Accounting report
Mohammad Soleymani; Mohammad Arabmazar Yazdi; MohammadHosien SafarZade; Javad Shekarkhah
This study aims to investigate how a change in the accounting method of calculating bank loan loss provisions affects financial reporting quality of banks. In doing so, the current theoretical literature on the topic of the research has been described and the conflicting arguments in the previous research ...
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This study aims to investigate how a change in the accounting method of calculating bank loan loss provisions affects financial reporting quality of banks. In doing so, the current theoretical literature on the topic of the research has been described and the conflicting arguments in the previous research have been expressed. Subsequently, using the transfer matrix method, loan loss reserves have been calculated for a sample of 17 banks, assuming that the method approved by international accounting standards (expected credit loss model) has been applied. Then, the research variables’ data, spanning from 2017 to 2021, was collected and analyzed under two assumptions: employing the current method and using the expected credit loss model. Then, the research hypothesis was tested using the least squares method. The results of the research show that the relationship between the change in the reporting system and discretionary accruals as an indicator of the financial reporting quality is negative and significant. Therefore, a change in the current accounting methods used for the calculation of loan loss reserves causes reduction in discretionary accruals and improvement of financial reporting quality. On the other hand, the results of this research show that large banks are more interested in using discretionary accruals and applying profit management than small banks, which can be caused by the "political costs theory". IntroductionThe quality of financial reports remains an important issue, garnering serious attention from regulators, professional accountants and other users of financial information. This is due to the irreplaceable role of financial reporting quality in reducing agency problems and information asymmetry (Anto & Yusran, 2023). In the banking system, the method used for calculating loan loss reserves is one of the most important factors affecting the quality of financial reporting. This is because the loan loss provision, typically the largest bank accrual, is highly correlated with banks' net income and represents the most prevalent accrual. Loan loss provisions are accruals of fundamental importance to bank performance, and they also reflect information asymmetry (Beatty & Liao, 2014).Despite the great importance of loan loss calculation method on banks’ financial reporting, few studies have examined the effectiveness of the current method used in Iranian banks. Additionally, research exploring the impact of changes in the loan loss calculation method on the quality of banks' financial reporting has been limited. Given this context, it becomes imperative to investigate the influence of this crucial variable on the quality of bank financial reporting. Conducting this research, particularly in Iran with its bank-oriented economy, can enhance the quality of financial reporting. This improvement would be achieved by selecting the optimal method for calculating loan loss reserves, thereby increasing the transparency of information in banks.Research Question(s)The main question of this research is as follows:Does the change in the bank loan loss reserves calculation method have a significant effect on the quality of banks financial reporting? Literature ReviewIn the current literature, two predominant views exist regarding the impact of changes in accounting methods on the quality of financial reporting. The first view posits that changing accounting methods, equated to adopting international accounting standards, enhances financial reporting quality. Conversely, the second view contends that there is either no relationship or a negative relationship between the adoption of new accounting methods and financial reporting quality. Mensah (2021) demonstrated a significant negative relationship between the use of new accounting methods and profit management, suggesting that methods endorsed by international accounting standards elevate the quality of companies’ financial reporting. This finding aligns with the conclusions of researchers like Nikhil et al. (2023), Ozili and Outa (2019), and Haapamakia (2018). On the contrary, Oppong & Bruce-Amartey (2022) examined the effects of new standards and corporate governance on accounting quality in Ghana, discovering that the implementation of new standards adversely impacts accounting quality. Similar conclusions were drawn by researchers like Suadiye (2017) and Campa & Donnelly (2016). MethodologyThis research employed a quantitative approach to examine the effect of changes in accounting methods on the quality of financial reporting. Initially, data was gathered using the current numbers of the financial statements of selected banks. Subsequently, the loan loss reserve calculation method was altered, and the research data was re-estimated using the new accounting method, aided by a transition matrix and the IFRS 9 formula. The research hypothesis was then tested using both datasets. The sample comprised data from 17 Iranian banks spanning the years 2017 to 2021. This data was collected using the Rahavard Novin database, the banks' financial statements, and analyzed using SPSS version 27 and EViews version 10 software, employing the least squares regression method. ResultsThe research findings reveal a significant negative relationship (at a significance level of 0.000) between the financial reporting system and discretionary accruals. This outcome suggests that a change in the method