Financial Accounting
Mohammad Arabmazar Yazdi; Vahid Mennati; Javad Roshanzamir
Financial statement comparability improves the quality of financial information and the information environment, and enabling users to identify similarities and differences between different companies, and evaluating the performance of managers and supervising them. So, it is expected that increasing ...
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Financial statement comparability improves the quality of financial information and the information environment, and enabling users to identify similarities and differences between different companies, and evaluating the performance of managers and supervising them. So, it is expected that increasing the comparability of financial statements will limit the opportunism of managers. In this regard, in this study, the relationship between comparability of companies and debt maturity has been investigated. The data of the present study were collected using the financial information of 125 companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange in the period 2013 to 2019 (882 observation). To analyze the data, a multivariate linear regression model of the generalized least squares type by utilizing combined data was used. The results showed that there is a negative and significant relationship between the comparability of financial statements and the maturity of the company's debt. Therefore, it can be concluded that the Financial statement comparability plays an important role in aligning incentives in the company and by reducing information asymmetry and potential agency costs, can substitute for the use of short-term debt by serving as a corporate governance mechanism.
Vahid Mennati; Okhtharoon Alipour
Objectivity is one of the four fundamental principles of internal auditors Code of Ethics. In 2010, The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) introduced the Value Proposition and objectivity is one of the three core elements of it. Also, according to Auditing Standard No. 610, objectivity is one of the ...
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Objectivity is one of the four fundamental principles of internal auditors Code of Ethics. In 2010, The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) introduced the Value Proposition and objectivity is one of the three core elements of it. Also, according to Auditing Standard No. 610, objectivity is one of the main components of internal auditing. Use of internal Audit Function (IAF) as a Management Training Ground (MTG) is in companies that internal auditors are promoted to executive positions. This can impair their objectivity and affect the reliance of independent auditors on their work. So the purpose of this study is to investigate the level of the External Auditor’s Reliance Decision on the Internal Auditors Function as a MTG. The purpose of this study is to investigate the reliance of external auditors on the work of internal auditors according to the strategy of MTG. Participants of this study are External auditors including partners, managers, senior supervisors, and senior auditors of Iranian audit firms. In this survey, 100 questionnaires were collected. The results of the study show that external auditors perceive internal auditors employed in an IAF used as a MTG to be less objective. The results also showed that external auditors perceive the competence and due professional care of IAFs used as a MTG less than other IAFs.
Mohammad Reza Nikbakht; Zabihollah Rezaee; Vahid Mennati
The modern internal auditing has recently been considered in Iran. Therefore, many of its aspects, including internal audit quality(IAQ) and Internal audit quality improvement strategies(IAQIS), have not been clarified yet. Also, limited areas of IAQ have been considered in previous research. In order ...
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The modern internal auditing has recently been considered in Iran. Therefore, many of its aspects, including internal audit quality(IAQ) and Internal audit quality improvement strategies(IAQIS), have not been clarified yet. Also, limited areas of IAQ have been considered in previous research. In order to explain and describe the various aspects of IAQ and IAQIS, we have interviewed internal audit stakeholders. So, by using the qualitative approach and grounded theory, internal audit stakeholders (user, executive, regulators and standard setter) were studied for the first time in Iran. In this regard, 33 people were interviewed from late 2016 to early 2017. In addition, in this regard, 30 papers and seminars which published in Iranian professional magazines that reflect the viewpoints of the above-mentioned stakeholders were also used. The data were analyzed by using the open coding, axial coding & selective coding approach that is specific to the grounded theory and major categories, categories, and subcategories (concepts) were extracted. Using a system model approach that includes inputs, process, outputs, outcomes and contextual factors, the IAQIS model was designed. The model incorporates multidimensional of IAQIS. Strategies include inputs, performance, outputs, and contextual factors which are affecting IAQ. Due to the gradual expansion of the modern internal auditing in Iran in recent years, to achieve and improve IAQ, these multidimensional strategies can apply in engagement level, internal audit function level, firm level and national level.
Bita Mashayekhi; Vahid Mennati
Volume 10, Issue 40 , January 2014, , Pages 101-124
In this study we investigate the relationship between earnings volatility and earnings predictability (short and long-term), in addition we investigate information content of earnings volatility. Our framework is based on Dichev and Tang (2009). There is a belief that higher earnings volatility indicates ...
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In this study we investigate the relationship between earnings volatility and earnings predictability (short and long-term), in addition we investigate information content of earnings volatility. Our framework is based on Dichev and Tang (2009). There is a belief that higher earnings volatility indicates lower earnings predictability. So according to their framework, financial information of the 400 companies listed in the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) from 2002 to 2012 were investigated. Although the predictability trend is not to be strict lower, But the results of this section suggest that earning volatility reduces the predictability of earnings. Moreover, the strength of long-term predictability is reduced. Additionally the loss company (Based on the theoretical framework that losses causes earnings volatility.) excluded and the tests were repeated but similar results were obtained. In the second section of the paper the relationship between the market reaction and earnings volatility was examined. Evidence suggests that the market will demand a higher return for companies with high volatility (higher risk).