Sauber Sheri Anaghiz; Gholam Hossein Assadi Assadi; Mehdi Nikravesh
Management earnings forecast is one of the most important information resources in capital markets. The literature suggests managerial overconfidence is an effecting factors on the earnings forecasts’ accuracy. Because of users' relying to forecasted information, examination of the bias's effects ...
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Management earnings forecast is one of the most important information resources in capital markets. The literature suggests managerial overconfidence is an effecting factors on the earnings forecasts’ accuracy. Because of users' relying to forecasted information, examination of the bias's effects on forecasts' accuracy is important. By using a new managerial overconfidence assessment model and Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) regression analysis, the paper examines this managerial bias’s effect on management earnings forecasts’ error in the firms that have listed at Tehran Securities Exchange (TSE) during the period from year 2007 to year 2016. The results show Chief Executive Officers’ overconfidence has a significant positive effect on earnings forecasts’ error, how overconfident Chief Executive Officers overestimate earnings forecasted above than actual earnings. This finding is consistent with recent researches’ ones and suggests information's users should be aware of Chief Executive Officers' overconfidence's negative effects on reliability of managerial forecasted information.
Gholamhossein Asadi; Mariya Yokhneh Alghiaee
Volume 11, Issue 41 , April 2014, , Pages 83-103
A great change and shift from financial resources to knowledge is being experienced nowadays. Physical and financial assets are essential but not enough to reach organizational goals, instead, knowledge, technological settings, good customer relations, information systems,... those constitute organization’s ...
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A great change and shift from financial resources to knowledge is being experienced nowadays. Physical and financial assets are essential but not enough to reach organizational goals, instead, knowledge, technological settings, good customer relations, information systems,... those constitute organization’s Intellectual Capital, are known as key success factors in information era. It’s believed that intellectual capital, including human capital and structural capital, has important and growing role in firm’s performance and affects on it’s financial achievements. This paper examines the effect of intellectual capital and it’s components on firm’s financial performance. The essential data are taken from 1383 -1388 fiscal years’ annual reports of publicly traded firms listed on the Tehran stock exchange and 816 firm-years are studied. Results of hypotheses testing show that, VAIC has positive effect on the four financial performance indicators. Between VAIC components, capital employed efficiency has the most effect on firms’ financial performance.