Shahnaz Mashayekh; Nazanin Bashirimanesh; Seyed Samaneh Shahrokhi
Volume 10, Issue 40 , January 2014, , Pages 77-99
Capital expenditure for the success of the company is valuable and important. Because the state and amount of the expenditure reflects the company's status in the future. Such decisions are often a major financial commitment that related long-term policies and policy of organizations and management decisions ...
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Capital expenditure for the success of the company is valuable and important. Because the state and amount of the expenditure reflects the company's status in the future. Such decisions are often a major financial commitment that related long-term policies and policy of organizations and management decisions about the type and level of earnings management. This study examines the impact of earnings management on firm investment behavior. information quality using earnings management practices are declined. Decisions of enterprise managers based on this information will include important consequences. The period of this study is 2004 to 2012, and the methodology of this study is correlation and multiple regression analysis used panel data method. The findings show that firms with aggressive earnings management increases investment opportunities in future periods. Also, companies with aggressive earnings management practices have higher levels of investment and more using of external financing. The results of this study show, the quality of accounting information for internal decision is important and it is useful for information providers and standard-setting.