Ali Saghafi; Mozaffar Jamalian Pour
Classification shifting announced as new tools for earning management and become new subject for accounting research. In this article, we explore how classification shifting must measure and probe position of this tools in listed companies at Iranian stock exchange. For this purpose we gather data for ...
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Classification shifting announced as new tools for earning management and become new subject for accounting research. In this article, we explore how classification shifting must measure and probe position of this tools in listed companies at Iranian stock exchange. For this purpose we gather data for firms from 2002 to 2014. Research results show that companies used classification shifting as a tools for managing earning. Also, research explore that this tools use in trade off position from other common earning management tools. In fact firms used in order real management, accrual management and lastly classification shifting. In addition, results show that financial crisis is important factor for using this tools
Ali Saghafi; Ghasem Blue; Narges Rezapour
Volume 14, Issue 53 , April 2017, , Pages 9-44
The importance of human capital (HC) is a broadly accepted concept and human capital financial reporting as the traditional concept of "human resource accounting", has a long history. However, human capital financialreporting is still an unresolved problem in reporting which makes the investigation ...
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The importance of human capital (HC) is a broadly accepted concept and human capital financial reporting as the traditional concept of "human resource accounting", has a long history. However, human capital financialreporting is still an unresolved problem in reporting which makes the investigation of human capital reporting quality an important issue. The research provides evidence on the value relevance and information contentof "Capital-Based Human Capital Financial Reporting Model". For this purpose, we utilized the value relevance models as an experimental framework. Using cluster sampling, we chose and examined 22 corporations,from 2011 to 2015. We utilized OLS to test our research hypothesis. The results indicated that capital-based model is relevant for measuring and reporting Iranian corporations' HC. After verifying the relevancecharacteristic using a quasi-experimental method, the information content of the model was examined by applying four-group experimental design with pretest and posttest at a higher level. The results of this experiment performed in controlled conditions and with the help of graduate accounting students of Allameh Tabataba'i University revealed that there are no significant difference between experimental and control groups' responses, and therefore there is no additional information content
Ali Saghafi; Ghasem Blue
The significance and critical role of human capital (HC) is broadly accepted. Human capital financial reporting as the classic "human resource accounting", has a long history. As a result, many methods have been proposed for HC measuring and reporting. Given that the HC financial reporting is still an ...
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The significance and critical role of human capital (HC) is broadly accepted. Human capital financial reporting as the classic "human resource accounting", has a long history. As a result, many methods have been proposed for HC measuring and reporting. Given that the HC financial reporting is still an unsolved problem, it is important to evaluate the quality of HC measurement and reporting models. The research offers evidences about the relevance and information content of "Capital-Based Human Capital Financial Reporting Model". For this purpose, we utilized the value relevance models as an experimental framework. Using cluster sampling, we chose and examined 22 corporations, from 2011 to 2015. We utilized OLS to test our research hypothesis. The results indicate that capital-based model is relevant for measuring and reporting Iranian corporations' HC. After verifying the relevance characteristic using a quasi-experimental method, at a higher level, information content of the model was examined by applying four-group experimental design with pretest and posttest. The results of this experiment, performed in controlled conditions and with the help of graduate accounting students of Allameh Tabatabai University, show no significant difference between experimental and control groups' responses, and therefore no additional information content.
Ali Saghafi; Abdol Hossein Talebi Najafabadi
Diffusion of corporate governance mechanisms leads to stabilize the financial markets, and economic growth and helps to companies to have a proper implementation of corporate governance in competition. Because proper implementation these mechanisms express of necessary motivation for managers to arrive ...
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Diffusion of corporate governance mechanisms leads to stabilize the financial markets, and economic growth and helps to companies to have a proper implementation of corporate governance in competition. Because proper implementation these mechanisms express of necessary motivation for managers to arrive to determinate goods, corporate proper value and also stockholders efficiency supervision, this approach leads to trust creation in investors. That this make success initial public offering stocks in corporate specially governmental corporate. of company in addition to the way of supervision on the efficiency of stockholders. In this research examining influence of above mechanisms on corporate value as a one of dimension of turn over in124 governmental and nongovernmental corporate that they have been initial offering in 2003-2013 time series in the Tehran stock exchange. research results indicate that opposite to the discussed theories, there is no significant relation between principle of corporate sovereignty including the establishing an audit committee, breakdown the role of managing director from chairman of the board direct and the size of managing board with the value (performance) of initial offering company. It seems Tehran stock exchange space is not that, the competition in the environment of competition enough and mainly audit committee’s structure have problems and managers have dominance on they and authorities that exist in charter of the audit committees are action unenforceable.
