Jafar Babajani; Javad Ebadi; Nasrin Moradi
Behavioural finance approach gives us the possibility that in addition to the traditional concept of finance, human behaviour and psychological factors also result in variances in stock prices. In fact, this paper uses behavioural approach to transparency and understanding the impact of accidental and ...
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Behavioural finance approach gives us the possibility that in addition to the traditional concept of finance, human behaviour and psychological factors also result in variances in stock prices. In fact, this paper uses behavioural approach to transparency and understanding the impact of accidental and non-rational factors such as emotions on decision making process, to help decision makers.The research tries to answer these questions: Do mutual funds active in the Tehran Stock Exchange act according to herding behaviour? If they do, what kind of stocks (growth or value) and what kind of companies stock (in term of size, large or small) are the target of these acts? The hypotheses are as follows:− Mutual fund joint venture between herding behaviour exists in the Tehran Stock Exchange.− Herding behaviour of mutual fund is more common on smaller companies.− Herding behaviour of mutual fund shares on further growth.− Herding behaviour of mutual fund when purchasing less than sales growth is in stock.Herding behaviour of mutual fund when purchasing more than sales degrade is in stock
Jafar Babajani; Mohammad Javad Moradmand
Volume 5, Issue 17 , April 2007, , Pages 105-128
In this research the function of the enforcement 272 clause of the direct taxes law by the CPAs for the examination of the existing meaningful difference between the recognized income taxable by the officers of the fiscal affair organization and the ...
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In this research the function of the enforcement 272 clause of the direct taxes law by the CPAs for the examination of the existing meaningful difference between the recognized income taxable by the officers of the fiscal affair organization and the recognized income taxable by the CPAs, has been evaluated.
This subject has been examined by the abstract information from the fiscal files related to 462 companies which have been the taxpayer of the inland revenue, for the function of the years of 1 381 to 1383.
The research hypothesis has been examined by the assumption of test concerning to average society.
The results of the research are demonstrative of the existing meaningful difference between the recognized taxable income by the officers of the fiscal affair organization and the recognized taxable income by the CPAs.
This is whereas the results of the test is related solely to the companies which there is a difference between the taxable income of the above-mentioned groups and there are many companies too, which their recognized taxable income by the CPAs has been accepted by the fiscal affair organization.
Jafar Babajani; Hossain Dehghan
Volume 3, Issue 12 , January 2006, , Pages 1-26
In the democratic society, governments are elected by vote of citizens and power ultimately rests in the hands of the citizenry. In such society, government accountability is based on the belief that the citizenry" has right to know "and government must declare facts openly and communicate it by appropriate ...
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In the democratic society, governments are elected by vote of citizens and power ultimately rests in the hands of the citizenry. In such society, government accountability is based on the belief that the citizenry" has right to know "and government must declare facts openly and communicate it by appropriate means. After the past two decades of 20th century governmental accounting and financial reporting play a major role in fulfilling government's duty to be publicly accountable in a democratic society.
This paper examine the role of expected accountability - based accounting and financial reporting as a tool to assist in fulfilling government's duty to be publicly accountable and enable members of parliament to assess that accountability .We send 180 questionnaires to members of parliament as well as comptroller general senior auditors as accountee and 180 to chief executives as well as chief financial officers of ministries as accounters.
The findings of this study show that all accountors and accountees believe expected accountability -based accounting and financial reporting play the significant role in fulfilling government to be publicly accountable and assist parliament and comptroller general to assess government accountability.
Jafar Babajani
Volume 3, Issue 10 , July 2005, , Pages 29-72
The main purpose 'of this article is to present new and modem tax accounting system that is designed for state tax affairs organization. An organization's operating environment necessarily influences its financial accounting and reporting system. Understanding the fundamental nature of state tax organization ...
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The main purpose 'of this article is to present new and modem tax accounting system that is designed for state tax affairs organization. An organization's operating environment necessarily influences its financial accounting and reporting system. Understanding the fundamental nature of state tax organization as well significant characteristics of its environment was essential for designing a new and more informative tax accounting system. For this reason, the subject has been fully researched by a study group under conducting of the author of this article as the system designer. .
Two significant characteristics of environment were identified in the process of state tax system. First, the taxation process interval that is long and time-consuming. Second, the nature of state tax revenues that is not eligible for using modified accrual basis of accounting became neither measurable nor available. These characteristics of environment highlight the need for providing information of state tax process; in order to provide this kind of information, state tax process was divided into two separated processes namely administration and financial process. The administration process begins at point of submitting tax return and finished at the time of tax payment. The financial process begins with receiving money and sending it to treasury.
The new model of tax accounting system was designed based on fund theory and defined each stage of administration and financial processes as an individual accounting entity by using account group or fund, respectively. In this model of accounting also, accrual basis mechanism is used for recognizing tax receivables and cash basis is used for realizing tax revenues at the time of receiving taxes.
Jafar Babajani
Volume 2, Issue 8 , January 2005, , Pages 29-53
In the middle of year l 383, universities and research institutions of Iran regained their independence. According to article 49 of the forth plan act, the financial and administration affairs of universities will be directed by approved boards of trustee's regulations , starting at ...