of calculating bank loan loss reserves, coupled with the adoption of a new method, leads to a decrease in discretionary accruals and in banks' earnings management practices. Additionally, the research indicates that the relationship between discretionary accruals and cash flow from operating activities, banks' profitability, and financial leverage is significantly negative. In contrast, the relationship between discretionary accruals and bank size is positive and significant. However, there appears to be no significant relationship between growth rate and asset turnover with discretionary accruals at the 5% significance level. DiscussionThe results of this research show that adopting the expected loss method, as opposed to the current method used in Iranian banks for calculating loan loss reserves, enhances the transparency of bank information and improves the quality of financial reporting. By reducing discretionary accruals, the new reporting system encourages banks to utilize fewer accruals, likely leading to a decrease in the use of profit management methods. Consequently, the adoption of IFRS in Iranian banks positively impacts the industry and its stakeholders. Furthermore, the research reveals that larger banks tend to employ discretionary accruals and engage in profit management more than smaller banks, a phenomenon potentially explained by the "political cost theory". ConclusionThe relationship between the quality of financial reporting and changes in bank loan loss reserves is positive and significant. Thus, the research hypothesis is confirmed, supporting the perspective of the first group (as discussed in the Literature Review section) in the context of Iranian banks. Based on these findings, it is recommended that the central bank mandate banks to disclose their reserves using the expected credit loss method as an initial step. Subsequently, banks whose reserves significantly deviate from the amounts calculated according to IFRS standards should be compelled to adjust their reserves over several years. This gradual approach aims to align the current reserves more closely with those calculated using the expected credit loss method.
Accounting tools
Javad Shekakhah; Iraj Asghari
This article deals with modeling the long-term performance of IPOs in the Tehran Stock Exchange and OTC. Due to the difficulty of determining the definition of the long-term period, modeling was initially conducted for 12 periods. These periods ranged from 3 to 36 months. The purpose of this modeling ...
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This article deals with modeling the long-term performance of IPOs in the Tehran Stock Exchange and OTC. Due to the difficulty of determining the definition of the long-term period, modeling was initially conducted for 12 periods. These periods ranged from 3 to 36 months. The purpose of this modeling was to analyze and compare the results and identify the most suitable periods for explaining the long-term performance of IPOs. Modeling has been conducted at the portfolio level using a Stepwise approach. For this purpose, the monthly time series was formed, and data from 236 IPOs in the Tehran Stock Exchange and OTC markets from 2009 to 2022 have been analyzed. The results showed that the return of the portfolios formed from initial offerings could be explained at a satisfactory level. While the primary factor in explaining the long-term performance of IPOs is market return, the profitability, and its distribution also play a significant role. Finally, the most suitable periods for use as the definition of the long-term period are 12, 21, and 27 months.IntroductionThe long-term performance of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) has always been disputed by researchers. The inherent challenges of conducting long-term research and the complexities associated with Initial Public Offerings have led researchers to use different methods resulting in inconsistent findings.A prevalent approach in studying long-term IPOs is the use of “factor models” to identify the factors influencing IPO portfolio performance. However, the literature has presented and utilized several factor models. Examples of these models include Fama and French (1993), Carhart (2004), Fama and French (2015), and Ho et al. (2015). Despite some similarities, each of these models employs different factors and variables to explain IPO performance. In recent years, many researchers have criticized the use of these common models in their respective countries, citing reasons such as ineffectiveness of these models. These researchers argue that neglecting the socio-economic context of societies can lead to misinterpretation of return and yield inappropriate results for decision-makers. Consequently, each society should develop and employ its own models. Considering these issues, this research aims to provide models that explain the long-term performance of Iranian IPOs. Specifically, by testing various factors and variables, this study identifies the most effective models for explaining the long-term performance of IPOs in Iran.MethodologyIn this research, a stepwise approach was employed. Monthly data of 236 IPOs between 2009 and 2022 were utilized to construct relevant time series, and the returns of the IPO portfolios were analyzed with respect to potential factors that explain the return. To determine the initial set of variables, a systematic review approach was adopted. Due to the high correlation and multiple proxies for the liquidity factor, the liquidity variables were first reduced to three factors using principal component analysis. In total, 19 different factors and variables were included in the analysis.Given the lack of consensus among researchers regarding the definition of the long-term period, the modeling process in this research considered 12 different periods ranging from 