accuracy of financial information are used to measure financial reporting quality which is depend variable and growth opportunities and leverage are considered as control variables. The results indicate that political costs have a negative and meaningful effect on financial reporting quality. Keywords: Political Hypotheses, Political Costs, Financial Reporting Quality, Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Corresponding Author
Mehdi Hiedari; Hamzeh Didar; Bahman Qaderi
One of the consequences of political economy is the government's influence on economic units. Companies that have a good relationship with government; pay less tax, have a greater market share, receive additional bank loans, In comparison with the other companies use the government concessions and in ...
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One of the consequences of political economy is the government's influence on economic units. Companies that have a good relationship with government; pay less tax, have a greater market share, receive additional bank loans, In comparison with the other companies use the government concessions and in the process of public offering, Government help them. Thus political patronage may lead to creation of additional value and growth opportunities for these companies. In our country, the government has a widespread presence in economic activities and its influence on the financial and operating policies of most industries in Tehran Stock Exchange is regulated. Therefore, in this research we investigation the relationship of political costs with growth opportunities using structural equation modeling approach. The research population consisted of 68 companies for the period of 2003 to 2012. Our finding indicates that the relationship between political costs and growth opportunities is positive and significant.
mehdi heidari; hamze didar; bahman` ghaderi
Abstract One of the consequences of political economy is the government's influence on economic units. Companies that have a good relationship with government; pay less tax, have a greater market share, receive additional bank loans, In comparison with the other companies use the government concessions ...
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Abstract One of the consequences of political economy is the government's influence on economic units. Companies that have a good relationship with government; pay less tax, have a greater market share, receive additional bank loans, In comparison with the other companies use the government concessions and in the process of public offering shares Government help them, Thus political patronage may lead to creation additional value and growth opportunities for these companies.In our country, the government has a widespread presence in economic activity and its influence on the financial and operating policies of most industries in Tehran Stock Exchange is observed. Therefore, in this research we investigation the relationship of political costs with growth opportunities with structural equation modeling approach. The research population consisted of 68 companies for the period of 2003 to 2012. Our finding indicates that the relationship between political costs and growth opportunities is positive and significant. keywords