A. Saghafi; M. Marfou
Volume 8, Issue 29 , April 2010, , Pages 1-37
Based on prior research conducted in different countries, the quality of information provided by the accounting system could affect the stock liquidity risk. In general terms, higher quality of information causes lower liquidity risk.
This paper clarifies the relationship between earnings quality and ...
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Based on prior research conducted in different countries, the quality of information provided by the accounting system could affect the stock liquidity risk. In general terms, higher quality of information causes lower liquidity risk.
This paper clarifies the relationship between earnings quality and stock liquidity risk. Selected earnings quality criteria are including relevance, reliability, persistency and smoothness of accounting earnings.
Period of six years from the beginning of 1383 (2004) till the end of 1388 (2009) is applied and the sample includes 62 companies among listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange. Multivariate regressions for statistical analysis coupled with eight control variables (size, ratio of book to market value, the institutional investors' ownership percentage, stock returns, stock volatility and triple risk coefficients Fama - French model) is used in the models. Findings has shown that there is significant relationship between relevance, reliability and smoothness of reported accounting earnings with stock liquidity risk, and higher quality of reported earnings causes lower liquidity risk.
Therefore, it can be argued that the quality of disclosed accounting information has a role in the reduction of stock liquidity risk.
ali saghfi
A. Saghfi; R. Baghomian
Volume 7, Issue 25 , April 2009, , Pages 1-52
In response to growing concerns about the usefulness of current financial reporting, several studies have investigated changes in the value relevance of accounting information during the last few decades. In addition to lacking a consensus on whether there has been a decline in value relevance, a major ...
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In response to growing concerns about the usefulness of current financial reporting, several studies have investigated changes in the value relevance of accounting information during the last few decades. In addition to lacking a consensus on whether there has been a decline in value relevance, a major concern over this literature relates to the appropriateness of the conventional method for measuring relevance based on the market price variable association. Motivated by growing evidence in the behavioral finance literature that market prices deviate from their underlying fundamental values, and by using of residual income valuation model, this study argues, and demonstrates empirically, that the documented decline in value relevance, is the outcome of two effects, not one effect as previously interpreted. The first one is the accounting measurement effect, reflecting a failure in current financial reporting to (fully) capture the underlying economic value of the firm, resulting in a genuine decline in value relevance. The second is the investor behavior effect caused by growing influence of non-fundamental factors in investor pricing decisions, which results in an artificial decline in value relevance. Results show that, based on the conventional method, there has been a decline in the value relevance of accounting information of companies listed on Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) during the period between 1378 and 1387. As hypothesized, the documented decline in value relevance is not solely the outcome of financial reporting becoming less relevant (the accounting measurement effect), but is similarly caused by growing speculation in investor behavior as evident in the increasing extent of non-fundamental values in market prices (the investor behavior effect). An additional analysis of value relevance based. on the association between financial variables and estimated fundamental values indicates no decline in financial information value relevance during this period and shows that the documented decline in value relevance is driven mostly by increasing investor speculation that is not attributable to changes in fundamental values.
Ali Saghafi; Mehdi Sadidi
Volume 5, Issue 18 , July 2007, , Pages 1-24
Economic decision-making needs information; lack of information results ambiguity of decision. Financial reports provide most of the information needed in process of decision-making (D-M). Previous researches indicate that the accounting earning (AE) is the sole and the most used item of accounting information ...
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Economic decision-making needs information; lack of information results ambiguity of decision. Financial reports provide most of the information needed in process of decision-making (D-M). Previous researches indicate that the accounting earning (AE) is the sole and the most used item of accounting information in economic DM, therefore the earning quality (EQ) is very important to investors and creditors.
This research study indicates the effect of accounting conservatism to the earning quality and stock return. The result shows that some of the changes in Return on Asset (ROA) can be using conservatism procedures, which reduce quality of earning.