3 to 36 months with a three-month increment. The selection of appropriate models was based on the criteria of accuracy and quality forecast, specifically Theil’s (1975) criterion. Three models that nest met these criteria were chosen, and the corresponding portfolio periods were identified as the defining terms for the long-term period. The validation of the selected models was performed by comparing their adjusted R2 values with those of common models found in the literature. Additionally, out-of-sample testing was conducted using 10% of the data to assess the model’s performance.Results and DiscussionThe research findings indicate that the models developed in this study exhibit a strong explanatory power, accounting for approximately 80% of the variations in the returns of IPO portfolios. Among the different portfolio periods considered, the models constructed using 12, 21, and 27-month portfolios demonstrated superior accuracy and forecast quality according to Theil’s (1975) criteria. As a result, these specific periods were identified as the most suitable definitions for the long-term period in this context. The significant variables identified in the models include market return, profitability, size, and dividend. Although the models generally incorporate a set of relatively common variables, the specific model associated with each defined period can be employed to achieve better results, taking into account the specific characteristics of the long-term period under consideration. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the intercept of the designed models, as well as the intercepts of the common models found in the literature, were found to lack statistical significance.ConclusionBased on the analysis conducted in the research, it can be concluded that utilizing native models specifically designed for IPOs provides a suitable explanation for their long-term performance. The primary factor in explaining the long-term performance of IPOs is found to be the market return. This suggests that the performance of initial offerings is primarily influenced by the overall market conditions, while other variables, such as profitability help modulate this effect. Additionally, the non-significance intercept in the models indicates that there is no evidence of long-term under or over-performance of IPOs in Tehran's financial markets. The superiority of the designed models compared to other common models is evident primarily in the 12-month period. While the performance of the models in other periods depends on the specific model employed.
Seyyed Morteza Mortazavi; Javad Shekarkhah; Jafar Babajani
A system of effective internal controls is a foundation for the safe and sound operation of banks and helps management to safeguard bank's resources and interests. Since improving performance of internal control system requires recognizing its current status, in this study, an attempt has been made to ...
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A system of effective internal controls is a foundation for the safe and sound operation of banks and helps management to safeguard bank's resources and interests. Since improving performance of internal control system requires recognizing its current status, in this study, an attempt has been made to evaluate the current status of establishment of internal control system in Iranian banks. For this purpose, through the designed questionnaire, experts have been asked to evaluate the current status of effective indicators in establishing internal control system of banks, taking into account the importance of these indicators. Received answers were analyzed using fuzzy delphi method, fuzzy gap analysis, importance-performance analysis and paired sample test. According to experts, the current status of all effective indicators in the establishment of the internal control system of banks was assessed as unfavorable. Findings from fuzzy gap analysis also indicate that except for 3 indicators, there is a significant gap between the current status (what is) and the desired status (what should be) of indicators. Also, according to the findings of importance-performance analysis, out of 119 indicators studied, 113 indicators do not have acceptable performance despite their high importance. In addition, based on the results of the paired sample test, it can be concluded that there is a significant gap between current status and desired status of effective indicators in establishing the five dimensions of the internal control system of banks: control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication and monitoring activities.
Javad Shekarkhah; fereshteh ahmadi pak; Isaac Behshour
This research aims to investigate the role of independent auditors and audit committees (AC) in mitigating the fraud risks. Prior studies have showed that all auditors or audit committees are not equally adept at identifying and reducing fraud risks by using non-financial measures (NFMs). This study’s ...
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This research aims to investigate the role of independent auditors and audit committees (AC) in mitigating the fraud risks. Prior studies have showed that all auditors or audit committees are not equally adept at identifying and reducing fraud risks by using non-financial measures (NFMs). This study’s research population covers the corporates listed on Tehran Security Exchange in 2014-2018. Hypotheses were tested using logistic regressions. Findings indicate some significantly negative relationships between auditor efforts, auditor tenure, AC chairs, auditor and AC chair expertise with fraud risks. Also, no significant relationship was found between expertise of AC chairs and fraud risk likelihood. The results indicate that audit processes can mitigate fraud risks, however, not all types of AC expertise can be helpful.
