Aso Bahrami; Iraj Noravesh; abbas Raad; ata mohamadi molqarani
The overall purpose of publishing financial statements is to provide information about financial status, performance results, and cash flows to stakeholders. Users' trust, especially investors, shareholders, and creditors, with the information in these statements is an incentive that leads one to fraud ...
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The overall purpose of publishing financial statements is to provide information about financial status, performance results, and cash flows to stakeholders. Users' trust, especially investors, shareholders, and creditors, with the information in these statements is an incentive that leads one to fraud in financial reporting. The purpose of present research is to predict fraud in fraudulent financial statements fraud. This triangle is based on the assumption that one is motivated to commit fraud when there are three elements of fraud. These three elements are 1. some perceived motivations for fraud, 2. some opportunities for fraud, and 3. methods of reasoning that fraud does not harm the value of the perpetrator (Cressey, 1973). In this study, the dependent variable of financial statement fraud is used by the researcher as a substitute for earnings management (profit). Independent variables include the pressure of financial stability, the greed of the perpetrator, ineffective supervision, effective supervision, the pressure of external expectations, and predicted financial goals. The statistical population of the study is listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange and the statistical sample of 98 companies is selected through systematic elimination method during the years 2012 - 2018. The results of testing the research hypotheses using multivariate regression model and panel data model showed that the pressure of financial stability has a significant relationship with financial statements Fraud.
Iraj Noravesh; Mehdi Heidari
Volume 2, Issue 8 , January 2005, , Pages 121-151
In order to examine information content of three performance measures of CVA, OP, OCF, we pose two questions as follows:
1. Does Cash Value Added (CVA) explain annual stock return variations better than Operating Profit (OP) and Operating Cash Flow (OCF)?
2. Does Cash Value Added (CVA) have information ...
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In order to examine information content of three performance measures of CVA, OP, OCF, we pose two questions as follows:
1. Does Cash Value Added (CVA) explain annual stock return variations better than Operating Profit (OP) and Operating Cash Flow (OCF)?
2. Does Cash Value Added (CVA) have information content more incrementally than Operating Profit (OP) and Operating Cash Flow (OCF)?
The time period and number of samples respectively is 1378-1382, 110 company in four industry: Nutrition, Chemical, Automobile and nonmetal minerals. Current research hypothesis tested as follows: the hypothesis tested through regressed pooled time series, cross-sectionally for each industry and the selected firms’ totals, that is, computing correlation coefficient and determinant coefficient.
Current research results show:
By the except ion of Chemical and Automobile industries, the existence of significant relation between cash value added and annual stock return in other industries and in level of the selected firms totals verified.
By the exception of Chemical industry, the relative information content
of cash value added (CVA) in other industries, and in level of the selected firms totals much than operating profit(OP) and operating cash flow(OCF) i.
By the exception of Chemical industry, the information content of cash value added (CVA) in other industries, and in level of the selected firms totals relative to operating profit (OP) and operating cash flow(OCF) was incremental.