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In the middle of year l 383, universities and research institutions of Iran regained their independence. According to article 49 of the forth plan act, the financial and administration affairs of universities will be directed by approved boards of trustee's regulations , starting at the beginning of year 1384. These legal facilities provide the best opportunity for chief executives of universities and research institutions in order to change old financial and administration systems and establish the new structures. As a matter of fact, the big challenge that universities’ managers are facing during this time, is to find ways to accommodate and exploit changes. The concepts of empowerment and innovation summarize many of the current ways management is doing this. Empowerment involves requiring all staff to make decisions that will produce desired results. Innovation involves encouraging staff to continuously improve products and services and reduce their cost. Empowerment and innovation emphasize mainly obtaining results and often reducing controls. In short, if universities use all aspects of these legal facilities and solve their problems, we can consider it as an opportunity, otherwise it is assumed to be a threat.
Jafar Babajani
Volume 2, Issue 6 , July 2004, , Pages 27-54
In a democratic society, Power ultimately rests in the hands of the citizen ry. The citizens delegate that power to public officials through the election process.In such society accountability requires government to answer the citizenry - to justify the raising of public resources and the purposes of ...
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In a democratic society, Power ultimately rests in the hands of the citizen ry. The citizens delegate that power to public officials through the election process.In such society accountability requires government to answer the citizenry - to justify the raising of public resources and the purposes of which they are used.Govern mental accountability is based on the belief that the citizenry has a " right to know", a right to receive only declared facts that may lead to public debate by the citizens and their elected representatives. Accounting and financial reporting plays a major role in fulfilling government's duty to be publicly accountable in the democratic society (GASB, 1993).
The main purpose of this research is assessing accountability of governmental accounting and financial reporting system of Islamic Republic of Iran. In accordance to that purpose this research 1s divided to three stages as described below:
Review and study governmental accounting and financial reporting conceptual framework and principles in order to determine key elements which affect the level of governmental accounting and financial reporting’s accountability
Obtaining the opinion of accounting and auditing experts and university lecturers about key elements of accounting and financial reporting system in order to obtain general agreement of those experts by Delphi survey technique.
Comparing characteristics of Islamic Republic government financial reporting system, with those selected criterion in order to assess accountability of Iran financial reporting system.
The results of those three stages of research, shows that Iran 's Islamic Republic government reporting system has major deficiencies in fulfilling government accountability in the field of budgetary control, recognition of actual revenues and expenditures, general long term debts, capital asset , financial position and results of operations on the comprehensive annual financial report.
Finally, researcher has made some recommendation in order to improve major deficiencies of governmental accounting and reporting system.
J Babajani; Amir Poorianasab
Volume 1, Issue 3 , October 2003, , Pages 155-171
A conceptual framework of accounting can be decision based or accountability based. The choice critically affects the resulting framework.
A framework that is decision based is centered on the decision maker, namely, the user of accounting information. Suppliers of accounting information might as well ...
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A conceptual framework of accounting can be decision based or accountability based. The choice critically affects the resulting framework.
A framework that is decision based is centered on the decision maker, namely, the user of accounting information. Suppliers of accounting information might as well be inanimate objects since their interest in the now of information is not considered in this type of frameworks.
A framework built on the accountability relation, on the other hand, focuses on the relation between the accountor, the supplier of the accounting information, and the accountee, the user of the accounting information.
In a decision-based framework, the objective of accounting is to provide information useful for economic decisions. It does not matter what the information is about. More information is always preferred to less as long as it is cost effective. Subjective information is welcome as long as it is useful to the decision maker.
In an accountability-based framework, the objective of accounting is to provide a fair system of information now between the accountor and the accountee. It is built upon the accountability relationship between the two parties. Based on the underlying accountability relation, the accountee has a certain right to know, at the same time, the accountor has a right to protect privacy. More information about the accountor is not necessarily better. It is perhaps better from the standpoint of the accountee the not necessarily from the overall accountability relation. Subjective information can seriously damage the interest of the accountor, even if it is highly useful to the accountee.
Most conceptual frameworks seem to be decision based. They are unidirectional- oriented solely toward user. A conceptual framework that is accountability based must weigh the interest of the two sides; it is bidirectional.
G Babajani; D Foroghi
Volume 1, Issue 2 , July 2003, , Pages 39-60
Social Accounting and corporate social reporting nowadays are considered as one of the important approaches of accounting. In developed and some less developed countries, several studies have been made in relation with this aspect of accounting. In our country, Iran, no scientific study related to corporate ...
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Social Accounting and corporate social reporting nowadays are considered as one of the important approaches of accounting. In developed and some less developed countries, several studies have been made in relation with this aspect of accounting. In our country, Iran, no scientific study related to corporate social reporting in order to establish conceptual framework of this part of accounting have been done so far. This research is an attempt to obtain those mentioned goals. In this research, according to results of Delphi survey, eight important and major factors were recognized as acceptable criteria for promotion of level of social accountability of Iranian enterprises accounting and financial reporting system. Comparing accepted criteria with characteristics of Iranian enterprises accounting and financial reporting system by Delphi group, determined that the above mentioned system lacks expected capability for social accountability.