Javad Shekarkhah; seyyed hamid tamandeh
Cognition and awareness of the firms' capital structure is important for potential shareholders and investors, and information on capital structure is used by creditors. The financing decisions of many firms depend on the market value of the stock. firms are issued when stocks are high and when they ...
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Cognition and awareness of the firms' capital structure is important for potential shareholders and investors, and information on capital structure is used by creditors. The financing decisions of many firms depend on the market value of the stock. firms are issued when stocks are high and when they are redeemed when stocks are low, the reason for this action is obtaining more finance. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of market past values on investment decisions and Cumulative leverage changes of firms from the perspective of market timing theory.In this study, using financial information of 134 companies listed on Tehran Stock Exchange over the period of 2012-2018 and using generalized least square (GLS) regression analysis, the market timing theory was tested with growth opportunities and leverage changes of companies. Results of the study suggest that in a 95% certainty level, the first hypothesis was confirmed i.e. past market values have positive and significant impact on investment decisions. Also, the second hypothesis was confirmed i.e. past market values have negative and significant impact on Cumulative leverage changes. These observations confirm the market timing theory, that is, companies’ growth opportunities are controlled via the ratio, and leverage has a negative relationship with the ratio. Also variables of ratio of fixed assets and size of company have a significant and negative impact on investment decisions, while profitability, leverage, market value to liquidity ratio and liquidity have positive and significant effect on investment decisions. Finally, profitability and the ratio of total liabilities to total assets have a significant negative effect on the cumulative leverage changes.
Javad Shekarkhah; Ghasem Bolu; Mohammad Haghighat
In capital assets pricing model (CAPM) frame, the all effective factors in expected return, are summarized in Beta. As many assumptions in this model are not real, it necessitates the development of new models, and each one of them in its own part caused a new deficiency in mentioned assumptions. In ...
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In capital assets pricing model (CAPM) frame, the all effective factors in expected return, are summarized in Beta. As many assumptions in this model are not real, it necessitates the development of new models, and each one of them in its own part caused a new deficiency in mentioned assumptions. In CAPM the assumptions are based on the fact that distribution of returns is normal and all investors are risk averse. However, distribution of returns is not always normal and often there is a significant difference between normal distributions. Mean-variance can be the best method for decision making. If distribution of returns is not normal, then mean-variances generalization is not working. Existence of representative problems, valid or limited debts, correlation between volatility and pricing, and compound returns are factors lid to asymmetry in portfolio returns. As a result, this paper by using cross sectional data and based on Fama-Mac Beth model is analyzing the effect of higher moments on future stock return. In this paper, because of applied target as descriptive research there is a correlation which the effect of skewness and kurtosis of equity return distribution and nonsystematic volatility on future stock return is examined by three different hypothesis. In order to accomplish this paper, a sample of 76 firms participating in Tehran exchange stock between 1389 to 1393 as systematically elimination is selected. As a result of this research, skewness coefficient is effective on future stock return and has a negative relationship with it. On the other hand, whatever the skewness of distribution is negative, then the future stock return is going up. And also there is a positive effect between nonsystematic volatility of equity return and future’s return. On other word, investor by increasing nonsystematic volatility and accepting higher risks, expects higher return in the future
Javad Shekarkhah Shekarkhah; Keivan Ghasedi Dizaji
In this study we evaluate the effects of macroeconomic factors on managements financing decision. Inflation rate, exchange rate, economic growth, interest rate and the amount of bank credits are considered as proxies of macroeconomic factors, furthermore the ratio of debt to equity ...
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In this study we evaluate the effects of macroeconomic factors on managements financing decision. Inflation rate, exchange rate, economic growth, interest rate and the amount of bank credits are considered as proxies of macroeconomic factors, furthermore the ratio of debt to equity is appointed as the proxy of managements financing decision. We gather the required data from published information by listed companies in Tehran stock exchange during the period of 1375 to 1390. In order to analyze the data we apply multiple variableregressions based on panel data. Our results show that inflation rate, economic growth rate and interest rate have significant negative relation with managements financing decision. In contrast, our findings show that exchange rate and amount of bank credits have no significant relation with managements financing decision.